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Formerly Ahasuerus.

Threadbare in coat, heart, body, and brain
Yeah, that IS super hard! Eventually I realized (or saw a video) about making your lander stout and wide, rather than making it look like a tall spaceship.
Yeah - always a set of tradeoffs, but boy, is there a lot of sunlight hitting the Earth and we don't need that much of it
What's wild is that they used to calculate these things by hand, maybe with slide rules.
velocity zero at altitude zero is always a challenge
It's also like - if you're going to Mars, the immediate thought is that you point your spaceship at Mars and fire the rockets. Then you realize Mars is orbiting, so you cleverly point your spaceship AHEAD of Mars. But it actually looks like this (rocket tangent to the Earth's orbit of the sun)
it makes sense but you have to play with it a LOT before your brains tarts acting like it does.
Yeah - you want to get to a lower orbit, which is faster, so you have to slow down to get there, as is of course, intuitive and clear.
Reposted byAvatar Buttadeus
The Biden-Harris FTC is on a roll. It's suing corporations for abusing their power. It banned noncompetes. Now it's investigating "surveillance pricing" tactics where companies use personal data to set different prices for everyone. This is government working for the people.
I was thinking that if you're already in a high orbit, too, you could fire whatever projectiles you have ready when you're behind the moon with respect to the target, so when they come into view, they might not be able to track them well.
yeah - though I guess like, you put it on the menu, you should probably put out something better than grocery store frozen fish sticks that you burned reheating
Reposted byAvatar Buttadeus
fairly convinced that Kamala could just embrace fracking out of total cynicism, the industry will be toast in not very long
In 2018 the EIA predicted that the U.S. would have 40GW of energy storage installed by 2050. Their latest predictions are for the US to have 40GW of energy storage installed by 2025. Storage is the fossil fuel killer. But the fossil fuel industry, like many, didn't see this coming.
I'll be there. I'm giving. Pass the word to the sane white dudes you know (not the insane ones). bit.ly/whitedudesfo...
Used to be “jello Biafra”
Media: “Trump is making gains with black voters!” Black voters
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It’s pretty easy to feel smug and sassy about human ingenuity until you remember that it was only about 10 yrs ago that we figured out you could make a heart shape with your index fingers and thumbs
Look wizards don’t all have their own towers, some have to work 9-5 in the cauldron factory
What the fuck does that mean?
He’s just a person who seems to be from real life like the rest of us
The fact that we only have to sustain it for 100 days helps too
Reposted byAvatar Buttadeus
Molly Jong-Fast nails it. We're only 4 1/2 days into this campaign. Vibe Shift, America! tweet x.com/MollyJongFas...
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The letter to Biden from doctors that have served in Gaza includes an estimate of the true death toll. It is over 92,000 people killed. www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/bf4mf...
Reposted byAvatar Buttadeus
Posted at 9:15 PM. Just sharing visuals. Aside from being his wife, Mallory McMorrow is Michigan State Senate Majority Whip. Lol. tweet: x.com/raywert/stat...
Reposted byAvatar Buttadeus
One person who continually looks worse and worse is Walter Isaacson. www.nbcnews.com/tech/tech-ne...
someone put it in the chat
There is an absolute freight train coming down the mountain
McMorrow, warns she's going to do some "ass-kicking": "This is not the time to start a book club. This is not the time to learn what we should have learned ages ago." This is the "time to act." Says "it's going to be uncomfortable to start."