
these people are trying to elect trump and deserve the blame for what they did
Biden has been the most successful progressive president in half a century and the current “progressive” line is that he should immediately resign in disgrace at the insistence of the New York Times. Can you not see how this is an insane hysteria? How social media has completely broken you
Step one is that progressives stop overtly trying to destroy him?? What is wrong with you, you’re setting him on fire and saying “tell me how we extinguish him”
He's losing. Tell me how he wins.
There is a large contingent of people who collectively are powerful enough to make Biden's election untenable, and that's what their efforts are directed towards. I am willing to bet their efforts likely will be successful, but they're offering an alternative that doesn't reduce risk
This would be bad if it meant electing Bob Dole, but the fact that this is happening when there is a real, honest to goodness authoritarian threat to the democratic order standing to take power from this is almost too much for words to capture.
A politics based on self-expression through a series of consumer choices between product brands on offer is unequal to the present situation. "How does this vote make me look? Does my stance make my ass look fat?" is not the heurusitic you need right now.
a good deal of it is *due* to the severity of the threat. not the press (they've got their own pathologies) but the fraction of this being driven by genuine progressives is rendered more urgent and panicky by the nature of this election.
Ah, the shadow puppeteers will force Biden to step aside and bring forth mysterious younger candidate x who lives in a frictionless world in which victory over Trump is assured
Voters number one concern is his age. Their concern appears to be valid. How do we overcome that?
It being their number one concern doesn't tell us anything about how it will affect their vote
No, the polls are telling us how they will vote, and it's not good. He's incapable of campaigning too, so how does it turn around?
I mean, he's had public events and media appearances in four swing states since the debate. That's not "incapable of campaigning," whatever you think about the substance of the campaign or its talking points.
I mean, sure. If you count the interview tonight as campaigning. I guess a better way of phrasing it would be that he's incapable of articulating why anyone should vote for him.
The polls have barely moved in the wake of the debate. They dipped considerably more after Obama's first debate. So why the hell should he drop out?
polls tell us how people are going to vote? well shit when did that happen?
*troll alert* to anyone reading posts from this person. The “trash” part in the username is appropriate. ☺️
He has been on the campaign trail all week making appearances. Quit with the lies.
Can you cite that with any sort of data? Because the thing is Biden was old last election and he’s only gotten older since doing the job and from and no one has shown where his age or verbal skills have cost him or anyone anything. The last guy said dumb shit that took out chunks of the economy.
By reminding them he has a capable vice-president ready to step up if called to, the person he trusts to carry on his legacy—Leading the most progressive administration since LBJ to the best economic recovery from Covid in the G8 and both the lowest murder *and* unemployment rates on record!
By noting the very capable and competent staff and cabinet he’s had with him helping get things done for the American people since day 1. By noting that if Biden truly can no longer govern or dies, an orderly, lawful process will occur to pass the job on to his designated successor—
But if Trump wins we may not have the lawful, orderly process that has largely been the norm ever again. This could be the last chance to stop a dictator by voting—which is so much easier than any other way! It only takes maybe a couple hours of your time to vote party line Democrat just do it
My main concern is that you shut the fuck up
Why wouldn't Trump's age also be a concern given his mind is in much worse condition?
He is too fucken old. No amount of denial is going to change it. His hubris will hand the election to Trump. As a non-American this is terrifying.
non-americans telling americans not to vote democrat case #99493
Labeled by Bluesky Moderation Service
He's destroying himself! Wake up Stancil.
I do think it's fair to ask what would happen if a replacement nominee also started polling behind. More panic? Another call to replace the nominee? I get the feeling that a lot of Democrats don't know how to campaign as underdogs.
I reject the question because the only reason it is gaining as much traction as it is, is because of the nature and seriousness of the flaw. It can't be messaged around by denial and redirection. Down in the polls alone wouldn't trigger this.
Also, there's a process in place for the situation wherein he's President & he ends up being unable to fulfill the full term - it's called Harris - ie another Democrat - replaces him as President. So...who cares? You're electing the *party*, not just the singular individual.
This whole freak out is both obnoxious & stupid You have a single boat to take you off a sinking ship - sorry it's not new, or not your style, or painted an ugly color, but this is what you got - this is it. Best make it work or enjoy drowning Swapping out would lose a legal challenge somewhere
Biden set himself on fire at the debate. It’s over. He steps aside or loses. I will vote for Biden and I will tell other ppl to vote for Biden cause Trump is worse. But he will still lose.
But, but you’re the most successful president in a generation how could you possibly win??!! You’re your party’s overwhelming nominee why won’t you step down??!! The best medical doctors in the world have medically cleared you but you’re old??!! But our narrative!!!! Malarkey.
Among people actually driving the narrative I remain convinced it’s much less “concern for the president’s competency” than it is “wouldn’t a brokered convention be fun?” Like they always want, every election.
Well, if you believe polls, the last Reuters-Ipsos poll had the race tied and 2/3s of the voters they polled want Biden. I think it's time to stop listening to the bedwetting 1/3. And look, we went through this in PA when Fetterman crushed centrist Lamb and then had a stroke but still won...
I agree with you on most things Will, but the narrative has gotten away from him and theres no getting it back short of something extremely out of character (like arresting SCOTUS conservatives and calling it an "official act"). A window of opportunity has opened and Dems should take advantage of it
A window of opportunity to derail a presidential campaign in a unique and never-before-attempted way. (Never attempted because of how dumb it is.) If Joe Biden died right now, it would be better to Weekend at Bernies him until after the election than try to swap candidates in fucking july.
More than 80 million people voted for Biden 4 years ago. It's literally as silly as the coca-cola company doing a rebrand to "The Drinks Company" based on one week of focus testing and a cool logo drawn up by the graphic design intern.
Could Coca-Cola do a successful rebrand? Sure as shit, they've got advertising muscle and a lot of money, and it could be done. But would they do it in a rush, and burn down their existing brand as they go? Nope. Not even if they were hemorrhaging money. Incumbency has HUGE advantages.
Need something really good before the change makes up for losing those advantages.
Not sure how much incumbency will help when the incumbent has an approval rating in the mid-30s. He's on course to lose the election.
I'm not sure either. It's a gamble, or maybe an estimate, made by people who know more than you or me, and have access to data and resources we don't have. *shrug I'm just trying to explain what I think the gamble *is* and some of the reasons why they might do things one way instead of another.
He's losing. Tell me how he wins.