Cristina Paul

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Cristina Paul

dancer. teacher. chingona

she/ her/ ella
Cuz school shootings, a lack of mental health supports, a general lack of resources, class sizes, pay, and overwhelm weren’t of any concern to us before this…
Psst: Project 2025 is terrifying for a lot of reasons but also because on page 5 it calls for teachers and librarians who grant access to books that are maligned as pornography (which just means anything LGBTQ) to be registered as sex offenders. Pass it on.
I ask myself all the time how I and people in my community can make these types of projects unprofitable. What park, library, or free third space can I occupy and enjoy in community instead of $upporting extractive examples of modern decay?
I love asking myself in what ways are you “practicing new, more socially responsible and loving relationships to one another and to the earth”?
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Political violence only counts if it threatens to destabilize the status quo. Political violence against black people, trans people, Palestinians and so on is just business as usual.
1. I’m wondering how teacher activists can create awareness of Project 2025’s most direct impacts on education. Thinking of a “BLOCK, BUILD, BE” framework of activism. We should all be taking to friends, neighbors, families about a reality in which…
Project 2025 is useful mostly in that a key problem Democratic campaigns have historically had is that when you tell people what Republicans actually want to do, they don’t believe you. The evil public list makes it a bit more concrete.
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"The question is, will we care and mourn haplessly, in isolation, as people’s lives, lands, and freedoms are lost, or will we build strong networks of community members who can take bold actions in defense of one another when people are under threat?"
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This is better/more specific context: tl:dr National abortion nonprofits spending less, leaving abortion funds to pick up the slack
More info from my local, the DC Abortion Fund, about why they're cutting back their hours and service area
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Resignees said they experienced "an Admin that has prioritized politics over just & fair policymaking; profit over national security; falsehoods over facts; directives over debate; ideology over experience, and special interest over the equal enforcement of the law"
Exclusive: 12 Biden Administration Resignees Blast 'Intransigent' Gaza Joe Biden "has prioritized politics over just and fair policymaking" on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, former government officials argued in their first joint statement since quitting.
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AI “hallucinates”. Edtech companies “collapse”. Humanizing capitalist projects rather than building teacher capacity & providing tangible resources to children & families w/ district money is inexcusable. No accountability for edtech & district leaders but teachers are a perpetual punching bag.
“ai” edtech company collapses after taking six million dollars from the Los Angeles school district to develop an “educational friend” platform.
A.I. ‘Friend’ for Public School Students Falls Los Angeles schools hired a start-up to build an A.I. chatbot for parents and students. A few months later, the company collapsed.
Teachers who use Learning For Justice - you use SPLC resources. Please write!
have you used SPLC resources in the past? would you like to write to margaret huang or our board to let them know what you think of their layoffs? great news—thanks to SPLC union, you now can! do so here:
Reverse SPLC Layoffs Now! On June 11th, the Southern Poverty Law Center announced layoffs to 25% of their staff including dozens of members of the SPLC Guild. With years of funds in reserve, these layoffs were targeted to try ...
Well I’m sure NO ONE is predicting a harmonious combo of educators practicing malicious compliance and students doing what they’re best at - willful noncompliance & cool handed disinterest.
Oklahoma State Superintendent Ryan Walters issued this memo today requiring teachers in all schools to keep a Bible in their classroom and teach from it as a historical document. (Via KOCO 5 News)
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“History will judge you!” :: “For the unmoved, it seems that it is never the right time to make a fuss—leave it to history to sort what will have been justified. But the future perfect is no place to hide. We cannot borrow from its smug satisfaction, trust that time will do its thing.”
The Right Side of Appeals against the war in Gaza are often framed through the lens of the future: “You will regret having been silent.” What about speaking—and feeling—in the present tense?
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My colleague Sara Estep updated her analysis of how long it would take to drive one way to the nearest abortion clinic that provides abortions at at least 6 weeks of pregnancy. Before Dobbs, the avg driving time was 33 minutes. It’s now 2 hours 12 minutes.
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"U.S. police departments have gotten smaller—and the violent crime rate is still plummeting. So what is going on?" What's ALWAYS gone on. Cops do not stop crime. They never have. Real "tough on crime" measures are well-funded schools, free daycare, and mental health services. Always have been.
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A new documentary called “The Aunties” follows a lesbian couple who are carrying on Harriet Tubman's legacy on the land where she took members of her family out of enslavement.
Meet the Black, Gay Partners Preserving Harriet Tubman’s Ancestral The subjects of “The Aunties,” a forthcoming short film, share their origin story and why we must consider the fullness of the legendary abolitionist’s life.
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if work gave you the day off for juneteenth a cool thing to do is donate your day's wages to an organization or individual that would materially improve the lives of Black people in this country! it's my bday you have to do what i say
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"Within weeks, the nation will deploy 9,000 people to begin restoring landscapes, erecting solar panels, and taking other steps to help guide the country toward a cleaner, greener future...More than 20,000 young people are expected to join during the program’s first year"
The American Climate Corps officially kicks This month, 9,000 people will be deployed to restore landscapes and erect solar panels, helping guide the country toward a greener future.
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It's incredible how the human brain evolved to work in embedded, embodied, extended, & social contexts; thinking with tools, places, and people. Academic testing recruits basically none of that, telling us that the measure of intelligence/proficiency is short & long-term memory!
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I would not have imagined a world where “fighting antisemitism” became a rallying cry of white supremacist Republicans to silence pro-Palestinian protesters (including anti-Zionist Jews), and an alleged reason for authoritarian Democrats to call for a mask ban, but here we are.
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When I was 25 and despairing a mentor mailed a photocopied version of this photo along with a letter to me. I think about this photo regularly. Photo at Kent State, May 4, 1970
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"Why then, do only 69 percent of middle school and 47 percent of high school students have arts education integrated into their studies, a reality that leaves 2 million school-aged kids with no arts instruction whatsoever?"
Schools Are Divesting From Arts Education as COVID-Era Federal Funds We should not have to fight for arts inclusion every single year, says arts educator Jody Drezner Alperin.
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“7th Generation” is a fantastic climate justice learning experience for students. It helps people both think about & FEEL our interconnectedness & the importance of taking action. Highly recommend the pod & episode especially to climate conscious educators.
‎We Are The Great Turning: Ep 7: We Are a Part of a River of Time on Apple ‎Show We Are The Great Turning, Ep Ep 7: We Are a Part of a River of Time - May 30, 2024
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It's a thing called having fun & humor & finding delight in bad things happening to bad people. Trump has wrought devasting harm on the world, the United States, & me, so since I have a sense of humor I employ that to jeer him, though ultimately I seek a world with no jails.
It’s weird to celebrate people going to jail…