Vanity (Alexandrine)

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Vanity (Alexandrine)

industrial/noise as cross radical.
sex, drugs, and ebm.
collection: CROSS RADICAL
album: [coming soon]
i know some guy extremely like this to the point of constant pushback and every time he won’t stop blindly arguing with a woman who objectively knows more than him i must restrain myself from swearing loudly for hours
gotdamn if this isn’t EXACTLY what destroys relationships of every kind between men and women—family, platonic, workplace, romantic no amount of love can withstand being shot down every single time she opens her mouth
all love to those with invisible disabilities this ain’t about you cuz i got one, my left hip joint is fucked and on bad days i can just limp around and on worse days i can hardly move, and half of all days are bad. so if you are in my way in midtown and you don’t have similar GET OUT OF THE WAY
apple forcing“intelligence” into ios yet when they put it into autocorrect it immediately screamed and shit itself and now typing on iphone is a fucking nightmare. it doesn’t even correct swearing properly half the time and that was the touted feature so yeah ai is real and works guys
also justifying not messing with being feminine is mysoginistic like why do terves and a load of transes bleat about womanhood being more than a skirt and eyeliner yes 100% true but why care? bc guys might get a hardon? they’re half chubbed 24/7 literally who gives a shit
telling tgirls “not all women wear makeup” or “some women are masculine”isn’t helpful it’s messed up. exploration and experimentation are the mandatory parts of transition. telling a tgirl fleeing from masculinity that it’s cool actually is just discouraging her from learning!
told my roommates i’d get through season 3 of THE BOYS to watch S4 with them I can’t make it through episode 1 what are these character dynamics the exploding penis guy was so wildly discordant in tone and idk there’s like Serious Human Drama with the 7 even tho they’re barely ppl?
this literally works i did it shit fuckin clears fr
it's so cool how if u hate urself u can just make another self u dont hate
actually could use some mid riffs a little mediocre deathcore would fit the mood
mid riffs? no, midriffs. crop that top baby let’s see that button
transition goals are useless and a waste of time. yesterday i was picking up medication for something gross that i made sure to tell everyone i knew about and i paid in cash AND card (but which one?) then took minutes (plural) to organize my purse before leaving you’re gonna turn into your mom
just now finding out about the cass report
yea things have been pretty bad for me lately but my insurance is covering laser so that's nice
a bad idea playing against the genre that made the books beloved again, made by three of the most despised hacks available, ripping off one of the best tv can offer. worst green lantern pitch since hal jordan fucked a child.
bitches tell me they can’t transition bc they aren’t built like me i am built like refrigerator perry of the chicago bears had an ass baby with drake my default mental state is screaming, at all times, awake or asleep, forever my credit score is “damb bitch” take the girl pills you cowards
at 5 this morning i awoke to piss and opened this app and saw the words “japanese are white discourse” and immediately closed it happy juneteenth
The coastal elites(WPATH) are trying to poison us with their filth(1mg estradiol orally 300mg spironolactone)
That being said, this further indicates that the AI grift is about to break and techbros are already looking for the next thing no one wants. If Meta announces a robot, we know it's that.
Musk apparently said Tesla will make robots for $10k, sell them for $20k, and capture 10% of a 1 billion unit/year market, making $1 trillion in annual profits. Bro can't even be bothered to make these numbers sound not pulled directly from his ass, this is like 11 year old level bullshitting.
THE BOYS as a comic is aggressively simple and edgy and offensive, it’s got one note and it plays it the whole fucking way through (“men are boys, hughie”) and if you try to adapt that into le epic trump social commentary with the slightest bit of faithfulness you are gonna have a bad time
the more i hear about THE BOYS show and how it does and doesn’t deviate from the (superior) comics the less i want to force myself to watch it.
Kurt Vonnegut once called semicolons "transvestite hermaphrodite representing exactly nothing" and I was like "hey that;s me"
also if anyone calls you “valid” unprompted in this type of way they would be required to give you $500 or let you punch them in the genitals, whichever you choose.
when a cishet person tells me i’m valid , what i hear is “it’s okay *I* don’t think you’re a disgusting freak” when a queer person tells me i’m valid , what i hear is “and it’s conditional on how well you adhere to HoA guidelines” external validation only gives others the reins to ur suffering
explain this atheists
I’ve got a lot of people writing in and telling me Garfield isn’t “trans media”. Well buddy, that’s where you’re dead ass WRONG
Just make Flamin’ Hot Advil. Nothing fucking matters.
alright i’m just gonna be the one who says it: i don’t think we should allow faggots at pride?? it’s not fair to everyone else who’s just trying to have a good time?? i just like rainbows and i don’t fuck on the first date and i have a thing about gluten (as a treat it’s fine but it yucks my tummy)
the doom slayer, carving his way across Mars while talking about the scientists that caused his summoning:
for every mistake i make i should be given another, better, stronger gun
idk why they bother with new DOOM trailers like yes the idea of medieval DOOM sucks but just tell me “it’s big sci-fi guns and you shoot demons to pieces with them” so i don’t waste a minute watching the reveal vid till the plasma gun shows up just to make sure it won’t suck
i'm tired of hearing about "Ancient Grains" if people in 4000 BC were so smart why didn't they have a computer that lies to them