
the stuff people post on Threads (I still drop in over there, despite myself) amazes me, like is this kind of argumentative, engagement-farming shit what normals have always used social media for?? and I'm the weirdo who uses social media to read the news and do activism and learn stuff?
i didn't have to go looking for this, it was all in the first four or five scrolls on my "for you" algorithm!! this is what people go on the internet to do??? rehash 50-year-old arguments about wedding gift etiquette????
i do have to hand it to them, "why are so many small children wearing glasses now" is one of the funniest things i've read in a long time, like can you imagine being so deeply concerned about this incredible new trend
there actually was an interesting article about taiwan’s increase in kids needing heavy duty correction, but can you imagine thinking that glasses as a kid mean you don’t need them as an adult??
The World Is Going Blind. Taiwan Offers a Warning, and a So many people are nearsighted on the island nation that they have already glimpsed what could be coming for the rest of us.
This was such an interesting article, thanks for the link.
Taiwanese leaders worked swiftly to get playground space for kids 😩
Because of the expense, I didn't get my first pair of glasses until I was a teenager. Until then, I spent my entire life only being able to see clearly for as far as I could reach. No wonder I spent all my time reading or using (public library) computers.
"children have no business seeing the world around them in 4k detail"
It's what happens when Meta implements their downranking system for political content. Zuck's goal is for meta to be free of all scandal and controversy. He is a moron.
These sound like it's their first day on earth. There cannot be this many 23 year olds on threads
right?? like isn't threads (and facebook and IG) famously for like 50 year olds???? isn't that the joke??? that it's full of olds????
Being in my 50s, I've confirmed my lifelong belief that the 50s recaps 3rd through 8th grade: loud, cranky, and amazingly confidently uninformed on so many topics. It's like some weird reverse pre-puberty.
Why aren't children blind any more or why don't we stigmatize them by wearing glasses is a special one
*make them feel stigmatized by wearing glasses
I don't know... Other than the wedding one, these all sound like middle-aged dumb questions to me. The Olds (Boomers and Xers) may have already taken over FB, but the older Millennials are in their 40's now, so we might be witnessing their transition into Olds on Threads.
I feel extremely validated in my religious opposition to Threads. (my religion is called “not having a panic attack if I can avoid it.”)
The vibe I got from threads was that all these instagram influencers found themselves auto-enrolled in threads, thought "Holy shit, we have to TYPE WORDS on this platform?!" and launched into long-form(ish) blogging without being at all cut out for it Hence the reversion to the very low mean
What happens when engagement junkies have to pivot from posting pretty pictures to writing essays: what's going to get me that sweet, sweet engagement?
yeah you're 1000% correct on this
I also feel like there's a Reddit to TikTok to Threads pipeline where TikTokkers steal ideas from Reddit (usually Am I the Asshole) and then those topics are moved over to Threads? That wedding gift thing was a 'hot topic' on TikTok a few weeks ago
yeah!!! the outrage fungibility pipeline is so weird
I am both fascinated and annoyed by it (though I am not on Threads, I'd imagine that's where it hits last)
And I am fairly sure the first iteration I saw was someone reading out the Reddit post
right, like whyyy? absolute terrible vibes over there. blending the polemic posturing of LinkedIn with the belligerent, bad faith attitudes of Twitter
Ok, those posts are both hilarious and also bizarre. What is wrong with these people? Like, tipping hairdressers has been a thing for at least 50 years!
Ah, I get it now. Ppl are supposed to be outraged and thus engage. Good grief. Apparently I never learned how to social media…. Also, I’m glad I’m not over there.
Is that person... -down- on the trend of children who need assistive devices to see clearly getting them younger??? There are so many people in the world with -such- confusing priorities.
and they're just putting it all out there on the internet!!!
Also, just, 100% unquestionably objective truth: babies in glasses are -adorable-. The little stretchy headbands and cute colors?
I thought normies used social media to see meme videos and brag about vacations. I sure hope this isn't it
TBH, traditional wedding etiquette states that guests have up to a year after the wedding to send a gift.🤣🤣
Yes, many, many people use social media to argue pointlessly.
"why are so many children wearing glasses now" is 🤯
Are children wearing glasses so they don’t have to wear them when older? Bro what lol