Dan Lansdowne

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Dan Lansdowne


Canadian, furry, sometimes writer. Late 30s. Non-monogamous. Account will be NSFW frequently. He/him/his
Lovers in a Dangerous Time - Barenaked Ladies Little Darlin' - The Diamonds I Heard It Through The Grapevine - Marvin Gaye Always Someone There To Remind Me - Naked Eyes Tainted Love - Soft Cell Woodstock - Matthews Southern Comfort Mr. Tambourine Man - The Byrds
Other than Hurt by Johnny Cash and any version of The Sound of Silence, what are your favorite cover versions of famous songs?
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Sometimes my scroll gets it right.
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Virgo: You will continue to haunt your own house, praying for any connection to those actually alive.
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Sometimes random art inspiration strikes. I like watching the rain.
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Reposted byAvatar Dan Lansdowne
People complained that Chengdu zoo was letting their clouded leopard get fat, their expert explained "This cat is like thirty years old, that's twice as old clouded leopards GET, and he's just had major surgery. Making him lose weight would do WAY more harm, just let him have this."
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Reposted byAvatar Dan Lansdowne
If you see this, share something romantic from your portfolio.
If you see this, share something romantic from your portfolio.
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New arts from Morgdl on FA. Alex and her boy doing some baking!
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If you see this, share something romantic from your portfolio.
If you see this, share something romantic from your portfolio #ArtShare #Illustration #Romantic
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Reposted byAvatar Dan Lansdowne
If you see this, quote reply with something wintery from your portfolio! Dan and Krista travelling in a historic train doing a winter run, courtesy of Rhari.
If you see this, quote reply with something wintery from your portfolio!
Just in time for the end of World Kissing Day. My critters do a fair amount of it!
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Old baby Adeline drawings that I never finished. Still cute to me.
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Just a reminder that Michelle Wolf nailed it at the White House Correspondents Dinner. NYT, I’m looking in your direction especially.
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Personal and sentimental piece I did eons ago. I still very much love this one.
Make a band more vegetable: The Beet-Les
Make a band more vegetable: The Turniply Hip
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So Biden has: -Held multiple public rallies -Met with governors -Done multiple interviews (radio and TV) -Made public statements about his intent -Showing support in swing states is unchanged -Bonus: Refused to cross a picket line. Y'all can see the ratfucking the media is doing right?
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Lost my goddamned glasses in dealer’s room or concourse outside it. Fun thing to happen at a con. Already retraced my steps and let lost & found know. Hoping some kind and observant person spots them and turns them in. Fuck. I didn’t need this.
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Sorry I believed you when you were saying things. How incredibly naïve of me.
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It’s the most important holiday of the year today! International bikini day!
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I may not be popular online, but offline I'm also not popular
Lest you think Canada is immune, we have an airline that is going to spend who knows how many thousands on billable hours so they can overturn an $800 delayed flight penalty.
pretty stunning how the billionaire class(and yes that means the legacy media) have completely turned on Biden. They'd rather have a fascist dictatorship than pay taxes and a living wage to employees. Insane power grab in front of the cameras
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Orange 2016 - ink over acrylic on trash wood Painted this after my first trip to Boston for an event. Couldn’t get over how gorgeous the river and bridge were 1: Final 2: light field under-painting 3: a reference photo #art
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I've had enough of relentless neverending existential panic. Like, for real, it's enough already.
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I'm out of the game. Just saw my first Cyber-jalopy in the wild.
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Do you like beagles? If so, Krista is the dog for you!