
Assemble the wine moms and the cringe libs because they're really really really good at this (complimentary)
Like this is where Karen energy is needed. You need to be on that “can I speak to your manager” shit. Act like you’ve been double charged for your salad and need a refund.
Being really annoying is praxis. Phone, email, fax, show up in person if that’s an option. Just don’t let up until you’re too irritating to ignore.
this is why i keep posting fucking call scripts for shit. take a minute. make someone with too much power and too little will to use it say “ugh alright alright jesus stop calling.”
i didn’t get much besides bad knees & general misanthropy from my decades managing restaurants and bars, but i’m not gonna not weaponize years of abuse against entrenched power. now, mister congressional intern, i want to speak to your manager.
It’s taken decades to form the guts that it takes to speak with the manager… Barely possible now, as I turn 50… confrontation is hecka hard
I understand. You don't have to do that if you're uncomfortable! You can use your voice in supportive or non confrontational ways or help elevate the voices of others ❤️ you have unique gifts that you alone can use
Oh no… I have to, and I will… and I have… I just have to gird my loins or whatever that phrase is… It’s got to be done
That's really awesome of you -- it's so hard to push past that feeling. I am getting it here and there too as I get older, I am becoming averse to confrontation (but then I get mad at some racist all over again)
Saying you are “averse to confrontation” reads like something you would use to let others know you were being held hostage.
No! I really don't like it! I find it humiliating and painful! I just know that if I'm not yelling publicly at people who need to be yelled at publicly no one else will be the first to do it
Some of us were raised… to follow rules and “be good” - ie 1/2 the worlds population - everyone who identifies as a woman/girl I was told long ago by a jerk male prof: “don’t make waves” Fvck you, prof
I get so mad - at so many things - my teens have to remind to pick my battles 🤣🤣🤣🤣 I think when I hit 40, I said: fvck it; tired of being a good girl and following the rules
Hey, drive by reader. I’m really proud of you. I know how hard this is. Great job 🤜🏻
being annoying is like their superpower USE IT
In an alternate universe I can totally see myself using these innate talents for evil, but fortunately here I have chosen to channel my need for attention and comeuppance for good
I appreciate you especially since you're a neighbor 🥰 so far I feel beyond lucky that Sara Jacobs is my rep because to date, I've only had to call her office to thank her for any statements or votes she's made
I grant that this may change at any time, given the track record of other people I've previously trusted, but so far so good
Equally important! Those of us in states or localities with good reps need to send those positive messages too because they also get counted and reinforce good decisions!
Absolutely, I try to make sure people know when I appreciate something good they've done
I really appreciate this post.
She’s good! I have Scott Peters and have had to rip him a new asshole about his slavish devotion to pharmaceutical company profits many a time
Oh he is an infuriating ding dong, I've had no patience with him for years. The most shocking thing about him is that he's not a Republican. Good for you!! Keep up the excellent work
It could be worse. You could have Darrell Issa like I do!
Her stance with Rep. Omar regarding Darfur gives her miles of leeway. It could be a lot worse. Issa became wealthy popularizing car alarms, that alone condemns him to hell.
I live in Chicago so I'm mostly lucky but when that fascist sea donkey carpetbagger motherfucker Vallas tried to fearmonger his way into my city IT. WAS. ON.
Cringelib winemoms have money, time, reliable transportation, a gossip network, business-casual clothing, and are typically of an age where they speak directly and no longer use upspeak or vocal fry. They are the best weapon for speaking at statehouse, city council, and school board meetings.
I consider myself ornery and battle tested enough to hold my own and not particularly afraid of confrontation, but I also think there’s a certain high level of felt entitlement and extreme sensitivity to things being amiss (in a good way) that makes wine moms the best at this
I also do not have the money, time, or gossip network. Research do be busy.
My husband calls it “going middle-aged white man” on them, because there’s not a good male Karen equivalent. He works very hard to only do it when absolutely necessary.