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Me restraining my cat while accepting my pizza delivery.
Retailers at Mother's Day: Your mother is a perfect angel who nurtured you all your life and deserves the absolute best. Retailers at Father's Day: Remember that flatulent alcoholic who knocked up your mom? Maybe he likes fishing?
Did I show you all my horrifying starling photo? Look at this scary baby! 🪶
Two little girls in front of me on the train: Girl 1: Do you know what 32 and 32 make? Girl 2: 64? Girl 1: yes! And do you know what 64 and 64 make? Girl 2: …no? Girl 1 [leaning in conspiratorially] You can’t add them together AND NO-ONE KNOWS WHY
michelle from derry girls voice:
Still haven't managed to get my stupid neck sorted out again but it's a convenient excuse to not attempt driving lessons or do any press-ups for a while.
Sometimes people come up on here who I blocked/muted on twitter years ago and I think....well I must have had my reasons.
Not that you asked by today I am mostly tweeting about bacteriophages.
jana: [shouting over music] i don’t even know half these people
Saying "you had a good life" and trying to close someone's eyes like a corpse when I'm tired of listening to them
Ah, the Ur-complainers
Oh wow, the Tories lost over here as well.
Managed to get a job application done today. But what if they want to talk to me about it, what then. Just more work isn't it.
minding your own goddamned business is low key goated when butting the fuck out buddy this doesn’t involve you oh yeah fine let’s take it the fuck outside is the vibe
All people older than a hundred years should get together and agree on something incredibly stupid as the secret they all tell the journalists. “It’s just eating one stamped self addressed envelope a day, really”
"this would take out a Victorian child" are you sure? they fistfought in the horseshit-filled streets for chimney sweep jobs. we have an app that makes a guy deliver a wet hamburger and you can press a button on it to complain about the guy. this child cannot be harmed by our foods
The Pink Panther's To Do list: - To do - To do - To do, to do, to do, to do, to doooo
For when you need it
Audi should partner with a cowboy festival
Most cyberpunk image you'll see in the real world this month. You may enjoy the alt-text, which provides context. Not that this image isn't glorious sans context...
Still annoyed he turned down my proposal to build a far worse, far more sinkable version of the Titanic
I have to interview someone at 9am tomorrow how can that possibly be fun for either of us.
Why did I drink three pints after work on a Tuesday, I am not young enough to do this.
ME: hey mr. tambourine man, play a song for me MAN: *tambourine noise* ME: great
sending out carrier pigeons with notes that say, like "hi! it;s me. the pigeon. i wrote this note myself! i love you"
i know exactly what to do with tossed salad and scrambled eggs. that's food man. you eat it
The kids' school did World Book Day today and one of my son's classmates took in a book he had written about himself in order to go dressed as himself. Extraordinary, industrious dedication to putting in minimal effort there. He's one to watch.