
first entry in the “not only must he step down from the campaign but he also must resign the presidency” did not come from who i thought it would and i am deeply fucking disappointed both by who it came from and the sloppy, shallow case that they make
on getting congressional approval for a new VP for harris, “the house is a bigger risk, given the GOP majority’s fealty to trump” is one fucking hell of a “other than that, how was the play, mrs. lincoln”
It's an absolutely bizarre hand wave from someone who is usually very thoughtful! The past week has just absolutely broken everyone's brains!
honestly my response there is "US Secret Service has gotten very good at preventing assassinations"
i can buy an argument that he needs to step down from the campaign, but i think those are premature before friday. i will not buy the argument he needs to *resign* based on the premise that he is incapable of doing appearances that he has already done more than one of since the debate. hack shit.
there's a couple things i think people are missing: the first, and most obvious, is that if you believe the way to achieve biden stepping aside is posting about it (includes op-ed) or leaking your CONCERNS to reporters, you're an idiot and that's not gonna work
the second is people need to be honest with themselves and others. the podjohns were like BIDEN HAS TO PROVE TO VOTERS TO QUIET THIS. no he has to prove the chattering class. just be honest about that.
third thing is that there appears virtually no scenerio where biden drops out that kamala isn't the nominee. and that comes with its own risks. you are choosing which risks you'd prefer. don't pretend there's a risk free option here.
once you accept those three things, and are honest about it, then that's fine. you are the powerful people here, for the most part, and if you want to try and push joe biden out of the picture, have some fucking dignity about yourselves.
or you can just show your asses
That whole article is depressing because I think Serwer generally has a level head on politics and this is a clear departure, but I may have to reevaluate my view of him after this paragraph.
"The prestige and advantages of incumbency" for Harris? WTF are we even talking about? That's something Aaron Sorkin would have written for Sam Seaborn to say and then taken out because it sounds too dumb even for the West Wing.
it was a sloppy, shallow case! First of all "how can they say they'll still be president for the next six months but not four years???!!!" That is some dumb stuuuuuupid bullshit.
It’s kind of interesting he isn’t promoting that essay on here, right?
i mean, i don’t blame him, but, yes, i noticed this as well
I don’t either, I wouldn’t want the grief if I turned heel on this website either, but it is telling that he knows how it will be received.
Real dipshit moment. The post-publish addition of "oh yeah I guess the vice presidency thing could be complicated" was the icing on the shit cake.
lol, really? i was reading it in apple news, didn’t know that was an addition, that’s even hackier
I guess I should say I'm repeating criticism from other posters that appears legitimate and that I'm semi-confident about but I wouldn't bet money on. Don't wanna point you bad.
It's like someone opened a valve deep in a sub basement of Bluesky labeled "dumb gas" & people are losing their senses.
oh that valve's been stuck open since the site's existed
I agree 100%. Really, really disappointed.
bouie boosting it was a head-scratcher
When emotions are running high, sometimes you say and do stupid shit, even with someone of his caliber
Ugh, seems beneath him, but maybe the Atlantic writers got their marching orders
editors may choose not to publish what columnists choose to write, but they don’t typically tell them what to write
Somehow, that makes me feel worse. I have generally really appreciated serwer’s writing. I was also thinking of applebaums column today - “another primary would be sooo amusing” - and it feels like a sort of lockstep effort in the pundit class.
Serwer pulling the cord before Nichols. weird times.
imma need a name for this bozo
That is disappointing. I'd have thought he'd definitely understand the problems with getting a VP confirmed.
he does, he acknowledges that the house will be a problem for confirmation, he does not acknowledge nor appear to care what that means
I don’t think we want the creepy Christian nationalist from Louisiana to be 1 heartbeat away from the Presidency. He’d appoint Trump VP and resign the next day.
Ugh that is a bummer. Hope he's wrong!