
Marjorie Taylor Greene Greene disgracefully disrespected Dr. Fauci during a hearing today: "Mr Fauci -- because you're not 'doctor' -- you're Mr. Fauci in my few minutes. No, I don't need your answer ... he belongs in prison"
Aaron Rupar (@aaron.rupar) on Marjorie Taylor Greene Greene disgracefully disrespected Dr. Fauci during a hearing today: "Mr Fauci -- because you're not 'doctor' -- you're Mr. Fauci in my few minutes. No, I don't need your answer....
I'm sorry, where is her doctorate from again & in what discipline? Oh, that's right. She has a bachelor's. In business. Not even a doctorate & nothing remotely close to medicine. So sick of people with the combined intelligence of a thimble being in positions of power.
Rich McCormick just now saying health care should be between a patient and doctor--and not the government--is, um, rich. Tell that to women, doc.
When will the shitshow ever end??
Can't Understand Normal Thinking
Sneaky sneaky... 😏😈
How did the shittiest person in high school get elected to Congress?
White Christian Nationalism. Her district has no urban areas, is not diverse, struggles economically, has a high addiction rate, and is still fighting the Civil War. Lots of Confederate Flags. Biden managed to bring jobs to her district—which Greene voted against. And now takes the credit.
“Face of a 75,000-year-old Neanderthal woman revealed by scientists” - The rebuilt skull and a physical reconstruction of the face and head of a 75,000-year-old Neanderthal woman, named Shanidar Z. NBC News May 2, 2024. [Weird coincidence.]
I cringe just hearing MTG's voice, I am always amazed at what level of stupid she manages to attain. She strives to improve her stupidity record daily.
MTG is a complete disgrace.
And with that outrageous conduct she'll be plastered all over every form of media for at least a few days. She's a monster
Maybe doctors should refuse to treat her because she's too stupid to be human and refer her to a veterinarian.
You’re right. It would be an insult to our pets to compare her to them. Even my cat isn’t as self-centered as she is.
She could really do with visiting a Dr because she isn't well.
Dr. Fauci has contributed immeasurably to public health, and his work has saved millions of lives. I hope MTG goes straight to hell.
Marjorie Taylor Greene has shown herself, again and again, to be a sadist with absolutely no evidence of a moral conscience.
She's not a clinically treatable person. The idea of doing something because it's right has no psychologically compelling meaning to her. She only acts on nefarious instinct, with depraved indifference to the harm she causes. e.g., death threats against Dr. Fauci & family mean nothing to her.
The idea that someone as emotionally primitive as MTG or DJT would be approved by voters over qualified alternatives speaks to the collective stupidity & even depravity of large swathes of humanity. I always remember that the Nazis were able to gain power b/c so many Germans voted for them in 1933.
Her constituents must be really dumb.
Republicans public insanity helps Democrats get elected. Over performing in every poll for the last 6 years is proof.
Also, who are the people behind Fauci shaking their heads??
Wondering the same thing. Probably better we never find out and give them the attention they were hoping for.
What an embarrassment to the human race she is!
He is an actual MD. So it's not like the Jill Biden Quibble applies. What is she even talking about?
The Jill Biden quibble is also functionally irrelevant as Dr. Biden is a doctor but that’s never stopped MTG from opening her mouth before.
I know, the whole "when they go low" bla, but how great would it be, if he answered her with "Listen Marj, I know your brain is only focused on keeping you breathing, so there's no hope of you having an actualy thought, let alone a smart one. So I'm just gonna say:
She wasn’t the only one. The man on the right made that face while Fauci described serious death threats that he, his wife, and children are getting.
That came from Miss Decorum herself?? Dr. Fauci is lucky MTG didn't hit him with the Jewish Space Laser or get the Gazpacho Police beat the shit out of Dr.Fauci!!
The convicted felon and illegitimate president 45 should be the one getting grilled.
Trailer park trash behaviour
MTG is a major asshole. She’s a disrespectful jerk, going after a man who served his country under the worst of times under the worst administration. May she get what she deserves!!!
Marjorie Taylor Greene is as dumb as she sounds and looks. Definitely a clear advertisement to avoid in-breeding and incest
Ummmm. Is she doing the Mr Fauci thing versus Dr to try to equate it with people calling him Mr Trump instead of President Trump? Except that's not how it works. 🙄
She’s a waste of oxygen.
Did she even graduate from High School? She has no idea how smart Dr. Fauci is and how many diseases he's saved us from! She hasn't done one good thing for this Country!!!
They want to do much more damage to anything and anyone who has the ability and audacity to disagree with them. Destroying a person to destroy public confidence & demonstrate "superiority" isn't just rude & uncivil. It's actively destroying the process, the civil process that keeps democracy alive.
Margarine taters screams is a complete and utter fool.