Daniel Schultz

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Daniel Schultz


Crank theologian fka pastordan
Read me at dandadad.com
Reposted byAvatar Daniel Schultz
When the France election results are good
Related point: much like France, in the U.S. the hard right is relatively small — if everyone else hangs together.
There is particular power in such an ideologically diverse coalition rejecting the French right because fascists should be reminded often that they’re repugnant to a broad swath of society, not just getting outmaneuvered by the wily left
I think...I think he was just looking for an excuse to call you a piece of poop?
The more I think about this, the better it seems: - High name recognition - Known political track record - From a swing state - Puts KC and Nashville in play - Brings home the millennial vote - An actual billionaire
Ms. Taylor Swift will be 35 by inauguration day 2025 I am just saying.
- Can deal effectively with asshole men - Followers known to create earthquakes, bringing a much-needed shake-up to American military policy - Would probably appoint Beyoncé as Ambassador to the United Nations - Save a ton on Inauguration concerts
- Would make Brittany Spears the 51st state
First First Dude, First First Dude to also serve as VP, first VP to serve as Sec'y of Beard Maintenance...There's a lot to like there.
Despite the debate performance, Biden continues to gain ground in swing states as we get closer to the election, which is exactly what you’d expect to happen
As it freaking should be from a physician respecting the privacy of his patient.
As President Biden faces questions about his acuity, one voice has been notably absent: Kevin O’Connor, the president’s official physician, who along with a White House medical unit is the only official safeguard for an acting president’s cognitive health.
Is Biden fit for duty? The answer depends on little-known White House doctorwapo.st Kevin O’Connor, President Biden’s personal doctor, faces new scrutiny as he has resisted giving the president a cognitive exam.
I don't exactly know what's going on in S2E1 of The Bear, but I do know it sounds like they stole the soundtrack from side 2 of Bowie's "Low."
If I ever made it through one sermon without doing this, I would be the friggin' Holy Ghost.
what are we doing here? he accidentally said million instead of billion and then immediately knew it and corrected himself. he didn’t “flub a line” and then “make an effort to correct himself,” he did the speaking equivalent of a typo that you know you’ve made and instantly correct
I can't help it. Unlike inflation, my sense of humor is Sauron.
Reposted byAvatar Daniel Schultz
by no means prevent all communications
So if you're killed while seeking to return a ring to the volcano from which it was formed, does that mean you die in quest state?
I want to go to Lewes again sometime.
"Tell the United Nations that I will turn away the death ray when I have been paid...one million dollars." [Staff confer]
Ms. Taylor Swift will be 35 by inauguration day 2025 I am just saying.
Golden, etc. calling for Biden to step aside reminds me of a joke from the old Fafblog, "Of course we sell our friends out! We can't get any money for our enemies!" That is, there's no market in a Dem politician calling on a Republican not to run. 1/2
The money (or power) is and always has been in selling out the little guy, or their representative. 2/2
Adding, dammit, I still miss the Fafblog. Where are those idiots when we need them?
In theory no, I think: the absolute immunity is only for official acts related to the president's core powers, which elections are not. Good luck shutting the barn door after that horse has left, though.
This is clearly a guitar-shaped button accordion.
The most radical thing God ever did was to provide a tomorrow, because a tomorrow allows the possibility of establishing accountability for the things done yesterday.