KBTibbs preemptively apologizes

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KBTibbs preemptively apologizes


Annual workplace evaluation day is the worst day.
there’s a problem on this site that i don’t think anyone is ready to talk about, including me, but it’s been pretty obvious from the beginning and has only been getting worse
Browsing a discussion threat today about an Android handheld E-Reader that was released with a version of Android that reached EOL 7 months into the product life. Everyone was fine with it since they "don't do online banking" on their E-Reader. Efforts to educate about security are at ~50%.
Hey #travelsky I don't think I've ever flown through Dulles (IAD) before. Looking at an upcoming itinerary, I've got 1 hour layover from a domestic flight to an international terminal. Seems tight. What's Dulles like?
This photo is pure 2024.
Well, it was a real good run. I signed up for Bsky 383 days ago. Today is the first time seeing discourse on this site made me physically ache. I don't want this place to become like that.
Everyone talks about the annoying loud noises of the 4th of July, but the worst thing for me is the air quality. This is going to be trapped by the mountains for several days, and I don't even think any accidental brushfires this year.
For a Streamaversary like this, we’re gonna need a crew. Two crews. Two games. Two heists. All coming together tomorrow on Twitch to raise money for the LGBTQ Freedom Fund. Learn more about the campaign and donate here: tiltify.com/@delevely/st...
I'm almost to the point that I'll only vote for a presidential candidate if they've ever successfully lead a 40-player PUG raid to Molten Core. You get 15 solid players & 25 random assholes onto Teamspeak or Vent and they run the right way when they're the Geddon Bomb & you can lead the free world.
The idea that Bluesky doesn't want to solve these problems is just not true. They're doing some of the most interesting work in T&S of anyone out there. It's just a radically different approach that no one has tried before, and that inherently involves iteration.
So, I'm kinda assigned all the crufty legacy systems that are a thousand years old but bossman won't let me rewrite/replace yet. Anyway, I just pushed a new installer for this absolutely ancient VB application and got to close 34 open browser tabs I was using for reference.
The way certain folks use "algorithmic" or "algorithm" to describe wildly non-algorithmic phenomena makes my eye twitch.
I am very exhausted by the "Person x is bad and here is a screenshot that doesn't make any sense, but I've been saving it for 6 months for just the right moment to save people from this monster" discourse.
Bathroom Wall - Wall. Bathroom Hole + Cabinet. Turns out to be not that hard at all.
It's really unfair that I'm starting this week with so much less energy than I went into the weekend with.
Dammit, i deserve ice cream and I'm going to go get some.
It's simply not enough to Beat Bobby Flay. I want to see the light go out of his eyes.
For the last couple months i've been taking stupid walks for my stupid mental health and they're kind of working? Not super great, but I'm better. Mostly the whiplash highs and lows are way more even. It's bullshit that it works and all it's cost me is every spare moment I used to play video games.
I'm 90% sure that's just a natural and beautiful patina that all cybertruck owners expected to happen to their fantasy apocalypse assault platform. Their faap.
Someone spray painted “Fuck Elon” on like 40 Cybertrucks in a Tesla parking lot. Blessed.
I woke up to a second day of having The Muppet Show Theme stuck in my head. I'm very positive about my easing into madness. 5 stars of 5.
Breaking news: Maryland Gov. Wes Moore will issue a mass pardon of more than 175,000 marijuana convictions Monday morning, one of the nation’s most sweeping acts of clemency involving a drug now in widespread recreational use.
Maryland governor to pardon 175,000 marijuana convictions in sweeping orderwapo.st The blanket pardon by Gov. Wes Moore will forgive decades of low-level marijuana possession charges for about 100,000 people.
@panic.gay Hey, thanks for sharing those science facts the other day. Reading them made today a lot better.
I'm generally pleased with how much English has done away with class-based grammar and syntax, but I'd pay up to $27 (US) for a gender neutral term of respect that I could use of any age. Sir/Madam are fraught for gender/age/numerous other reasons. I just want a polite way to calm Meatbags down.
they came for Dolly. we ride at dawn.
The bottom line of names/roles was cut off in the first post—re-posting the image here!
Saw my first cybertruck today. It was uglier and dumber in person than I expected.
StackOverflow is great if you want to ask a question and either get no response or spend four days arguing the premise of the question.
Wait. Angel Hernandez retired and no one told me? I would have brought cake!