
If you make any kind of art and call yourself a "content creator" I will go angry mom on your ass so fast. "Content" is corporate pabulum. You make art. Call yourself an artist, hold your head up high, and don't help bean-counters and empty suits to degrade you. They'll do that on their own.
I'm a discontent creator
I call myself an illustrator because I have been paid honest money to create drawings and paintings to adorn and enhance other creators stories, books, albums, and even a video game. (As for "artist"...maybe. Probably. Depends on the day of the week.)
Mm, you sound like an artist to me.
I have been accused of this! I like being an illustrator because when I promote my work, I'm elevating all the creative people whose work my art adorns. 🙏
As a non-artist, it would never even occur to me that illustrators don’t “count” as artists!
You would be surprised. There are a fair number of "fine artists" who are VERY sniffy about the commercial or (god forbid) the decorative arts. Needless to say, I am *not* one of them.
I took a watercolour class once at our local community art centre and the instructor told me I was making “illustrations” when the class was supposed to be about making art. So apparently there is some kind of difference that seems be about painting mushroom houses vs botanical florals 🤷🏻‍♀️
I'm going full Richard III, bruh. I'm a *discontent* creator.
There is no escape from being an artist. You're stuck here forever.
I can understand that....but I do actually refer to myself as a content creator because I create art in addition to videos and stories, for easy terms.
True. I still use separate terms in ways that most will understand. I could be a YouTuber, or an artist, or a writer in different circumstances or circles, but when encompassing it all it makes sense just to use the content creator moniker for myself.
Art is not content. Content is filler to justify advertizing.
What do you call it if somebody makes briefly entertaining time-expending garbage that *might* qualify as content if it had any intent of being monetized? Sometimes I do actual performance art but my regular shitposting is too worthless both creatively and financially to be art or content.
Nope, sorry, you're still an artist, those are the rules.
What if it's ai voiceover of reddit threads with a stolen minecraft parkour footage
still art, but we're going to have to euthanize you for making it
The most controversial kind of artistry.
this is strangely encouraging self love as someone who chaotically wants to do writing, drawing, and share my insane ideas on here, i wanted to be somewhat of a "content creator" because i don't know how to categorize it lol
I abandoned the soulless word “content” a little while back. Instead, I refer to my creative works as stuff, media, art, etc. And I’ve been somewhat persistent in calling myself an artist for years anyway.
I think a lot about Scorsese talking about how we shouldn't call films "content" and the shit he got for it.
I call myself a 'creative.' Feels like a superhero kind of title~.
Thank you! If I never hear the word “content” again it will be too soon. People say this about their own work! “My content” .. 😱
I'm a creature of chaos, my creativity can't be defined by trendy jargon. And if you ever catch me calling my whimsical art schedule a "content calendar" take me out to the back of the shed
I'm so old, I still remember the days when "content creator" referred to the people who made artisanal Styrofoam peanuts by hand.
It’s funny—in my earlier days as a web developer, I thought of “content” as a very positive word, almost a sacred thing, because that’s what everything we built was *for*. These websites and apps were just vessels for (take your pick) writing, art, music, thoughts and ideas—human connections.
The Internet was supposed to remove barriers and reduce friction to make more time and space for the stuff that we’re actually living for. Making tools like that felt great—and still does, when I actually get to do it. I just failed to anticipate the people for whom Human Stuff™ is an afterthought.
I must push back, at best I consider myself a drawer.
Sounds like something an artist would say.
An artist would be more focused on grander things. As a mate put it "To be an artist is something of a secular sainthood. It implies a sense of connective capacity and ability to manipulate (not in a negative sense) that the people, as a generality, do not have."
Ha! Reminds me of sewer. 🧵🪡
Hi I'm an artist I make stuff for TTRPGs and also I make/paint warhammer
Their self appellation leaves me discontent.
I have this with news. I want information, not content
i'm afraid we talk about content all the time in my courses bc the form doesn't matter, all the advice applies 🫡
I know I was "just a blogger" but way back in the day when I'd go without a post for a few days one close friend would email me and say "Where's my free content?!" She was a writer, was kind enough to consider me one as well, and was making fun of the "content-callers."
I'm clicking the little heart ("like" ❤️) so that I can find this conversation again and continue to follow it. There are some pretty interesting comments and opinions here. I'm not an artist myself, but I'm curious about what all of you think re: "content creator" vs "artist", if that makes sense.
I'm partial to the terms "cartoonist" and "editor," myself.
I do both, some things I make are art. those are the things I care most about. some things I make are derivative of other works (streams and videos, mainly) some things can be slop, as a treat.
What if I just write product reviews in exchange for getting free shit to write reviews of
Then you're a critic. Also a time honored thing to be.