storm-song crow-beast πŸ•―

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storm-song crow-beast πŸ•―

‡️: add πŸ‘»πŸ‘» to your mana pool

πŸ§™β€β™€οΈ birb witch/witch birb πŸ¦β€β¬›
✨ gender? no thank you, sir, fish make love in it (he/him or she/her are fine)
🧠 neuroing divergently

😭 it's all just complaining
Hey, friend. If you were going to build a little file server for your house β€” and maybe something like NextCloud to replace some Google apps β€” what kinda hardware would you be looking at?
I’m getting evidence that other people are watching the convention and plz don’t hurt yourselves like that πŸ₯Ί
fill us a kong, you're the treato man fill us a kong tonight
combining fitbit, whoop, oura, and visible into the ultimate body-data tracker in the hopes that I can finally have some idea what this corpse I'm driving is up to
Cartoon villain THE SPOON-HOARDER, rubbing his hands together in a castle made of bent and chipped spoons: 'Yes, yes, fool! You've forgotten the trash and recycling must go out!'
I have like two, two-and-a-half spoons left after work today. Best get that laundry folded while I still can.
i have no pronouns. my gender is nothing. do not perceive me. do not refer to me
I have like two, two-and-a-half spoons left after work today. Best get that laundry folded while I still can.
I don't even want to sleep, but I sure do a lot of it.
Convenient that this Iranian assassination plot story broke right now. They're disclaiming it with 'not related to the shooting Saturday THAT WE KNOW OF' and they're sure mentioning it in the same breath. πŸ™„
touch screens are garbage give us back those chunky tactile controls lemme mash 20 different buttons, twist 3 knobs and pull no less than 5 levers each time i climb into a car
What the fuck is kiteboarding? No, don't tell me.
I cannot believe that people come here to this site and talk about other social mediae. What?
These days, I get irritated when I see ANYONE hot. Like, how dare you.
You ever be following an artist because you like their work and then the post a selfie and they're a fuckin' smokeshow? Ain't fair. You can't be both hot AND talented while some of us are over here with nothing.
Big 'Teacher, you forgot the homework!' energy. Send an email, you gremlin. HATE
You ever be in a meeting where someone says something analogous to 'okay, we're done here' and then ten minutes later, you're somehow still in the meeting?
I was looking at GPUs right before the crypto bubble started ruining prices; I went back to look at a bookmark from like three months prior and it'd gone from ~250 to 1k. Hateful.
I've seen more than a few posts about 'power's gone out' today and I'm so scared for those people.
I'd say that more than half of them are actively excited at the thought, and that's…upsetting.
Back on Twitter, I opined 'there is no such thing as a "responsible" gun owner' and whew. My mentions were radioactive for a week.
I don't like the way some of y'all say 'piss drinkers'.
It's like this, Doc: I already gave you the correct opinion (mine). Any deviation from this is obviously you trying to correct me, but I am incorrectible as I was correct to begin with. Ergo, I must block you lest your corruption seep into my very bones and infect me with uncorrectness.
Literally yes. Maybe if these companies (and frankly artists while we're on TS) that have made billions price-gouging the music industry into oblivion had to hand over their money to something a bit more systemic and proactive than *literal fucking food banks* we could even fund the arts again.
The government should nationalise Ticketmaster and force Swifties to pay for new railways.
Can I admit something silly? I didn't know 'Bill Kezos' was his actual name. I thought it was a goofy play on 'kill Bezos'.
Gym after-action report: 1. ow 2. wack