John Stehlin

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John Stehlin

Urban/economic geographer focused on the political economy of urban sustainability and transportation, Department of Geography, Environment, and Sustainability, UNC Greensboro
I'm assuming this was part of the policy demonstration field trip portion of the RNC convention?
The Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel confirms that a Columbus, Ohio, police officer detailed to the RNC shot and killed a homeless Black man (earlier reported to be in his early 20s) more than half a mile from the RNC arena. The man was known by the nickname Jehovah and took care of a pit bull named Isis.
Ohio police officer shoots, kills person in Milwaukee outside of RNC perimeter, sources The man killed by Ohio officers near the RNC on Tuesday was well-known in the neighborhood, several witnesses told the Journal Sentinel.
[KEYSER SOZE BACKSTORY VOICEOVER]: “And then she showed these losers what losing really was.”
Like a harbinger of doom, Liz Truss has arrived at the RNC.
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Dear fellow northern progressives who hosted or participated in one of the millions of fawning, earnest, and uncritical discussions of that man's book that were inescapable in 2016 & 2017: I did try to tell you.
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A man who fakes his wealth paired with a man who fakes his poverty. Sounds about white.
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A valuable thought experiment is to ask whether the IDF would have killed 90 Israeli civilians to accomplish the same military objective.
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People are rightly likening this to Nazism but to me the most resonant comparison is with Francoist Spain: Christian supremacy led by a secretive conservative cult, national unity, anti-communism, economic autarky, patriarchy, compulsory heterosexuality, and imprisonment of internal enemies
“We will hold investigations to identify the neo-cultural Marxists in seats of power all across Washington,” Posobiec said. ​“We don’t negotiate with un-humans. Because that’s the stakes of this battle: humanity versus un-humanity.”
Onward, Christian Soldiers—To War! At this year’s National Conservatism Conference, a right-wing army prepares to rise.
This closely affiliated PBS feature film still lives rent-free in my mind
in all the (appropriate) memorializing of Shelley Duvall as a performer in the work of male auteur directors, spare a thought for her own auteur work: Faerie Tale Theatre was one of the few actually good media products aimed at children in the 1980s, but because it didn't sell toys it's forgotten
Frog (1987) Frog (1987 made for TV movie) starring Shelley Duvall, Scott Grimes, Elliott Gould, and Paul Williams as the voice of the frog.Noticed this movie wasn't on Y...
Love to destroy most of our clean energy progress for a hallucination engine that’s asymptotically approaching the dumbest imaginable version of the History Channel. It’s as if we created Skynet only for Terminators to go around tripping people and giving them swirlies, but on an intellectual level.
Uhhhh… this is probably bad 😬😬
the race for the Own Goalden Boot is all but sewn up I think
the first round first leg Champions League qualifiers this week for the real heads (not me) and sickos (maybe me)
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We're very saddened to hear about the passing of Jane McAlevey, a true legend in labor organizing. May her memory be a blessing. Her lessons certainly are.
this match is a heart attack
Absolute chaos in the Turkish penalty area and Gakpo gets just enough on it to score, holy smokes this match
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Google’s emissions are up 48% in 5 years. Microsoft’s are up 30% since 2020. Those soaring figures are being driven by mass investments in data centers to power AI tools. Generative AI is a climate disaster and data center expansion must be stopped.
Generative AI is a climate Tech companies are abandoning emissions pledges to chase AI market share
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This is remarkable - Labour actually got substantially more votes (both absolutely and as a share if votes cast) under Corbyn in 2017 than it did yesterday.
Three charts to help understand the UK election results
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Ahh, it’s so real now!! Pre-order sale next week :)
To me, actually, the most frustrating aspect of the story is that, until last week, anyone on the Left who questioned Biden’s fitness (or support for genocide in Gaza) was Disloyal and Helping Trump, while this week centrists (omitting Gaza obvs) who do so are the Right-Thinking Democracy Salvagers.
One of the biggest frustrations with the ongoing “Biden’s too old” story is that there are so many damn things to hit Trump on and none of them can get any oxygen
Fellow people who care about mobility, livability, and reducing transport emissions in North Carolina, please weigh in on this. There is some good (improved bus headways, bicycle and pedestrian facilities, rail upgrades) and tons of bad (widening every road!). Public comment ends July 17!
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Best quote of the day so far comes from -“Playing a game of telephone with a dead slave holder is no way to run a country.”
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Nobody is prepared for this jolt to the legal system. The Supreme Court has shifted an unfathomable amount of power from Congress and the executive brach toward unelected, unaccountable federal judges. This will fundamentally alter how government works.
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Long after the debate is forgotten, the 6-3 decisions overruling Chevron via Loper Bright and Jarksey will have fundamentally weakened the ability of the American government to function against the most powerful interests in society.
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if you guessed "the utility business model doesn’t deal well with tools that reduce demand, largely because utilities make money by selling electricity and building infrastructure" then you win
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Damn, I wonder what information came out this morning that might have changed Adams's mind on this issue
After months of public outcry and pressure from the City Council, New York City’s libraries are poised to have their budgets fully restored so that branches may resume seven-day-a-week service, including Sundays.
NYC libraries to get budget funding back — and reopen on In November, the mayor's budget cuts forced libraries to close on Sundays. The issue has been a thorn in his side ever since.
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Asheville NC has a thriving arts and culture scene, and it would be beyond feckless for UNC-Asheville to burn its long-term bridges with the life of the mind in its own city instead of making hard but more sustainable choices. Send a letter to the chancellor today!
Keep PHILOSOPHY at UNC Dear Community Stakeholders & Supporters, The Philosophy Department at UNC Asheville is facing the high probability of being eliminated as the result of a recent Academic Portfolio Review process, wh...
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Mainstream coverage of academia this year was all about "wokeness," AI, and accusations of anti-semitism re: Palestine protests, but this is the real story underlying all else. Most people outside of academia have no idea the extent to which higher ed is contracting and crumbling.
doing a Jevons Paradox speedrun to power a technology with as yet no known useful application
Our tech overlords would like to make clear that your fantasies of universal health care and affordable housing are childish while their fantasies of infinite energy to power their AI girlfriends are reasonable expectations and will come true imminently.
AI is exhausting the power grid. Tech firms are seeking a miracle Some data centers need as much energy as a small city, turning companies that promised a clean energy future into some of the most insatiable guzzlers of power