Dan Immergluck

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Dan Immergluck


Cities, housing, housing finance, critical urban studies/planning, local pol. economy, gentrification & segregation. Opinions=own. Chicago, Atlanta, misc


Latest book: Red Hot City (UC Press, 2022)
Hey many housing and urbanist “experts” with zero background have built entire careers this way. (Mostly on that other place.)
social media, in most of its current iterations, selects for the loudest, dumbest people who simply will not shut the fuck up ever
Daughter on her first trip to Mexico City. Good she has priorities straight. 🍎🌴
I think he put his head in the fridge one too many times.
Mayor Eric Adams, asked by a reporter about the lack of air conditioning at migrant shelters during a heat wave, says, "Every day New Yorkers don't have air conditioners. We make do." He recommends paper fans and says his mom told him to put his head in the refrigerator. —Emma G. Fitzsimmons, NYT
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JD Vance, 2016: "Trump is America's Hitler" JD Vance, 2024: "I humbly accept the nomination to be America's Himmler"
Ummmm. I guess they are capitalizing on this…
Turned on national network news. “Both sides are spurring violence” rhetoric running amok. 🤯
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A reminder of how Trump responded when a supporter broke into Nancy Pelosi's home and brutally attacked her husband with a hammer:
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As someone who attended grad school with people who competed over who had the most 'pedigree' (in a very literal sense! Brits who never failed to mention being related to the queen), I fully agree!!!
Stop using the word "pedigree" to describe academic backgrounds challenge...FFS
Stop using the word "pedigree" to describe academic backgrounds challenge...FFS
...now common, they also accept folks with PhDs from Stanford, and maybe Berkeley or Michigan, once in a while.
Atlanta musings: The Atlanta "ecosystem" of affordable housing appears to have become, over the long-run, a fully-owned subsidiary of the local Urban Land Institute chapter. And I am not suggesting that that is a good thing.
Spouse’s hypothesis: No university selects faculty for “snootiness” more than the U of Chicago.
Supply reduction when it’s done by government: the root of all housing evil Supply reduction when it’s done by a private sector cartelizing agent: “the market at work”
I've been reading the existing lawsuits against RealPage and it's wild. I'm not sure how widely understood it is that the platform is not just setting higher rents but coordinates supply reduction by doing things like suggesting different lease term lengths so fewer leases come up at the same time
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Israel's latest attack on khan Younis killed dozens of innocent people. Their families are given no reason for hope and plenty of reasons for revenge. For each Hamas commander that is killed, such attacks produce ten more fighters.
But I was told on that other place quite a while ago (by a centrist Dem politician-turned-lobbyist) that this could never happen. That there was absolutely no basis for federal action. 🤷🏻‍♂️
Justice Department preparing rental market collusion lawsuitwww.politico.com The Biden administration has focused on reining in housing costs as a key part of its economic agenda.
I knew my new neighborhood was pretty walkable, but this is a bit much.
My favorite example of "white guy failing upwards" is the president of the Chicago Fed (who seems to being featured on NPR this morning as an economic savant) who penned a prominent op-ed on the virtues of subprime mortgages - and warned against regulating them more - in [checks notes] **2007**. l
‘Irresponsible’ Mortgages Have Opened Doors to Many of the Excluded (Published 2007)www.nytimes.com Almost every new form of mortgage lending that expands the pool of people who qualify has been greeted by critics who say it harms consumers.
Someone on here was criticizing Stacey Abrams for not winning in GA...even though her operation was key to victories by Biden, Ossoff and Warnock and has been attacked by Kemp, Raffensberger, and Co. Another example...
With no residential address, homeless voters in Georgia face removal from the rollswww.wabe.org Voting rights advocates say a new Georgia law that bolsters scrutiny of the rolls leaves unhoused voters uniquely vulnerable.
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Apologies for going full Eeyore, but if I had been asked to script the worst few weeks imaginable for the Democratic Party I don't think I could have come up with anything this terrible.
...everyday, it's like "at least it couldn't get worse" and then it does...
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Le Pen's party (RN) got 143 seats. While a record, that's far (very far) from the 289 they hoped for to govern. How?! Hundreds of Left & Macronist candidates dropped out to help each other block the RN. And millions of voters then voted strategically to get that job done.
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We're very saddened to hear about the passing of Jane McAlevey, a true legend in labor organizing. May her memory be a blessing. Her lessons certainly are.
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From an editor of the Israel Journal of Health Policy Research: Indirect deaths (starvation, disease, etc) claim 3–15x the lives as direct conflict. A conservative 4x estimate = 186,000 Gazans — about a tenth of the population — dead. Killed by Israel and the US. www.thelancet.com/journals/lan...
Counting the dead in Gaza: difficult but essentialwww.thelancet.com By June 19, 2024, 37 396 people had been killed in the Gaza Strip since the attack by Hamas and the Israeli invasion in October, 2023, according to the Gaza Health Ministry, as reported by the UN Offi...