Larry Rubinow

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Larry Rubinow

I used to be a lawyer. I got better.

Greater Twin Cities area. Definitely not the lesser Twin Cities, those guys suck.

Also on mastodon as @[email protected]; here largely for cat pix, MSP content, 'n fun stuff.
I feel like not nearly enough has been said about the fact that one of the guys behind Project 2025 is named Vought.
Reposted byAvatar Larry Rubinow
“Fascism sucks up power left unattended” deserves to be carved over the entrances to grand public buildings
largest french turnout in 40 years, to keep the nazis down. fascism sucks up power left unattended
Reposted byAvatar Larry Rubinow
Because for the average American voter ,genocide is not an issue, but looking weak is.
I know it looks like he's gung-ho about work on a Monday morning, but don't let him fool you. He's licking the keyboard. #OtisBDriftwood
Preparing to nerd out, as one apparently does
My luck
Capricorn: Your DNA test will reveal a long lost brother which you’ll think is pretty cool until you find out he needs a kidney.
Reposted byAvatar Larry Rubinow
I know they get rolled all the time but for the Times to get rolled by “actually they just want to reclaim the values of Western civilization as they see it … with larger families and fewer immigrants” is the Times putting the 14 words in the paper
This but for political donations
Just because I buy something from you does not give you the right to text me repeatedly. #corporatesubskeet
Reposted byAvatar Larry Rubinow
I will bang this drum forever: in THEY THOUGHT THEY WERE FREE: THE GERMANS, 1933-45 Milton Mayer interviewed 10 ordinary Germans after WW2 to learn how fascism took hold. There was never a moment when everyone woke up:
if you’re waiting for everyone around you to wake up, you’ll wait forever. this is how the people grinding our bones to make their bread WANT you to be. paralyzed, alienated & purposeless
Reposted byAvatar Larry Rubinow
Axios is extremely conservative in its wrap up.
What's the best episode of television you've ever watched? Certainly not the *best* - that would be too hard to pick - but the one that yanks out my heart and twists it into a knot every rewatch. iykyk Stargate SG-1, "Heroes Parts 1 & 2"
What’s the best episode of television you’ve ever watched. Seriously - this is tv gold.
Reposted byAvatar Larry Rubinow
Reposted byAvatar Larry Rubinow
Reposted byAvatar Larry Rubinow
Never reskeet me, is the lesson here
had the honor of a reskeet by a pencil-necked little weasel so RIP my mentions
Reposted byAvatar Larry Rubinow
This is what we need everywhere
“Taraji P. Henson made Project 2025 the talk of the BET Awards. The host of this year's BET Awards warned viewers on multiple occasions about the far-right plan to dismantle and remake the government in Trump's image.”
Taraji P. Henson made Project 2025 the talk of the BET The draconian plan supported by conservative groups to dismantle the government if Donald Trump is elected was the talk of the Black Entertainment Television Awards.
Guy bought cybertruck with all the frills and would now like YOU to buy it from HIM please. Still has paper plates.
Reposted byAvatar Larry Rubinow
Ok that was fun back to dependence
Otis celebrated the dawn of the first/last day of the shortest workweek of the year by vomiting salmon paté on the bed, so I'm getting my steps in (laundry is two flights down).
Reposted byAvatar Larry Rubinow
Reposted byAvatar Larry Rubinow
When you see the way the press is treating Joe Biden for aging in public, you see how they could treat Donald Trump for committing fraud, rape, espionage, and insurrection and never, ever will.
Was hoping that the rain would be enough to result in fewer explosions outside. No such luck. But Otis is taking his first 4th here like a champ - staying close, but otherwise appearing chill.
Reposted byAvatar Larry Rubinow
I simultaneously feel like Biden should probably not be the Democratic nominee and also that parts of the media seem weirdly gleeful about it in a way that completely ignores the consequences of electing Trump again
Reposted byAvatar Larry Rubinow
Reposted byAvatar Larry Rubinow
Reposted byAvatar Larry Rubinow
Look, I’m cynical af but if voting didn’t matter why tf are republicans so hell bent on making sure the only votes that count are those of white men?
Here it is, the dumbest thing you will read today
Will I be stuck in the house today, instead of out on a bike? Yes. Will I use the time productively? Fuck off.
Reposted byAvatar Larry Rubinow
Dear UK followers, Please post a lot today so i can vicariously enjoy the electoral annihilation of a Conservative Party. Sincerely, Your American Cousins