
Heartfelt thanks to my mutuals who are not freaking out: Just off the top of my head, and I'm sure there are more.
I mean, I look at the structural stuff, not the narrative here. The polls have barely moved, Trump has no money, and Biden has a huge war chest and time booked. Why let the panic of a few people- largely driven by people that already don’t like Biden- shape what I’m thinking here?
Additionally the problem they are screaming about doesn’t match the solutions they are demanding. Can’t serve four more years? Okay that’s why we have a VP. Afraid he is a weak candidate? See point above but also name who is stronger and who we can get in there- keeping in mind that anyone but…
Harris a) likely can’t actually run at this point in most states and b) loses literally all the war chest and infrastructure that is currently the Dems dominant advantage. So… there literally is maybe one person who might be able to be a stronger candidate but it’s someone they don’t want.
So if that’s the state of play, seems the best thing to do is not panic, support your candidate, see how well we can ride out the Times being shitheads, throw bombs at the Trump Campaign, and see how that massive ad buy advantage looks with Dobbs and 2025 on every channel.
there are SO MANY ads to be made about how Trump is old, exhausted, and incoherent (I would argue more so than Biden, but even if it’s a wash the ads can push back on the lack of media coverage of Trump’s age)
I find it really weird that everyone is so focused on Biden's age--implying that his competition is a sharpy, spry youngster. It's three years...and Biden looks healthy and doesn't spent hours each week ranting incoherently.
I would love it if neither major-party candidate were roughly 80 years old! but the fact is that they both are, and most mass media is pretending it’s only Biden
that tweet break is a killer since it flips the meaning of what you're saying
😭😭😭 I have the worst luck with this. 🤷‍♂️
Yeah, sorry. Deleted my response. Bluesky didn't make it clear that it was part of a thread, so I saw it on its own.
Sigh live by the structure, die by the structure 😓
She can just fine in all states and she would inherit the war chest (and she’s the only one)
look at the calendar don’t look at the polls, screen it on a fuckin’ t-shirt
Avatar I just keep coming back to this. Did we think the Republicans were gonna roll over and be honorable? Did we think The NY Times was going to be sweetness and giggles? Stop letting what the opposition is saying drive your decisions- think clearly, make decisions, and go.
Deadwood: Al's Take On Al gives Merrick a pep talk.
You must understand, they’re so much smarter than us little people.