
Interviews with more than three dozen aides, advisers, lawmakers, governors and other Biden allies paint a picture of the Biden team’s failure over the past nine days to contain a crisis that is tarnishing his legacy and threatening his presidency.
Biden thought he had it under control. Then it got The inside story of the Biden team’s failure over nine days to contain the crisis from his debate with Trump.
The crisis is in your own board room, of your own making. Now write as many articles about the GOP's Project 2025, Trump's criminal convictions, his incoherent ranting in his public speeches, and the whole Epstein pedophilia ring, not to mention the prospect of replacing the president with a king.
Why do they WANT the fascists in power? Christ
Trump's presidency provided a new sensational headline almost every day, selling a lot of newspaper subscriptions. Biden has been comparatively boring. It's the worst of capitalism at work.
there's a genocide going on right now
But they don’t want to talk about that
the media? no they don't. but i wouldn't call it boring
Sure, that's important, but do you really think a complex war on the other side of the world sells anywhere close to the number of papers sold by the president paying hush money to cover up an affair with a porn star?
I don’t think you get the point, we don’t wanbt
But Trump raping a woman and committing 34-felonies is nothing to report about, huh?
The only crisis is this bullshit the press has created while not also looking at the very real danger Trump poses to the US. Enough with this crap. Biden isn't young, but he's not feeble. Trump is a danger to this country. How about you start reporting on that.
... they wrote, continuing to blow up an entirely media-manufactured "crisis" instead of doing their job as journalists.
Fuck you. Do your damn jobs and report on the Nazis trying to take over the country. That’s the crisis! Voting for Biden is a big part of the solution. Good luck trying to be journalists under a fascist regime. Print a word they don’t like and you’ll get locked up or worse.
For real. America is set to become a place where “disappear” becomes a transitive verb, and WaPo is blithely greasing the wheels.
Democracy dies with tabloid media like this. In broad daylight.
What crisis? The man had a bad debate - the only people who see this as a crisis write for prestige media. Get over it. Report on Trump's daily verbal diarrhea every bit as rabidly as you have on one debate.
The other guy can keep showing how big of a threat he is to democracy but you need to focus on how the decent candidate is less than perfect.
when are you going to feature coverage of how unsuited Trump is for office, when are you going to center the fact that he's a convicted felon, when are you going to report on the stakes of Project 2025, when will you stop covering our lives as if it's a horse race
Keep pushing for that fashy tax break, Jeff.
The headlines you’ve posted over the last few weeks have an overwhelming bias. I can’t understand what journalists have to gain by Trump winning. I unsubscribed over your election coverage and with every headline I feel more vindicated in that decision.
The journalists have less to gain if Trump wins than do the billionaires who own the companies that employ the journalists. Billionaires are not friends to democracies.
Yeah, I know. I like to muse out loud just in case there’s suddenly a new answer that’s less depressing.
Clickbait stories for “ratings” over democracy for the American media.
the other guy is as old, has twice as much brain damage and is a criminal and a rapist, maybe talk about that for a minute?
Stop trying to make "fetch" happen. It's not going to happen.
I just posted that how dare you :-)
Interesting, I thought the crisis was that a bunch of right wing fascists had written up this thing called Project 2025, which basically outlines the end of America as a democratic Republic.
Stop acting like this is a bigger story than the literal plot against America that is Project 2025, you fucking ghouls.
The only one tarnishing his reputation is YOU! Now do Trump and his lies, felonies, sexual assaults, cons, coups and a million other crimes!
y'all realize the other guy is a rapist right
How many stories on this are you up to? Any reporting on Project 2025 coming anytime soon?
The head of the heritage foundation said publicly "We are in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be". He's talking about killing people who disagree w/ Project 2025. Meanwhile we get this horseshit from you. You're enabling fascism.
I literally saw Biden do a backflip today. Stfu
calling to cancel my physical and digital subscriptions tomorrow 🥰
Biden could announce he is stepping aside for a blind monkey and I would vote for it over Trump. How is that for painting you a picture.
How many pieces have you written in the past 9 days on Trump’s project 2025?
Bezos, may you have hemorrhoids and athlete's foot until the end of days. Let's throw in some itching rash for good measure.
Itchy rash around his shriveling balls. 😁
You know why it’s any issue at all? Because the Washington Post wants to play with matches and watch things burn.
Hi, Washington Post. You seem nice. But I have a question: Why do you never ask the Trump team if statements like the one below - from last month's Bronx rally - are proof of Trump's worsening dementia?
Christ you guys think this is a bigger story than 9/11. Stop. This is embarrassing.
Why don't y'all just endorse Trump already and put an end to this grotesque perversion of "journalism". I've never seen anything like it, and I'm done with your paper.
There ya go! I knew you could do it! But you'll need one more to get yourselves up to 50% of your posts sin e the 4th being about "will Biden leave," so get to it! #DemocracyDiesInBias