
This!! Start with “they want to end no fault divorce, sell national parks, and ban porn” end with tax structure.
tom nichols—of all people???—just made a good point: you have to talk about P2025 in simple real people terms. not policy wonk terms.
Banning contraception really stands out for me. They think they're going after all those promiscuous single women; meanwhile, married couples are realizing the "should we have another kid" discussion is turning into "can we afford to have sex."
Cynical as it is the "can you, single man who thinks the world is against him, afford child support?" Angle is probably worth throwing in there. Loooot of ppl, who couldn't care one iota about anyone else's health, suddenly get itchy when it's their wallet on the line.
I’m sure they wouldn’t like the eventual forced marriages that I’m sure Heritage is planning too
No, but I'd actually be pretty surprised if those are enforced when any man involved isn't interested. Not like there isn't a history of damned if you do damned if you don't there as far as women are concerned.
I wonder. I’m sure there’s some kind of Project 2027 with all kinds of twisted af rules for different types of men, but if they do away with no-fault divorce there’s gonna be tons of ppl who don’t want to marry at all and there’s gonna be a stick after whatever carrot they use to get men to marry
Very true. A post-no-fault world is bound to act differently. (Especially with chemists not stocking so much arsenic /jk) I'd be considerably more reluctant to marry my SO if we couldn't divorce if we just... Wanted to. It only really benefits a small number directly and even then as a side effect
You'd think "ban porn" would lose them some support from their young-male-misogynist-racist-edgelord chunk of their base, but it'll probably get them more support from evangelicals.
Again - that’s something people will say “ok but I get it porn is out of control” and then you have to explain why it doesn’t actually mean just banning porn. But selling the parks off? That’s an easy one.
Those guys know about VPNs. They can just pretend to be in Canada or whatever.
Don’t even need that. These people are antiporn because it “corrupts” young minds. Not even a religious thing.
Yeah, but people are hypocrites
Especially about porn.
There's something oddly endearing about Hawaii's most standout search term being "Hawaiian".
BRB, going to Oklahoma for some sex dick.
Not so much here. This is a survey for everyone. Not just young conservative incel types.
Never doubt a reactionary’s ability to exempt themselves from their own rules.
The young-male-misogynist-racist-edgelords do use porn (a lot), but just like all future lottery winners, they're mere days away from having hundreds of women all competing to be "high value" in their eyes.
Not to mention the percentage who went down the "no fap" route (or at least like to pretend they did and blame everyone else and porn for their "lapses").
That is, in faact, ghthe whole reason they do it's it's sexual-psychological abuse
Nah, those tools will champion it as a way to promote traditional values while trading VPN tips with their friends. This has always been about ruling others.
Would it be possible for them to gain *more* support from the evangelicals?
Those groups instill shame over watching porn to control them. It's the same sexual abuse tactic the church uses on people
Like anti-choice protesters who seek abortion, they'll say it's a moral evil they consume because providers preyed on their weakness. And many of them earnestly believe it, like the guy who shot up the massage studio or the Proud Boys' No Fap ideology holding that women steal male power via sperm.
I also want to include "They want to get rid of weather forecasts". NOAA is kind of a big deal in many peoples' daily lives who don't realize it.
Yeah as someone who lives near the Gulf Coast, I'm a pretty big fan of knowing when the hurricanes are coming.
I use #NOAA sites daily for best Global Weather.. they even to more important shit like Space Weather
Homepage | NOAA / NWS Space Weather Prediction
They don't want NOAA to go away, they want to be able to charge people money to see the data. Data we've paid taxes to collect, they want to sell it to us.
The problem with their dumb plan to ban porn is no one with any power is willing to admit in public that that they don’t want to ban it. Well, I don’t have power, but I’ll say in public, I think banning porn is a terrible idea. A good society is a society with porn, and you can quote me on that.
How about EVEYONES browser history is public data ? Even the dark web !
They want to dismantle the national weather service!!! "If the right wins you will no longer be able to trust that even the weather forecast is true!" (NOAA, an agency they want to disband, provides the raw data that both public and private weather forecasting services use)
A really scary number of men I know think ending no fault divorce is just fine. Which is headbangingly stupid.
A male friend of mine recently pointed out that mystery deaths of men (that were probably poisonings) went down drastically after no fault divorce was legalized. So there's that if they need incentive to reconsider.
I really should have been more shocked by that. But nope. It tracks.
I want to just mention that it's a lot easier to get away with a poisoning in a smaller jurisdiction where they aren't going to call in the FBI. Just saying!
Well sure, because marriage is great for men! Not so much for women.
No condoms, no pill, no iud
I also like the simplicity of "the government can seize your business if it provides an insurance plan trump personally disagrees with'
They want to bring back measles. They want to bring back the dark ages and set up a fictionalized world they rule. It's not so much what a few want to do - which is jfn - it's that they are doing it and looking to take more power so they can do more harm to more people.
This sounds really serious - What are the Democrats doing *right now* to stop it besides campaigning for re-election?
Nothing. That's why liberalism is a dead ideology that won't save us. If Biden wins but Republicans cause enough chaos he's probably hand the prsidency to trump to "keep the peace"
I mean does "porn" include GoT and the Boys? Which have a lot of nudity. But I watch them for the acting, sure
Anybody got page numbers handy for those? If not hopefully someone can remind me to look.
you say that as if these are universally unpopular things. my dad, for example, would enthusiastically support all of these.
I had a guy that I know in his twenties tell me that banning porn was a good idea because, and I quote, "it means more guys will actually fuck a woman instead". You *can't* convince these people when they've chosen their side. You just have to make your voice louder than theirs.
No, start with they want to end FOOTBALL. We win Texas in landslide.