
So, I think when my editor asked me to do a long list of Tory policy screw ups since 2010, he was expecting something funny? The reality was... not particularly funny.
An (incomplete) list of every terrible policy the Conservatives have inflicted on Britain since 2010 | Jonn Readers, brace yourselves, says the writer Jonn Elledge
"In almost every realm of government activity, this lot have made life worse. The policies referred to in every sentence in this article have damaged untold thousands of lives. The party has created the broken Britain it claimed its mission was to repair."
An (incomplete) list of every terrible policy the Conservatives have inflicted on Britain since 2010 | Jonn Readers, brace yourselves, says the writer Jonn Elledge
It feels odd to say it, but I needed this refresher of just how bad things have been. Their vandalism has been on such a scale that it has been hard to stop their latest damage from overshadowing past messes.
A litany of despair, verily. We have to stop this chaos, incompetence and wanton cruelty. The journey back will be long and fraught, but tomorrow we can make a start. Let's do this #UKGeneralElection #UKGE2024 #GTTO
Only part way through this, and it’s depressing as hell. One bright spot to point out though; the U.K. is a leader in renewable power generation; as I type this it’s currently generating 48% via renewables and 15% nuclear (though Tories seem to have done what they can to stop this)
National Grid: Shows the live status of Great Britain’s electric power transmission network
The country has gone downhill from day 1.
For the sake of balance, 14 years worth of things I think they’ve got right: - Osborne’s pension reforms - decarbonisation of generation: credit to Ed Davey of course - IPSA and new MP expenses rules - support for Ukraine - not trying to make a narcissistic rapist dictator-for-life. Anything else?
“Broken Britain”, it turns out, was a campaign promise.
I had actually missed that - christ. But there are many omissions alas. I already ran about 20% over my word count
Ooof. That feels like it must mostly be driven by the relentless anti trans campaigning. The far right getting more traction in general taking care of the rest. But that's vibes based.
That's only part of it. Here's ILGA's analysis for 2024:
It's a grim list, but also very useful to put under the nose of anyone still undecided about which way to vote tomorrow.
This should be required reading for anyone wistful for the days of Cameron and Osborne. Especially Osborne. History is not going to reflect kindly on him at all.
Hey kiwis - can’t you hear willoLux in the cuts & efficiency drive. Austerity is a death spiral - Nz Nats are taking us on their Austerity fast track. Except our system had previously been cut to the bone by the last round of Nats.
Ugh! Seeing every cut laid out like that is depressing and infuriating in equal measure. Where has all the money gone? If they cut all that expenditure, where did all the savings go? I have my suspicions.😠
into their pocketses, preciousss
Not forgetting HS2, Covid 'VIP' lanes and, ingnoring results of Exercise Cygnus pre-covid.
"You may not think this Labour party deserves to win. But it’s hard to refute the idea that, after the last 14 years, the Tories deserve to lose" A perfect summary of the mood of the nation, I think. 36 hours until we find out.
I hate to be one of those "but what about ...?" people, but I was wondering why the Health and Social Care Act in 2012 didn't show up ... then I saw the bit at the end and yeah, I can see where that's "one can hardly even begin". Thank you. Depressing, enraging and essential non-exhaustive list.
God, that was a singularly depressing read
Commiserations for having to compile this..
Is the plural of lord chancellor really lords chancellor?
Alas no. Compound plurals happen when the first word is a countable noun but the second isn't, like courts martial and surgeons general and Doctors Who. And you can count both lords and chancellors so it's Lord Chancellors.
If they're female are they Ladies Chancellix?
Thank you Laughing is our coping mechanism But so much of what they have done to us and our Country just will never be funny
The last sentence sums it up perfectly.
Haven't you been keeping up with Hannan and Lillico at ConHome? It was all the fault of The Blob.