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Accelerating Asia’s clean energy transformation @ Tara Climate Foundation in Singapore.
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The words “collapse of the land carbon sink in 2023” should terrify the crap out of us! “In the coming years if this decline continues, we may see a rapid acceleration of CO2 and global warming which was unforeseen in future climate models projections.”— Philippe Ciais
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I've been arguing the oil industry is setting up to walk away from its environmental liabilities. In the past this was a crime called "Fraudulent convenance." For some reason when the oil industry does it, it isn't a crime. Today I explore some history on the topic.
Big Oil is Sticking Us with the State regulators are allowing the oil industry to walk away from its cleanup responsibilities.
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The sounds created by surveying for offshore wind are 1,000x quieter (!!!!!) than the sounds made by seismic surveys for new oil and gas projects:
There are “no links whatsoever between the offshore wind development activity and especially the humpback whale mortalities. None. Zero.” But oil & gas & shipping interests sure want you to think wind energy is what's killing whales 🧪
Whales Are Dying but Not from Offshore Politicians and nonprofit groups have blamed offshore wind turbines for whale deaths, but the science doesn’t support those claims—at all
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computer scientists: we have invented a virtual dumbass who is constantly wrong tech CEOs: let's add it to every product
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For those saying that Americans are righteously angry because the level of prices is up even though the rate of inflation has fallen, a history lesson
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Fun fact: did you know that effort, policy, campaigning and activism directed towards climate change results in fewer greenhouse gas emissions and lower fossil fuel use Giving fossil fuel fatalism the middle finger works really nicely :) :)
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Very nice new Influence Map report out today on automaker's plans into the near future - many of which are planning to still predominantly sell new fossil fuel cars in the 2030 + they're planning to pressure / force consumers into buying over-sized cars for more $$
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In 1911, Charlotte Perkins Gilman wrote a one-act play called "Something to Vote For," in which a woman physician exposes a milk company for adulterating its product for poor neighborhoods in the city. And here we are in 2024.
Nestlé adds more sugar to baby food in poorer countries, report Cerelac cereal has an extra sugar cube per serving in lower-income countries, according to a nonprofit group that accused Nestlé of a “harmful double standard.”
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Southeast Asia: "Thousands of schools in the Philippines have stopped in-person classes due to unbearable heat. In Indonesia, prolonged dry weather has caused rice prices to soar. In Thailand’s waters, temperatures are so high that scientists fear coral could be destroyed."😢
Schools close and crops wither as ‘historic’ heatwave hits south-east Governments across region grappling for response as temperatures soar to unseasonable highs
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Low-cost solar and wind energy is within our grasp - the mistake is to presume that because renewable power has become relatively cheap, it will get built. Capitalists invest because profits are high and stable, not when prices are low and uncertain.
The Price Is Wrong by Brett Christophers review – why capitalism can’t save the A clear-eyed look at the economics of energy, and why state power, not free enterprise, is the solution to the climate crisis
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“Bowen made the announcement flanked by car industry execs. Where were the ppl adversely affected by big heavy gas guzzling cars? The ppl with lung cancer after breathing in diesel exhaust? The ppl with asthma who live near busy roads? The ppl sick during heatwaves due to excessive CO2 emissions?"
Strengthen the fuel efficiency standard for health’s sake, doctors urge the cross bench - Doctors for the Environment Australia (DEA) calls for the cross bench to reject the watered down and delayed fuel efficiency standard, and to protect the health of Australians by requiring ...
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Here’s an account to follow and share widely
March 7, 2020, Saturday As virus fears grow, Trump leaves DC for Florida to fete Brazilian president Jair Bolsonaro at Mar a Lago. Seventeen members of Bolsonaro's entourage will later test positive for Covid. Brazil's former Health Minister called it "a corona trip."
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We develop a physically plausible ‘causal chain’ as one approach to demonstrate the connections between global carbon dioxide emissions & real-life events, using a case study of flood risk in one river basin in the UK. Preprint in open review:
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You can't hide from the methane hunters! Over a dozen methane satellites are now circling the Earth — and more are on the way, as reports 🔌💡
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Blackrock must be celebrating this story today about how it is prioritizing climate & decarbonization over ESG. No mention of the fact that it is the top financier of fossil fuel expansion among all of the world's assets managers.
Step Aside, ESG. BlackRock Is Doing ‘Transition Investing’ The world’s biggest asset manager has abandoned the acronym while pumping billions of dollars into clean energy.
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The transition to clean energy is being driven by favorable economics. "The significant drop in solar power costs, by 23% in 2023, signals the end of supply chain disruptions and inflationary pressures. As a result, utility solar is now the cheapest power source in 11 out of 15 APAC countries."
Utility solar dethrones coal as the cheapest power source in Renewable energy costs in Asia last year were 13% cheaper than coal and are expected to be 32% cheaper by 2030, according to a new study.
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I was convinced after the first 30 studies but if you were still on the fence here you go. Using hydrogen to heat is far too expensive. full stop.
JUST PUBLISHED: Independent study number 56 on hydrogen for heating concludes: "Direct hydrogen heating is not competitive even under favorable technology conditions." 🧵
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Shell have just closed all their hydrogen filling stations in California, the home of hydrogen. Could it possibly be that the fossil fuel industry wanted to push hydrogen as a fuel for cars because 98% of all currently available hydrogen is steam reformed from methane gas? Surely not.
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I learned at an engineering conference recently that one crypto mine in TX, 100s of MW, makes more money off ERCOT demand response markets than it does off crypto repeat: TX ratepayers pay them more to sometimes stop mining than they make by actual mining just bananas misuse of power markets 🔌💡
Crypto-mining accounts for 2% of all U.S. electricity usage. (Bitcoin alone consumes the same amount of energy as the entire state of Utah.)
Crypto Mining Consumes a Mind-Boggling 2% of U.S. Bitcoin alone consumes roughly the same amount of energy as Utah.
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“We warned you about this ClimateCrisis. Now it’s here” - Prof Peter Strachan "The planet is desperate for visionary leadership. The planet is desperate for policy that creates an equitable transition away from #FossilFuels, and into climate emergency mode as a society."
We warned you about this climate emergency. Now it’s here | Peter Biden had the last opportunity of any president to keep the world under 1.5C of heating. Instead he is squandering time we do not have
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This should be the story tomorrow, and every day: The leader of one of America’s two major political parties has just signaled to the Kremlin that if elected, he would not only refuse to defend Europe in World War III, but he would gladly support Vladimir Putin.
Trump Encourages Putin to Attack NATO At a rally on Saturday, the former president announced he would tell the Russians “to do whatever the hell they want” to states delinquent in their bills.
Thanks to’s post a few weeks ago I heard about Daybreak, a climate action & energy transition boardgame. Would definitely recommend to greensky & energysky folks to check it out. Four world powers must cooperate on the transition, and manage crises, or everyone loses… 🔌💡
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Today the Irish Examiner published my piece about the hellscape of platform manipulation and spam that is the modern web. In it, I highlighted that such actions materially benefit Twitter. Now, for the first time in 14 years, I've been suspended by Twitter. For "platform manipulation and spam".