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Back from a brief break. Same name previously on Twitter, occasionally on Mastodon.


Free Palestine / end genocide
Reposted byAvatar Toxidrone
If you even try to mount a defence for this, you need to rethink everything about your life.
Reposted byAvatar Toxidrone
To respond to what is becoming a frequently-asked question, a note from Dark Horse regarding AI-generated material:
Reposted byAvatar Toxidrone
Reposted byAvatar Toxidrone
Biden could stop this at any time. Not only doesn’t he, he overruled Congress’s one attempt at scaling it back. I’m not sure how we’re supposed to forget that
Reposted byAvatar Toxidrone
I’m sorry. This is so horrible to read. But it’s in fucking Politico which isn’t exactly Marxist News Monthly so if you have a friend or relative who you need to reach, they should read this
We Volunteered at a Gaza Hospital. What We Saw Was American surgeons who witnessed the civilian carnage of the Israel-Hamas war.
Reposted byAvatar Toxidrone
Can any of you help me to find a scholarship as a student from Gaza
Reposted byAvatar Toxidrone
CW: suicide I spent about 20 years living only for others. I did not matter. I wanted to not exist. If I killed myself, people I cared about would be sad, so I decided not to, and went on with life never wanting to be alive. A year with transition later I realized that I didn't want to die anymore.
Happy 4th HRT-versery to me 🍾🏳️‍⚧️
Reposted byAvatar Toxidrone
Looking forward to the west's many 'rules-based international order' countries and politicians ignoring this. They'll just keep on defending, supporting, financing, and manufacturing consent for Israel as it commits its genocide.
South Africa took Israel to court and won! The International Court of Justice (ICJ) finds Israel guilty of apartheid! The Hague ruled Israel: - is an apartheid state - is annexing the West Bank - is occupying Gaza Israel is officially an apartheid state.
Reposted byAvatar Toxidrone
"The Palestinian people’s right to self-determination cannot be subject to conditions by their occupier." — ICJ
Reposted byAvatar Toxidrone
the guardian quoting a hate group verbatim calling trans people a "dangerous and homophobic ideology" at the end of an article stating that actually, none of our children are dying
Reposted byAvatar Toxidrone
⚠️ Update: A day has passed since #Bangladesh imposed a national internet shutdown amid student protests and a deadly crackdown. Metrics show connectivity flatlining at 10% of ordinary levels, raising concerns over public safety as little news flows in or out of the country.
Reposted byAvatar Toxidrone
> luke do you have any last words yes come closer > what do you want to say? closer > ok … all koalas have > what about them? the koalas ₜₕₑy > take it easy luke all ᵏᵒᵃˡᵃˢ ₕₐᵥₑ cₕₗₐₘydᵢₐ ☠️ *hurk*
Reposted byAvatar Toxidrone
"Sushi rolls, not gender rolls" Sticker spotted in Innsbruck, Austria
Reposted byAvatar Toxidrone
Trapper Keeper doodle ass design
never forget the campaign logo
Reposted byAvatar Toxidrone
"In my opinion, this indicates the need for taking necessary steps to arrange the return of displaced Palestinians and those who have fled," Saeed Bagheri, a professor of international law at Reading School of Law in the UK, told MEE.
Reposted byAvatar Toxidrone
Legal experts are describing the opinion by the ICJ as requiring taking several legal steps, including allowing for the return of Palestinians who were displaced by Israel when it began its occupation of the Palestinian territories in 1967.
ICJ opinion necessitates arranging Palestinian right to return to 1967 lands, legal experts While nonbinding, the advisory opinion was described as historic by legal experts who say it has ramifications for Israel
Reposted byAvatar Toxidrone
There appears to be a new softness to Lrrr, with Omicron Persei 8 residents describing him with words like "calm," "softspoken," "less hungry" and even "no urge to kill all humans."
Reposted byAvatar Toxidrone
I myself have 7 tiny cups but some of my colleagues have over 20 tiny cups and this is how marine biologists determine rank in our society
People say scientists are serious but marine biologists will spend hours quietly sitting around tables drawing on styrofoam cups and then tying said cups to deep sea submarines Because ocean pressure will squeeze the air from the cups And we are but human & we want tiny cup
Reposted byAvatar Toxidrone
Reposted byAvatar Toxidrone
Israel innovates a new method of torpedoing ceasefire talks: don’t show up and don’t tell your sugar daddy ahead of time
Reposted byAvatar Toxidrone
four years ago same as it fuckin ever was
Reposted byAvatar Toxidrone
Further we get away from Oslo I the more obvious it is that Arafat should never have agreed to it.
Reposted byAvatar Toxidrone
Trump has proposed executing people for fentanyl possession but his VP’s mom stole prescribed fentanyl/opioids from sick patients under her care as a nurse. She withheld opioids from her patients to use herself. Immigrants are not causing our drug problems! Liars & racists are making them worse tho!
::chef’s kiss::
Please consider helping if you can
I’m so scared. I haven’t ate or slept in 2 days. I’m wandering the streets and I’m sitting in urine and fecal matter because I have nowhere safe for my personal support worker. I need to eat and a motel to sleep. I need at least $100.
Reposted byAvatar Toxidrone
Sahra is great! Please send her some cash if you can 💚
I’m so scared. I haven’t ate or slept in 2 days. I’m wandering the streets and I’m sitting in urine and fecal matter because I have nowhere safe for my personal support worker. I need to eat and a motel to sleep. I need at least $100.
Reposted byAvatar Toxidrone
for folks reading this: if you can do this, do it! take your so-called “progressive” and “anti-war” liberal representatives to task!! do it on their preferred platforms!!
fun fact: you can actually ask local radio host Monty Belmonte to throw anything but softballs at Jim McGovern and he will at least respond to you
Reposted byAvatar Toxidrone
Reposted byAvatar Toxidrone
🖤💖✨️please boost for them +support if u can!
So much love to you and your children, This filled my heart with the warmest feeling. I hope your campaign is filled soon! Campaign here 👇
When people talk about how it "could be worse" they really, really don't know what it's like now. Anyone paying attention has known there is almost no clean water, nonexistent sanitation, and next to no medical capacity. This was inevitable.