George Conway

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George Conway

Contributor, The Atlantic. President, Soc'y for the Rule of Law.
Someone just texted me this, and it is GOLD
Isn’t there a natural limit to how long a circular firing squad can keep shooting? Asking for a democracy.
Was just throwing out some old newspapers and magazines and came across this and thinking maybe it could help
Blah blah blah Joe Biden’s mental state blah blah blah
it’s exhausting being a Corgi, exhibit 2,368,935
little baby Bonnie, 2011
Bonnie, May 10, 2011—July 2, 2024 Everyone loved our darling Bonnie. She was as sweet a creature as ever walked the face of the Earth. (Except, perhaps, sometimes, when you stood between her and her dinner.) Our family treasures her memory. She will live forever in our hearts.
In a perfect world, Joe Biden would be at Rehoboth and Donald Trump at Rikers.
2024, of course. Although it does seem like we are frozen in time 🙄
As I’m sure many of you have, I’ve been thinking a lot about the electoral choice we have in 2020 with more focus over the past few days, and I keep returning to a conclusion I reached a while back, but felt was not realistic enough as a scenario to be worth expressing.
As I’m sure many of you have, I’ve been thinking a lot about the electoral choice we have in 2020 with more focus over the past few days, and I keep returning to a conclusion I reached a while back, but felt was not realistic enough as a scenario to be worth expressing.
And that is that, for the good of the country and their own good, both of the major-party presidential candidates should retire.
Joe Biden has served his country honorably for over a half-century. He deserves our thanks for that, and in particular for saving our Constitution, our democracy, and the rule of law by running for president and winning in 2020.
He deserves to live a happy retired life on the beautiful Delaware shore, and wherever his travels may take him and his wonderful wife and family.
I can’t quite say all of that about Donald Trump, but I do think that he, too, deserves a pleasant retired life.
Obviously he’d choose to devote some of that time to defend himself against the myriad remaining criminal charges against him. And that’s his right. But I nonetheless do wish him many comfortable years in retirement at a nice minimum-security U.S. Bureau of Prisons facility.
Biden: "How many billions of dollars do you owe in civil penalties for molesting a woman in public, for having sex with a porn star while your wife was pregnant? You have the morals of an alley cat." I think Biden went too far here. Alley cats don’t deserve such abuse.
"In MAGA Land, they don't appreciate what a global, planetary joke he is to the world. They think of Donald Trump as this tough guy who scares everybody. He scares everybody the same way that a five-year-old walking around on a roof holding a bomb might scare. But he's weak and pathetic and stupid."
Reposted byAvatar George Conway
Reposted byAvatar George Conway
Look at the elegant way she does her feet.
Serious conundrum: What do you get the man who has everything?
The Edmonton Oilers from Canada, a country that bars the entry of convicted felons, are about to become the first team since 1945 to force a seventh game in the Stanley Cup Final after having lost the first three games. #ETTD
BREAKING: the perfect running mate for the convicted felon has now been identified "Michigan state Rep. Neil Friske (R-Charlevoix) was arrested early Thursday morning after he reportedly chased a stripper with a gun after a disagreement the two had."
Michigan GOP state Rep. Neil Friske arrested after alleged altercation with a stripper involving a Michigan state Rep. Neil Friske (R-Charlevoix) was arrested early Thursday morning after he reportedly chased a stripper with a gun after a disagreement the two had.