
Look, just because you're doing it to white people doesn't mean making up freak-ass stereotypes is suddenly cool. "White people have bowls they puke into and wash really shittily, you know, 'white people washing'."
That one's especially bad because, if you actually hang out with PoC, you'd know the *actual* stereotype about white people is that they're hypochondriacs. Real ones know.
You just need to look at some of the racism variants, like that lady who started a restaurant making “clean” “healthy” Chinese food
...Do I even wanna know what the fuck that's supposed to mean? Harder to find healthier street food than Cantonese street food- except maybe Bengali street food.
Let me see if I can dig it up…
Ah, yes, more of the "MSG is actually a lethal poison" shit. I really like whipping hippy ass over that topic. I'm not fat because I eat a lot of Asian food, I'm fat because I'm an endomorph and also a fatass.
The only benefit of this discourse is I now think about "white people don't wash their legs" every time I wash my legs.
Geez--nobody in my white family knows anything about puke bowls. I mean, they've been making plastic buckets for ages now.
If we change the targets, but we still keep the freak-ass stereotype machine running, then all we're really having an argument about is who deserves to be subjected to the machine, which seems bad.
I'm glad I'm not the only person who wtfed the fuck out at that line.
Ah, but you see, it's fine because they're white and anyways white people need to be taken down a peg, like that justifies making up random-ass weird stereotypes about white people.
Like, here's the thing, even if you think white people deserve some kind of Century of Humiliation for the sins of colonialism, that's not going to happen by making up negative stereotypes that don't align to them strongly. Just insist on referring to them as cumskins or whatever.
Putz. The word you want is putz. (Do non-Jews know that this means the bit that gets cut off after a circumcision? It's such a great insult!)
White person: White people really do uhh *spins wheel* pee in their showers?
I think everybody has had like emergency trash can moments for kids, and I can remember an old large pan being used for a really bad stomach bug when I was 6ish. But the pan got thrown out after I actually threw up into it. The idea of a "vomit bowl" is bizarre to me.
I suspect the actual divide is "can you afford food poisoning." (Not for this in particular but general dish cleanliness)
I think that's probably off, too. I can *afford* food poisoning, I've got tribal health care. It just sucks shit, and I don't think *anyone* likes it.
I don't think so either and I think most people do a good job. The only place I've seen really dodgy dishes as a guest was people who were well-off enough to seem like they thought they were immune or something? Exception is my dad, who fundamentally does not grasp food safety on any level.