Rev. Dr. Big Honkin Jugs

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Rev. Dr. Big Honkin Jugs

Not an actual doctor.
Ask J.K. Simmons if he thinks I’m cute.
🇮🇪🤝🇵🇸 from the river to the sea
Nb they/them
I won’t follow back without a vibe check! Fool me once, shame on you etc
he yearns for the trees
lil dude invented Rampage that's amazing!
I’m gonna be real, my 4yo’s autistic traits are so disco every day is a party I love that guy
as a bisexual nonbinary im sexually attracted to Wrestlers and Pretty Bitches and where that Venn diagram intersects?? Baby that’s flavour country
I think for tomorrows dinner I’ll fry up some tuna and kimchi and eat it with the roast seaweed and maybe some cucumber fizzy ice water!!!!!
pain is worse but I am clean and moisturised
Think I’ll go cry in the shower for a minute
Think I’ll go cry in the shower for a minute
Alternatively if u live in Ireland and have some paint rattling around why not give it to your aul pal cassia so i can use the bits and then I’ll take it to recycling 🫶🤙
[happy dude voice] send five to twenty euro to Dr. Jugs! (it’s for spraypaint not anything important don’t give me money unless you’re rich) Pay or get paid easily with payment links! Use any card to pay or any bank account to get paid.
Project 2025 absolutely believes their right to control your private life extends to your ability to decide whether and under what circumstances to have children, advocating for the next GOP president and Congress to institute a federal abortion ban.
No aspect of private family life is exempt from the prying eye and control of a GOP federal government. Project 2025 deems parents allowing their own kids to have a cell phone, be on social media, read the "wrong" books, and wear the "wrong" clothes and using the "wrong" pronouns to be child abuse.
Project 2025's concerns about porn are less about protecting children from being sexually exploited than they are criminalizing adults who allow teens to read age-appropriate books about gender, sexuality, and sexual abuse/assault, which don't align with conservative ideology.
Look for the ones who havn't deprogrammed themselves from the authoritarian sexual attitudes society and particularly religion forces on us. Look for the ones who are already throwing people under the bus to be "one of the good ones"
We ca'ttolerate them anymore because we wouldn't tolerate Nazis and the diffrence is already thin and will disappear entirely if fascists win an election aginst a party that fumbles easy wins.
Update: you can make a real nice bagel spread with chopped salmon and Greek yogurt (I cannot consume Bagel, because I have bones)
im always saying this
Your ass is simply too Powerful, modern medicine hasn't caught up yet
from each according to their adderall ability to each according to their adderall need
Paddy is such a good partner he’s doing the mental labor of planning and cooking for him and the kids so i don’t have to use my brain with no spuds
Cute of capitalism to keep coming up with new ways to pathologize any & all symptoms of suffering under it & means of escaping it
any woman who has "slept her way to the top" actually worked in a situation where men withhold career progress until they recieve sexual favors
I should get a few chickens so I can have friends that give me Egg
I’ve got cucumber and celery I’m dipping in some Greek yogurt that has smoked salmon dill chopped up into it and the last 2 fridge pickles (must make more)
I have to reduce the mass of my ass for my bone surgery it has been less than 24 hours and I’m seeing everything turn into a baguette like a desert island cartoon
Fun game if you support indigenous futurism Your super sacrit indigenous native Droid name is the numbers on your credit card Your clan is the expiration date Your data cloud spirit is the three numbers next to your signature
not all abuse is illegal. not all abuse is rape. that doesn't make it any less horrific, and it doesn't nullify the story being told here, which is of powerful people using vulnerable young people as disposable playthings. no more on this from me.
We should all do this tbh I mean if you’re outside anyway you might as well pick up a little
I keep thinking I could buy my OWN trash grabber and go pick up trash in the woods without doing the official county volunteer thing...but then I'm a weirdo stomping around in the woods picking up trash...but then I realize that this is precisely what I want to be
I tried to explain this shirt to my wife and mom. I could barely get through the first sentence without hugging myself and laughing breathlessly for a minute. My wife was similarly incapacitated. My mom simply watched us as though the world had accelerated beyond her comprehension.
Whyyyyyy am I seven years old?? I'm literally crying right now.
I will absolutely go so far as to say that the relegation of children to chattel status is a core part of whiteness. Unsurprisingly it was women from the Global South—the Abuelas de Plaza de Mayo—who made the human rights of children to their own identities a part of international law. 🥚