
new haters and losers just dropped
Stephen Miller wrote this one. Trump doesn't know how to use commas.
Absolutely. Spelling and grammar too.
He used Trumps "capitalization" to try to disguise it.
If the guy couldve just done stand up in the 80/90s, we wouldn’t be in this particular mess. His use of stale tv generation catch phrases says it all. Even glenn beck said he wouldnt be whatever he became if he could just be jon stewart.
This is from the mind that the New York Times views as the cognitive one running for president.
Hey look, Trump is already mentioning Willie Brown, surely Kamala won’t have any electoral vulnerabilities since she takes the age issue off the table
I still don’t understand what the scandal there is supposed to be. Harris and Brown dated very openly and he had been separated from his wife for years. Is there more to the story than that?
Anything can and will be turned into a scandal for any Dem candidate just like Biden’s age with the help of the press and anxious Dem insiders. Trump will say Kamala slept her way to the top with a much older man and will do it no matter how many Dem fingers wag at him saying it’s unfair.
"just like Biden’s age" suggests you think a sundowning president is equivalent to any run-of-the-mill scandal that's otherwise irrelevant to being president and we're going to have to disagree there.
I don’t see Harris’s weaknesses and potential countermoves being gamed out at all by supporters of a switch and I don’t see the fight on her behalf when she doesn’t poll as well as Trump either being any less dithering. Biden’s age can be swapped out for any other attack line against any candidate.
While I agree that any other line of attack will start for other candidates, that's just politics. I genuinely believe Biden is too old to be president, and 86% of Americans agreed with that opinion *before* the debate. This isn't just another political scandal. It's qualitatively different.
100% this, I love ignoring the electorate record of voting for anyone who isn’t a white male
I really do appreciate the darkly comedic decision to consistently start these out as wishing people a happy holiday. It could just be a straight, boring rant, but no, gotta recognize that it’s July 4th
It's the reason other fascists can't do Trump's schtick. Trump can be genuinely funny and it's the spoonful of sugar that helps low info voters support him. When guys like DeSantis do it, the sadism is never masked with jokes.
The loss of a character limit was devestating for Trump.
Imagine losing in every poll to THIS GUY. Biden's narcissism is genuinely a threat to our democracy. He needs to BOW OUT.
I shouldn’t be surprised he thinks “jig” is spelled “gig”.
Well, at least we know Trump's terrified of Kamala Harris. That's good.
If I didn’t know better I’d swear this was written by a pre-teen as satire. What a useless fuck of a human.
Such a delightful man. I definitely think we should put him in charge of running the most influential nation on Earth at a time of great trouble for the planet. And ensure has has access to the nukes. Let's all do this! /s
Also surprised at the venom for Biden
Whether the giant leaking hefty bag of orange diarrhea will admit it or not, Biden kicked his ass four years ago. Of course that's unforgivable.
Good god that man is vile. I hadn’t read anything from him for a while and forgot just how loathsome he is
It's so obvious when someone else writes the post for him.
Imagine getting this in a fortune cookie
Oh, Donald, Donald. You're for the moment the lesser evil, nevertheless, you're still evil. Don't worry, the senile perv #GenocideJoeBiden won't get my vote. BTW, my vote is way too precious to give it to you. Biden and you are like 2 peas in a pod. One blue, one red, both demented and evil.