
Feel bad for the kids who will never know the joy of visiting a Blockbuster to choose a movie by walking around, loving at the covers of movies
Funnily enough I have an extended riff about this in my next book!
Growing up just outside Berkeley, we lived around the corner from a Blockbuster and rented quite a lot of movies. My mom would have preferred that I use that as the landmark for our neighborhood. Instead, I told everyone we lived by the Hotsy Totsy club (the words on the sign formed an “X”).
I think I now do this with books and the various book deals of the day emails I get. It scratches my browsing itch.
Also the millennial experience of accidentally renting an anime waaaay to mature for you
That movie, of course, was ERASER starring Arnold Schwarzenegger
I always had to close my eyes when passing this one at the rental store. My mom would lead me.
First R-rated movie I saw in theaters. I told my mom I was going to see Hunchback of Notre Dame
Oh my god I hate how much I love that movie. Perfect movie to fall asleep to after 250 viewings or so.
all the horror movies were so bad but their VHS cover art was sublime
vivid memories of strolling through a blockbuster as like an 8 year old and letting my imagination run away with me figuring out what this movie was about
One of my first jobs was at a Blockbuster. (Khaki and blue oxfords give me ptsd flashbacks to this day.) Stocking the horror shelves was always a joyous agony.
this one always got me at Video Library
Found my old management team blue polo with the obnoxious yellow collar in the back of a closet during a recent move.
The job itself I actually liked a fair bit. (Still a big movie/game nerd to this day) District management (in the Louisville KY area anyway) was a hot damn mess.
Apparently it's a horror comedy and it's decent
oh shit, might have to watch it some scalawag put it on YouTube, too!
It's fucking amazing, one of my all-time favorites. Don't settle for the R-rated version, half of the sight gags are missing!
I know the cover though i've never seen the film. My introduction to Sam Raimi and Bruce Campbell was walking by the box for Army of Darkness once and noticing the fork, going wrf. And thinking I have could sell it to my parents as a comedy if they saw and objected.
I was a wimpy kid and the cover of Alien frightened me for years
The video stores may be lost to us, but we still have record stores. I took a gaggle of teens to their first one this spring with a mandate of 'purchase physical media'. It was a grand adventure and we left not just with our purchased bounty but a gifted edm CD made by the clerk who sold the wares.
I worked at a video store for 8 years. It was a great job. Getting to know customers, their preferences, and being able to recommend movies they will enjoy was very satisfying. I genuinely loved that job.
I worked in a mom-and-pop video store a few years while I was in college. Can confirm.
So many movies that terrified us based solely on fantastic covers. Truly a lost art.
move all the kids to portland, OR so they can live out their movie browsing dreams at movie madness video
Seeing a 1996 rom com that made $16m at the box office playing on a fuzzy 23in TV in the corner next to the sci fi / adult section
Wandering around the video store to pick something really made what was essentially just watching TV at home feel like a legit activity
Standing around for 45 minutes arguing with your friends over what to watch was an integral part of the ceremony. I really miss video stores.
Just found this a little while ago. Was well used.
Arguably this is a far more functional interface than whatever Netflix has that uses data-science to hide all the good movies from you because you watched a cartoon once*.
Serendipitous discovery has been purged from algorithmic systems. I miss coverflow style interfaces that mimicked flicking through LPs or DVDs in a rack.
Excellent words, that was what I was trying to say. Or at least hinting at obtusely.
We could rarely afford to go when I was little but our Blockbuster did free rentals for "A" report cards and those visits were so special. I would take forever to pick between different movies so I could get the most value out of it.
You can still do it at the library 🌈
I miss the video store. Browsing through the aisles was better than scrolling!
I also feel bad for the kids whose much better video stores were shut down by Blockbuster's aggressive business tactics.
Back in those days, our favorite holiday gift for guests and acquaintances was a niche paperback book titled something like, "The 101 Best Videos You Haven't Seen." It was such a great pre/early internet resource. Also saved a lot of time not wandering about the video store aisles aimlessly.
iirc, I would not have watched Koyaanisqatsi, Strangers in Good Company, or Repo Man (as well as a bunch of other films) if not for that book. Ohhh, I think I need to do a search for it, even though it's super outdated.
I remember getting my hands on an old "golden movie retriever's movie reviews," which was just an absolute DOORSTOP of a book with thousands of movies + short summaries and ratings listed in it. I'd read that thing religiously, looking for cool shit to try and find to rent.
We were lucky to have an "alternative" video store nearby, so we were able to find/rent a bunch of them. And most were quite good.
This is how I discovered 'dirty work' directed by Bob Saget, starring Norm Macdonald, one of the funniest films I've ever seen