
Now everyone--The Times and, sorry to say, MSNBC--is noting every missed syllable. The man has a stutter. I don't stutter but I am a mushmouth who speaks too fast and slurs words. I've had to overcome fear of public speaking. I have empathy for Biden. The press has empathy for no one (but Trump).
The guy also notes that he immediately corrected himself. If that’s literally the best they’ve got, give me a fucking break!
I recently had to sit for a deposition. When I got it back and had to read it…oof. Verbatim transcripts are not kind to your self esteem
My job for 24 YEARS has consisted of transcribing ppl speaking verbatim, and not a damn one of you can get through a sentence without interrupting yourselves, backtracking, starting and stopping, ums, uhs, and stutters. The ONLY ONE WHO EVER HAS was the profiler on the Susan Smith murder case.
I've done a lot of phone interviews over the years and found this to be true when transcribing (except for George Monbiot, who actually speaks in neatly formatted paragraphs). Another thing I learned: some people *sound* very coherent when talking, but when you write it down it's just gibberish.
Paddy Ashdown, long ago leader of the Lib Dems, could do it. I had the most massive crush on him as a result.
That's how this guy was. He would pause for 30 unblinking seconds, take a breath, and this perfect paragraph would come out at a nice, measured pace. It was amazing. I typed 100wpm, and I barely had to ever hit pause to catch up.
I can think in coherent, eloquent paragraphs. Talking is, um, hard, yeah…
It is, in fact, sam's people have no clue. Anytime I hear someone get through a longish extemporaneous sentence without effing it up, I marvel.
Like, I actually applaud them in my head.
wait, was that philip resnick
No. I think it was Allen someone? I'd recognize a photo, but i forgot his name decades ago. Definitely not Resnick.
I think it was Sheriff Howard Wells. He got her to confess. When he answered a question, he would pause for 30 seconds, take a breath, and then answer it absolutely perfectly, at a measured pace. Not a single uh or restart. It's the easiest transcription I have ever done, and the only one like it.
Hell, even reading transcripts when you were taking or defending the deposition are not kind to your self-esteem.
Every “um, yeah, you know, like” and weird elliptical turn of phrase laid bare for the whole damn world
I hate now how when you record a Teams meeting it automatically turns on the transcription and you can see it live. I have to immediately click to close that window every time because I can’t stand watching it as I’m speaking.
And just to bring things back around to the point of this conversation, none of us have a well documented severe speech impediment like the president does, right?
I once had to do a transcript of ten minutes of my own recorded speech that included every single word said, sound started, sigh sighed, “ha” laughed. It was humiliating
They made you do it to yourself!?!?! That’s just cruel
Not even "he corrected himself" but he "made an effort" as if it wasn't successful
I _do_ stutter and I would like these "reporters" to fuck all the way off with this.
I've struggled with a stutter and related speech impediments all my life and I have a special contempt for pundits who use that to try to disqualify Biden
I'm horrified by it. Playground bully shit that adds nothing substantive and indeed, obscures or interferes with any substantive discussion. Plus the contempt for viewers/readers/listeners who might have some sort of speech issue shines through
personally i love reliving childhood trauma from this every time biden speaks in public and the commentariat freaks out (i do not, in fact, love it)
You're not alone, Ryan. Same here. I honestly don't have an firm opinion on whether Biden should stay in or bow out. All I know (and have known since well before this moment) is that the stutter-shamers need to shut the fuck up and maybe engage in a little self-education.
My wife has dyslexia. Can't imagine my molten rage if she were a public official and people criticized her for not being perfect on a teleprompter. Speeches are pagentry, not policy. Give me a break.
"He said billion not trillion" is such weak tea it legally counts as purified water.
NYT has been doing this for a while. They faithfully quote full sentences including every “umm uhh” stutter or repetition from Biden then paraphrase Trump like “Trump states that the economy is “strong” and his next term will be “tremendous””. I haven’t seen a full quote from Trump in a long time
I have two post secondary degrees, completed residency training and a dual UCLA fellowship in Consultation-Liaison & Trauma & was expert consultant to oncology & transplant services there & to med systems thereafter. Today I mispronounced three medication words. US political press defile themselves.
me, saying ondansetron when i mean zonegran
Also, the million/billion/trillion mix up is probably one of the most common verbal stumbles for people speaking on economic matters
I keep looking for that recent clip where Trump spews total nonsense syllables at the end of one of his lines. It's as bas or worse than anything I've seen Biden do.
this is out of fucking control
“Trump said I want to kill a Brazilian—no trillion, trillion people.”
A month or so ago, several MSNBC hosts announced that they would play more of Trump's speeches specifically to highlight his inability to make sense. Funny how, after shoving that down our throats, they switch so easily to helping him succeed.
That isn’t even a stutter. Millions, billions, trillions whatever get mixed up all the time. I often say one and in my head I know that’s wrong and correct. It’s NBD. They are dumb numbers nobody can visualize anyway
None of these jerks ever have to step up & perform? Because I can't be the only one who's had the experience of walking in fully prepped, bit tired maybe, and...then the words won't come, sentences get tangled, ideas chase their own tails. A bumbling fiasco - happens maybe once a semester. So what?
I often stumble over words.
Just got off the phone with my BFF and she said "hi" to my husband and called him by name. I blanked for a couple seconds before I remembered her husband's name to reply in kind.
I really would like for that garbage post to haunt Mr Cameron for the rest of his natural life. And his ghost life too.
JFC. I do this at least 5 times in every meeting I'm in. What are we doing here?
Biden’s answer to a question about abortion at the debate: