Denise Lee

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Denise Lee

Writer, creative & technical. Lifelong learner, sometime teacher. Passionate about rule of law, democracy, women’s autonomy.
It’s even worse than partnerships. In the case of CVS, it’s full ownership:
Followed a link in another RIP Kinky post on here to YouTube video of “They Ain’t Makin Jews Like Jesus Anymore” and read this tribute someone posted today:
That’s such a great analogy. Young people may not have encountered the death traps that refrigerators used to be.
Good article on a resource I was totally unaware of. Screenshot below is a “policy plan” that I’d never encountered before. (Disclaimer: As someone who suffers serious cringe response to Trump’s voice, I don’t listen to his speeches enough to be informed of his messages unless reported on in MSM.)
Donald Trump actually has his own scattershot outline of what he plans to do in office: "Agenda 47." He doesn't talk about it much, so I made a searchable index of what it contains.
Analysis | Trump has unveiled an agenda of his own. He just doesn’t mention it Dubbed “Agenda 47,” Donald Trump’s plans should he return to the White House are documented by his campaign website.
Boogie giving me the side-eye the day he came home from a week boarding at the vets’ while I was on vacation.
GA is a “Real ID” state, reqs docs for proof of citizenship/immigration + SSN + 2 proof of address(nightmare for roommate situations or even some married ppl—utility bills may be in a diff person’s name) + name change (if applicable) to get a DL/state photo ID. I think I had 8 docs when we switched.
Love me some Mike Luckovich
So does John Oliver get to run his “We got him!” clip at long last?
1960s bumper sticker: “America. Love it or leave it!” There are updated versions on Amazon today.
This response from a charter school proponent is quite telling—not about the schools, necessarily, but certainly about the white parents’ views. And claiming charter schools simply serve students appearing at the doorstep is disingenuous at best, a lie at worst.
The world you grew up in is dead.
The world you grew up in is dead
What actor’s expression in a movie will stay with you for the rest of your life?
Sexually Suggestive
Labeled by Bluesky Moderation Service
Dehumanizing protesters is another pastime for Mike. He also enjoys bullying, sneering, and threatening. There are 2 Democrats running in this month’s primary to face him in November. GA10 is a safe GOP district, even though Athens (home of UGA) is within its borders.
The update to this piece is really telling. She probably also agrees w Trump that he’s the best friend Blacks & LBGTQ+ community have had in the White House.
He has an endearing personality, loves other dogs & kids & belly rubs, but not as much as he loves stealing a ham sandwich. We walk twice a day & we’ve both slowed down a lot in the time I’ve had him. Don’t know how I’d have stayed sane during 2020 without him.
Similar story here. My dog was picked up by animal control, hungry & injured, wandering the rural part of the county. Had a camo collar, no tags. He limped; X-ray showed hip bone shattered probably hit by a car. I’ve had him for 6 years now, & he’s the sweetest, gentlest thing (unless you’re a cat).
Sharing this info re GA law, from the other place. The laws are made to protect those whose motto is protect and serve.
It’s one of my favorite annual celebration days! Vidalias are here!!!! I honestly don’t understand why people give me the side-eye when I whoop with joy in the produce section.
I get that positive reinforcement can influence future behavior, but this reminds me of “everybody gets a trophy.”
Reading the replies, I feel less of a dinosaur about missing the Nokia pre-smart phone.
WTH Spelling Bee? Midden is a respectable word!!!
Boogie’s Gotcha Day anniversary is tomorrow! 6 years of twice-daily walks, quiet affection, well-earned treats, and regular breakfast, lunch (veggies) and dinners mean we’re both happy.
ALL of this.
New from me: Every new Trump endorsement is a story of profound moral collapse
Another one bites the dust!
Breaking news: Kenneth Chesebro becomes second former Trump lawyer to plead guilty in Georgia election case. Chesebro’s plea follows that of Sidney Powell on Thursday.
Trump co-defendant Kenneth Chesebro pleads guilty in Georgia election Chesebro became the second former Trump lawyer to plead guilty in as many days, following Sidney Powell on Thursday
And Pratt blabbed all over the place, apparently. And they told two friends, and they told two friends… Have none of these people ever heard the WWII slogan?
One of the things that bothered me about focus on Feinstein was that at least she had announced she wouldn’t run next year. Mitch? Grassley? Bernie? Etc. Honestly, this is one of the rare things that truly is “both sides equally bad at…”