Nick Douglas

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Nick Douglas

Terrible knife skills
RIP Dr. Ruth. I just watched Scanners 😭
oh jesus christ i'm older than JD Vance
Reposted byAvatar Nick Douglas
I think Trump getting shot and being photographed with a defiant fist in the air, bloodied and unbowed, will actually lead to zero changed votes. He might be the only person in the universe that would be true of.
Reposted byAvatar Nick Douglas
I think the phenomenon I've really seen is how many regular people had the reaction of wishing a former president had had his brains blown out on live TV. Not freaks or radicals, someone's mom.
Reposted byAvatar Nick Douglas
You have been blessed by Cookie Puss hurtling through the cosmos
Reposted byAvatar Nick Douglas
Reposted byAvatar Nick Douglas
This is very very funny
James Patterson, Stephen King, Sarah Jessica Parker, Marlon James and other literary luminaries share their best books of the 21st century. See their picks.
Reposted byAvatar Nick Douglas
the best line in veep by far is "im scared we won't have a woman president again because we tried you, and you *fucking sucked*"
Reposted byAvatar Nick Douglas
Fall on your sword. Even if you miss you’ll touch grass
Reposted byAvatar Nick Douglas
if i am elected president i promise not to suddenly become old out of nowhere during election season
"Get offline, go outside," say the governor who killed the transit budget and the mayor who killed the parks budget
Reposted byAvatar Nick Douglas
it's really annoying that any time something else terrible happens in the US due to our government/whatever, there are people who are in a rush to be like "why are you surprised???" as though it's a contest to be the most jaded possible person about how terrible all of our lives are. don't do this
Reposted byAvatar Nick Douglas
Guys, hear me out. "The Originalist Case for Monarchy."
Reposted byAvatar Nick Douglas
The joke that gets lost is Ford Prefect named himself after the make/model of a car because he perceived that cars are the dominant life form on Earth.
The central joke in The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a race of dipshits building a planet-sized computer to answer the question of "life, the universe, and everything" and then a million years later it says the answer is 42, and somehow that has taken on a William Gibson level of prescience
Reposted byAvatar Nick Douglas
Seriously academics get genuinely excited about this, it is often the best email they will get all month. I once had a professor send me not just the paper I requested but six more that he'd written that related to the topic he was so happy someone outside academia wanted to read his work
Every academic article has a corresponding author whose email address is listed on the first page. If an article is paywalled, just send a short, polite email requesting a PDF from the author. 95% of the time you’ll receive it within a day. People like knowing their work is being read!
Reposted byAvatar Nick Douglas
Just gave an encouraging nod on a Zoom call, before remembering it's a no-cams webinar. How much do I bill for this beyond-scope emotional labor
Reposted byAvatar Nick Douglas
Why isn't Hyacinth Bucket proud to be descended from a chocolate-factory heir
I forgot why they rated my short story PG-13, and then I listened and remembered: The mountain calls all the animals "slimy little shits"
#PC843: The Mountain and the Vulture written by Nick Douglas and read by Wilson Fowlie. A #PodCastleOriginal! Rated PG-13
Reposted byAvatar Nick Douglas
#PC843: The Mountain and the Vulture written by Nick Douglas and read by Wilson Fowlie. A #PodCastleOriginal! Rated PG-13
Reposted byAvatar Nick Douglas
To this end, Lorde would ask of us what queer person is so enamored of their own oppression that they cannot see their own heelprint on their comrade's face? Judging from the discourse, I'd say many of you cling so tightly to the fact of your oppression that you can't see the harm you cause others.
Reposted byAvatar Nick Douglas
Time is a flat circle
Reposted byAvatar Nick Douglas
Imagine looking over from the couch to see your wife in her desk chair intensely snuggling her cat Billy. She has a headset on, and there's a Spotify playlist up on her monitor. You squint to see what it's called and --
Reposted byAvatar Nick Douglas
ant-man is refusing to get big and take a dump large enough to fertilize all the farms in the state. this is your “hero?”