
Noah managed to build his thing without it blowing up 30 times as he looked at old Reddit memes
When you get aboard the Elon ark
Tom Arnood once retweeyed me for saying how great he was in this scene. Like he really sells this
"rosie o'donnell?!???"
Tell Elon I already built him an ark. I commissioned it from Boeing.
Mars self sufficient in 20 years? I think Elon should go ahead over there and get started tick tock
Hey he’s never lied about this before
Has Elon ever delivered anything on schedule? I mean, SpaceX and Tesla are his most successful companies. And he promised Starship would be flying much earlier. And “Full Self Driving” still doesn’t work. I think he may have been better at this stuff before the ketamine thing.
Aren't we also supposed to have a big fancy space hotel by now?
why is he so fucking insistent on mars? mars is dogshit, there's nothing of value there. if you're gonna be a "humanity's destiny is in space" you can just fuckin build o'neill cylinders like gundam instead it would be way easier and just as "safe" (dangerous)
no see we need to burn through the resources on this planet so that we can tap into the resources of a smaller, more fucked up planet
"we need to move to a second planet" is such a funny dumb guy thing to think. an asteroid larger than the one that killed the dinosaurs could hit us tomorrow and earth would still be more habitable than anywhere else even afterwards
it's the futurism equivalent of Kirk Van Houten's racecar bed
These people are like the stereotype of Star Trek fans, except way stupider and think Star Trek is too woke.
idk, if I had to pin them to a trope, they're the people who think current technology owes them a flying car
Their appreciation for technology imagined in Hollywood merits propagating their genetic material throughout the cosmos, and spending as much crypto as possible to make it so
Big Mars fan here but also there's no way in hell it's even minimally independently habitable in 20 years lmao. Probably not self-sufficient in 200, it'll need Earth for a long, long time barring some Trek-like tech breakthroughs.
Where’s the energy coming from? It’s gonna be solar or nuclear shipped in from earth.
There is an entire TV show about exactly this lol (You could do some amount of solar farming on Mars, I imagine?)
Energy I don't imagine would be the biggest problem (solar, nuclear, chemical reactors to produce fuel from available materials a la Mars Express plans), it's things like usable soil, organic stuff, spare parts that can be fabricated there for the first few decades, medicines, etc.
I'm thinking of things like "oops, bolt broke. Let me just run down to the store and...of wait. Guess we'll just die now"
the perchlorates in mars' "soil" are definitely going to be one of the biggest problems. basically mars is exactly as deadly to human existence as the vacuum of outer space so why waste all of that energy getting yourself up off a gravity well only to fall down another one
I don’t think that there’s a lot of free calories on the surface of mars so it’s gotta be shit you bring
and, also, all those Trek-like tech breakthroughs could be applied to ensuring earth remains habitable so we never actually need mars as much as I want Aria to be real
that would be the only reasonable argument for mars, that the technologies we'd need to make mars habitable are also the ones we'll need to fix our own planet lol
I'd be willing to bet we don't even make it to Mars at all within the next 20 years.
manned space exploration right now beyond low earth orbit just feels like a huge waste. that money would go towards so much more unmanned missions that would produce way more scientific understanding, and if you're specifically interested in how humans live in space, low earth orbit is Good Enough
It's just a goal with no takers among those that know what they're doing. It's just t vanity and a lot of ignorance
iirc nasa put out a research paper back in the 80s that said it'd take several hundreds of years to terraform mars with conventional technology. It'd take forever and the atmosphere would eventually dissipate anyway due to mars' lacking magnetic field
to make it work at all would take a degree of active maintenance that we simply lack any sort of understanding of. bright side is that knowledge would almost certainly help us back here on earth i suppose
What's wild isn't even JUST the 20 years part but also 20 years MAINTAINING OUR CURRENT LEVEL OF TECHNOLOGY.
The only reason to go to Mars is to study it because it'll help us understand Earth better. Getting stuck in another gravity well, one that can't even support our lives, is extremely dumb. We'd be better off learning how to terraform asteroids or something tbh
Why Mars? Because of a paperback novel from the '60s, probably.
Also Noah notably didn’t take a ton of people
I don’t think this guy is upset, he’d be happy waving them off, clapping and everything
But Noah did drunkenly strip naked and embarrass all his kids, so that's one for and one against. Gen. 9:21-25
And enslaved the the kid who looked at his dingus!
stupid guy: mr elon sir im confused, why do we want to maintain this technology level we have right now
Ah, yes, the ark which famously saved... how many humans again?
People cheering on the apocalypse imagine they’ll be the one sitting on the throne of skulls. The never consider the likelihood that they’ll be the sixth skull from the left.
::counting on my fingers::
I am once again asking
I've wondered for a while whether he plans to bring Black people to Mars or whether his space obsession is an interplanetary White Flight fantasy.
Can't wait for the interplanetary school funding formula to divert all the funding to mars prep schools
I genuinely think the best (and maybe only) way to understand his Mars fantasy is as "the ultimate White Flight" (because it certainly doesn't make sense scientifically or logistically)