
You’re wrong.
Tell me I'm wrong: A bunch of the media and donor class panicked, for good reason, after the debate. Made a big coordinated push to make Biden step aside. Didn't work, wounding pride of lots of big egos. Now too miffed to concede so stuck denying that Biden can win to justify continued aid to Trump.
Seriously, though. I'm not sure that this is correct, but the dynamic I see unfolding here is very worrying.
I think you’re overlooking two things: 1) It became clear post-debate that Biden’s staff had been less than transparent about his fitness for office; 2) Biden and his inner circle didn’t just botch the debate — they also failed abysmally at damage control.
Basically, everyone in Biden world is pinning their hopes to this TV interview, and everyone else is waiting for them to see that's not going to turn it around.
which is basically to say: it hasn't affirmatively resolved in either direction, and won't for a few more days
I responded to a text request for $ by noting that of course I'll vote for Biden if he's the nominee but that I think it would be best for the country were he to step aside and let Harris run the vigorous race that the moment demands. So that ought to resolve things. You're welcome.
I respond to fundraising requests with angry responses about Gaza. It's clearly moving the needle.
I'm going to try all caps next time.
Great idea. They really respond to that.
My biggest hope is that our goldfish brains will have this whole debacle far in the rear view mirror by November because something - anything - even more idiotic than we know finally sticks to Trump (insurrection, rape, incompetence, racism, fraud, & dictatorship hasn’t done it so idk I can dream)
Even if he's planning on getting out, shouldn't he wait until after the RNC to make that clear?
If he were planning on getting out, I hope like hell they would keep it *absolutely* locked down for a couple of weeks to make sure they had all their ducks in a row for unified messaging, and then announce absolutely as soon as possible in order to maximize the chance of a swift and decisive DNC.
they don't have the luxury of weeks. If they're going to do it, they need to call Harris into a room, and tell her she's up, hand her the keys and the time the next day they're going public with it
If this is done in a panicked dash in a matter of days, it will be slipshod and patched-together and that is not a recipe for success in Presidential elections. Spending a couple of weeks with poor Biden messaging is survivable if it results in a strong, unified party backing a Harris candidacy.
If Harris becomes the nominee next week, followed by the RNC the following week, don't you think they'll have an advantage in defining her before we get a chance?
Given that every Dem seems to be unable to resist texting Politico reporters their every thought, I don’t see how this stays locked down
You’re not wrong, but I would like to think “if you can keep your fucking mouth shut about this for a few days then we can have Harris as a nominee, and if you can’t then we won’t” would be both extremely reassuring and a strong incentive to exactly the kind of Dem who is having kittens over this.
They had a good start last Friday am with his event in NC, but since then, no event that creates any real push towards a story that directly says, "it was just an off night." Filling that void is a bunch of "maybe this wasn't a one off."
I think the worst - and most likely - case for this TV interview is that Biden goes out and does fine not great, not knocking it out of the park, but not badly enough for his team to throw in the towel so his team thinks he did enough to stay in and the deluge of leaks continues
That’s spooky:
I’m convinced Biden’a going to do a fine, not great but totally fine interview, and Biden world is going to declare victory. I’m really worried it won’t be enough, but they’ll view it as enough
What do we think is the difference between fine and great here? (I’m serious btw, I don’t know the answer)
Fine is he addresses the questions. Speaks a little stilted and raspy, but doesn’t lose his train of thought. Some of his usual stuttering, but nothing that feels like he jumped a rhetorical track. Great is he seems lively and energetic. Doesn’t sound raspy. Reminds people of the State of the Union
He’s quick on his feet and has a couple really good answers that make people laugh. Probably still some stuttering, but has the sharpness of the SOTU
“Warner getting group together to ask Biden to step down” “Biden staff members concerned about how closely he’s being managed” “Top donors pulling funds from Dems” “Dems start moving to Harris behind the scenes” etc those types of stories will continue imo
I think “deluge of stories” is not the same as “deluge of leaks”
also I think the Warner story specifically was likely leaked to press by the pro-Biden camp
yeah I mean maybe it’s not the best language (though I feel like the stories about Dem anguish behind the scenes are fairly characterized as leaks) but ultimately it’s semantics; my point is the “Biden should drop out” stories won’t be halted by the interview and it appears so far I am correct
this is partly why it's not going to stop, because the media doesn't need any real leaks, they can just lie about it
They do kind of fizzle out eventually if the boss doesn't budge, though.
I sure hope so! what I want to see if he’s staying in is stories like “important Dems get back on board with full throated support” “efforts to push Biden out fizzle” “senators reassured by Biden in meeting” the Biden folks need to get everyone back on board if he’s staying in and do it soon
I think it's weird that I've seen takes about Biden's response to the Warner story, assuming that Biden implied he tried to run this year, and not what he did. Literally projecting a made up gaffe.
For better or worse, Biden is not the sort of person who'd get a group together to ask Warner to step down. Or leak it to the press, either.
A good list of people to be fired/forced to resign
We’re stuck in a bit of psychological trap. He won’t/can’t do it under pressure. If something knocks the story into a background noise hum, then they’ll think they’re through it and won’t do it. Not sure how he gets the space to go out strong while still having it be clear he needs to go out.
To me, I’m not seeing leaks with any great concern. But everyone has now worked themselves into a frenzy. I’ve seen big accounts be slowly convinced over the last 24 hrs that he’s gotta drop out…but all I’ve seen so far is a whole lot of noise and not much signal.
Like, the anxiety is real and I feel it too and I’m fucking worried as hell but it’s too late to make a switch ffs! We are making this a self fulfilling prophecy when we really don’t have to!!
And to be clear I’m not worried about his ability to be president. I’m worried (and suspect many others are too) of OTHER people worrying and deciding he’s too old. It’s all very self inflicted.
It's not too late yet. It just will be soon. Which is also why the calls right now are so intense and so loud.
Well the more we all collectively hem and haw the worse it’s going to get.
We have to uphold the Democrats' time honored tradition of snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.
this is what happened, unfortunately. and you're right that it's the worst case.
completely agree, and they still don't understand that a single abc interview on a holiday weekend is not going to reach many people and is not even close to enough. biden needs to be in front of cable tv cameras every single day until nobody treats this as a serious concern. anything else is bad.
media landscape shifted in a night and they still don't get it. we're locked in. we know he's done a rally, a radio show, and an address. but normies? maybe the last one? so to them after questions of his fitness following a bad debate, they've seen him once for fifteen minutes. not gonna cut it
they need to fucking throw biden in front of the media as much they can. surprise appearances at pressers. have him take a public walk to the steps of SCOTUS for a speech and questions. for once the media wants to see biden as much as possible. fucking give it to them in the best way you can.
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This isn’t live, so I think his team will get more out of this than the viewers. They and Biden will know if he’s putting the world in jeopardy and if he should bow out after this performance.