Linda Tirado

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Linda Tirado

There is not a train between Nashville and Pittsburgh Build more train lines please
I have a whole chapter on this
It’s wild that people still smoke
Cameron. And it’s not a joke.
Reposted byAvatar Linda Tirado
Ask your doctor if just drinking a giant glass of water, and going to fucking bed is right for you.
Avatar hi hello, I once had your number but it’s lost to the phone ether Need to reach you for the world’s most hilarious fact check
Reposted byAvatar Linda Tirado
I’ve thought about it and Wario is definitely libertarian
It is Halloween and my feral children are running amok with no parental supervision If you have a toddler: it does get better. Eventually they scream and it isn’t at you. Blessed peace in my house.
Day 1 out of hospital and trying to navigate the world: All of this is noisy. Please stop yelling. And I’d appreciate it if you dimmed the colors a bit. They’re loud.
Reposted byAvatar Linda Tirado
I only have a bachelor's and these folks tell the PUBLic they "respect me" while talking to me like a fool and then get mad when their "mentors" are cool with me or when I point out WHERE my bachelors is from
The way I've had people in academia copy my work even while dismissing me for writing it because my site is "just" a blog and I "only" have a Master's degree.
Reposted byAvatar Linda Tirado
"Gender is whats in your pants" Well officer looks like my gender is now Cocaine
Reposted byAvatar Linda Tirado
> become prime minister even though no one's ever heard of you > kill the queen > crash the economy to so hard every word you speak sets the country back a decade > in office for 45 days, don't work for 12 of them because the queen just died (oops) > refuse to elaborate > leave
At 2010 this evening I was called to fact check a twitter post about Elon musk’s taxes and reader I ANSWERED THAT QUESTION because I know about the SEC How did my life go this direction I was just a line cook
Reposted byAvatar Linda Tirado
Dream denied
Very little best on the world than putting your kid to sleep to mazzy star when she’s just of the age I’ll take no comments or questions from people who don’t know
Reposted byAvatar Linda Tirado
Good morning bluesky ❤️
Reposted byAvatar Linda Tirado
biden has more than his fair share of problems but this remains one of the hardest answers a politician has ever given a reporter even if he was formally Joking Around
So I’m gonna be in a wheelchair soon. I’ve never been much of a bike rider. Beyond fix-a-flat, what am I gonna want for an emergency repair kit?
My children are teaching me about all of the genders and I am now confused on literary terms alone
The kids are used to me playing pop punk and old jazz Today it’s my turn on the TV and I’m deep in economic theory so we are listening to arias and the kids are CONFUSED because usually I listen to Wagner on my headphones Nobody has spoken to me except for the essentials, this is awesome
Reposted byAvatar Linda Tirado
now that Andrew Tate has popped up to defend Russell Brand I am contractually obliged to retweet this
Both of my kids narrate their interior monologues which is how I know that my youngest needs to see bad things happen to bad people to sate her anger about cleaning her room I’m staying on her good side, idk what y’all’s survival plans are
Prodigal Cat has returned after a couple weeks having catventures, and apparently she joined a kitty fight club whilst on her wandering So she came home, drank water, and now won’t shut up unless someone is petting her I am not sure what this cat has going on but I think it’s the feline mafia
Reposted byAvatar Linda Tirado
“Georgia landlords have even fewer checks on their power than counterparts in other states. This year, legislators failed to pass a bill that for the first time would have required rentals to be “fit for human habitation.””
How Atlanta's 'war' against dangerous apartments is After the Atlanta Journal-Constitution's Dangerous Dwellings investigation, city leaders said they were willing to go into 'war mode' against dangerous apartments. More than a year later, residents fe...
Well, after two years and four months in which I’ve attended a protest, had multiple surgeries in hospitals treating COVID patients and visited four countries I got COVID. Haven’t left my house in at least a week and a half. And this would be SO MUCH WORSE if I wasn’t vaxxed+boosted.
Fucking hell i come here to *not* be on twitter can we leave the fucking disturbing porn elsewhere
Swear to god if y’all don’t stop using eyepatches as a shortcut to some kind of Russian or European villainy, I am going to become your worst nightmare
Reposted byAvatar Linda Tirado
“Dick Institute: not too busy” has finally beaten “for sale: baby shoes, never worn”