Desiree Fields

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Desiree Fields

Economic geographer, UC Berkeley. Trustee, Urban Studies Foundation. Editor, Environment and Planning A.

Californian currently based at the Swedish Collegium for Advanced Study, never having the right gear for the weather.
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"CUNY is not just an opportunity engine or a path to middle-class stability. It has also long been a site of protest and civil disobedience... By demanding 'a people’s CUNY,' they were invoking a vision the city university has long nurtured of a higher education system accessible to all."
The CUNY Experiment | Kim Like so much about New York City politics, the fates of the various Gaza solidarity encampments that sprang up throughout the city in recent weeks were in
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The worst aspects of capitalism were held back not by compunction but by friction, which tech has now smoothed out like an evil-smelling lube
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🤗 abt this Sept. exhibition @ the Boston Pblc Lbry's Leventhal 🗺️ Ctr: PROCESSING PLACE: HOW COMPUTERS + CARTOGRAPHERS REDREW OUR 🌏 "explore[s] changes in the social, political, + environmental landscapes of the 20th c. that were driven by tools for 'computing space'" (co-curated by my former TA!)
Coming in September: Our exhibition on the rise of digital Our forthcoming exhibition, *Processing Place*, explores how computers and cartographers redrew the world
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Philosophers have this thing called the pessimistic induction. I don't know why people don't use it more for tech. Just look at all the revolutions that never came: VR, Internet of things, MOOCs, self-driving cars, Theranos, WeWork's new office, Hyperloop, drone delivery, blockchain, NFTs
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Job alert! 2 positions with me at University of Oulu: Post-doc, and PhD student (both 3y) in our Kone Foundation-funded project "In the shadow of carbon", on #regenag regenerative farming & #carbonfarming knowledge politics and practice. Deadline 4th April, see , please re-post!
Recruitment in the shadow of
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Definitely do this, and then join us (@cplusc) for two extremely cool events with Brett on the impossibility of a capital -led energy transition and the public ownership alternative- DC May 6, NYC May 8
✅ Register for this Berkeley Economy and Society Initiative (BESI) online lecture for 'The Price Is Wrong: Why Capitalism Won’t Save The Planet' with Brett Christophers. Next week, March 12th!
The Berkeley Economy and Society Initiative (BESI) The Berkeley Economy and Society Initiative (BESI) champions next-generation thinking about markets, governance, and the social preconditions for developing and sustaining genuine prosperity.
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So wait, the story the NY state Dems are telling us is the subways of NYC are so dangerous they need to send in the troops, but they’re *not* firing the police chief or cops who are unable to keep them safe with $5.44 billion?
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she sounds like ChatCCP
BREAKING: U.S. Air Force employee charged with giving classified information to woman he met on dating site
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✅ Register for this Berkeley Economy and Society Initiative (BESI) online lecture for 'The Price Is Wrong: Why Capitalism Won’t Save The Planet' with Brett Christophers. Next week, March 12th!
The Berkeley Economy and Society Initiative (BESI) The Berkeley Economy and Society Initiative (BESI) champions next-generation thinking about markets, governance, and the social preconditions for developing and sustaining genuine prosperity.
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So excited to see Francesca Russello Ammon, Brian Goldstein, and Garrett Dash Nelson's ☀️🌴🌇🏆 Sunset Over Sunset, an interactive project exploring decades of urban change through Ed Rucha's Sunset Blvd photos (I participated in the Getty's early Ruscha project mtgs, but couldn't continue 😥)
Sunset Over Explore the histories of Los Angeles's iconic Sunset Boulevard through the photographs of artist Ed Ruscha.
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It’s never just a service with the tech crowd. There’s always some larger utopian project that they’ll fuck up, and we’re lucky if it just kills some businesses and not jumpstarts a global cannibalism movement or something.
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History repeats first as tragedy then as EVERY BEASTIE BOY: FARCE Doesn't take a German economist to EBB: PARSE As outlined in the 18th Brumaire by EBB: MARX Capital rallies to fashy failsons like EBB: SHARKS This history is dialectical, it EBB: ARCS Classes in tension see EBB: SPARKS
I think the career of Napoleon III bears out that, if you have that sort of cult, it can be transferred to an heir, no matter how absolutely shit they are. If their special fascist dad croaks, but someone they identify as legitimate steps in, they’ll justify it to themselves.
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New publication! I argue that tenant organizers, researchers, and policymakers should take seriously the legislative (and other) efforts by landlords and their lobbyists to shirk the term 'landlord.' I conclude that landlord remains the best-suited term.
In defense of ‘landlord’ » Radical Housing Long Read article on proposals to replace the term landlord in Ohio and California and why it continues to be essential to rental housing.
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Are you attending DOPE 2024 ( and researching new forms of risk financialization (e.g., disaster, economic, ecological) across geographic and scalar contexts? Consider submitting an abstract to our session. Due to me by Dec. 15th.✨
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We are witnessing the biggest global anti-war protests since the Iraq war in 2003. (Pictures from Washington DC, London, Berlin, Jakarta)
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Congrats to our authors whose books received honorable mention for the American Studies Association John Hope Franklin and Lora Romero prizes!
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Belgian transport unions refuse to load and unload weapons going to Israel (both via ports and airports) and call for an immediate ceasefire. #LETGAZALIVE #CeaseFireInGaza #SolidarityWithPalestine
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The house majority is learning the hard way that if you turn out your base too much it'll blow out your speakers
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This collaboration has been a long time in the making. A bit of good news for dark days. Debt Collective has partnered with Morehouse College to extinguish nearly $10 million of debt that has been hanging over around 3,000 current and former students.
These former HBCU students owed their college nearly $10 million. The debt was just The Debt Collective cleared nearly $10 million in outstanding debt owed to the historically Black men's liberal arts college.
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A group of Palestinians from Gaza have circulated these demands, calling people everywhere to take action. Please share if you can 🇵🇸
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Geography can be radical
What is common knowledge in your field, but shocks outsiders? I'll start: Amazon makes more money out of their Cloud services than out of their e-commerce platform.
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Sara Safransky, The City after Property: Abandonment and Repair in Postindustrial Detroit - Duke University Press, August 2023 The Prologue and Chapter 1 are available open access
The application deadline has been extended for this Assistant Prof. position in my department! We are a dynamic group of human geographers and earth system scientists and have a strong bench of assoc. profs to mentor early career faculty.
Assistant Professor–Indigenous/Latinx Geospatial Analysis, Representation, GIS–Department of University of California, Berkeley is hiring. Apply now!
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I've been late to share on here but please check out this podcast series "Cityscapes Reimagined: Navigating and Rewiring the Urban" from Urban Affairs Review, featuring Erin McElroy, Ryan Burns, and myself. Very honored to be part of this conversation!
What We Talk About When We Talk About Technology — Urban Affairs Episode one of our miniseries on cities and technology, "Cityscapes Reimagined: Navigating and Rewiring the Urban"