
there’s a fantastic interview with him from a couple/few years ago where he talks about how important on-set professionalism is to him and how taking basically every movie that comes across his desk is how he tries to stay sober and out of trouble because he doesn’t drink when he’s working
Spoke to a friend who worked on a recent Nicolas Cage movie in a senior capacity and was very very happy to discover that he’s a consummate pro who works harder than anyone else, all the time, and is lovely to the crew. I needed that.
most Hollywood stars have scandals around antisemitism or harassing women in their life. meanwhile Nicholas Cage has fun scandals like "in debt from buying too many castles". I mean, they're probably not fun for him to experience, but the sort of thing that makes you root for a celebrity
drunkenly picking a fight with vince neil in the middle of the street in vegas was funny, too, though cage is reportedly not great to be around when he’s drinking
Picking a fight in the street ❌ Picking a fight in the street with Vince Neil ✅
I can appreciate him being aware of that and maybe it's not the healthiest thing to manage it with constant work, but by God is he dedicated to the craft. He's like Brian Cox in that way to me, though he's been more famous longer
I have no context but am going to assume Vince Neil probably needed an asskicking, whether or not Cage knew why
Sounds like exactly the combination of neuroses & principles you'd expect from a guy from a family of artists
also a family history of pretty severe mental illness
men will appear in dozens and dozens of motion pictures instead of going to therapy, I see
iirc i think he does both these days
probably! I just couldn’t resist the meme
That's sadder than I had assumed, he always seemed to me like he just really liked being in movies (similar to Tom Cruise).
i mean, it’s that, too, he genuinely loves the work, it seems like the only thing he really, truly loves doing
and he *does* good work, he actually does stretch himself taking up unexpected roles
I don't like him in everything - someone still owes me big money from Dog Eat Dog, Paul Shrader can fuck off
not everything he tries works but he tries his best every time
Never a "pick up the cheque" performance and I admire that
It helps that he's out of debt now, so it's not just taking any role to pay that off/keep himself distracted.
Lately he has been doing probably his best work, which is a strange thing to say but it's true
At least since leaving las vegas for sure. PIG and THE UNBERABLE WEIGHT OF MASSIVE TALENT were both spectacular.
I recently saw Dream Scenario and it's a movie where it would have been very easy, I might say expected even, for him to "go full Cage" and instead it's one of the better performances I've seen recently.
COLOR OUT OF SPACE was fucking brilliant, largely because of Cage.
i bet he loves petting his crow Hoogan
Man he was just rawdoggin’ Mandy?
I'm pretty ambivalent on Cage as an actor, but as a human being he seems pretty cool.