
It does please me to know that Cybertruck owners absolutely are seeing us pointing and laughing at them when they dare to drive those stupid things in the wild
i watched a cideo of a cybertruck stan complaining about the car and a huge chunk was him complaining about how everyone makes fun of him in public now on top of having to take it to the shop like 3 or 4 times in just the first month but then at the end he was like “still love the car tho”
One of the running jokes in r/cyberstuck is how every review of the terrible quality ends with “still love the CT though!”
I'm still just assuming that "Still love the Cybertruck and tesla" is at the very least an attempt to stop other Tesla fanatics from doxxing and sending them death threats.
Loved the video of the dude who tested the safety of the trunk closing…with his finger. And the follow up video of a cast on his broken finger.
Honestly hats off to that dude. He was making videos about how it was unsafe, and made a whole video about how he’d never test it on his finger because it was too unsafe, and then was like “fuck it I need to know”. I would not have done it but part of me relates.
Well at least he didn’t put his dick in it
Oh yeah, the siren song of empiricism can be hard to resist.
this wasnt on camera but there is one dude who was picking up his CT and the sharp edges of one of the front panels cut his wrist open when he put his hand on the hood and i think he had to go to the hospital
No one in that ED believed him. “Sir, you slit your wrist on a car?” “NO IT WAS A TRUCK”
1992? That's when I became the first person cut in my local prison. Damn those shiny metal stools.
The guy who busted his finger had tested the safety sensor with other things already and it had FAILED, and he still put his finger in it.
oh yeah he watched the trunk snap a stick in half, I’m not sure what the point even was of testing a stick first if he was gonna do his finger anyway
I thought this was the table saw guy for a second and panicked.
probably some of it yeah, but even tesla diehards are coming out like wtf tesla, so i think most of it is denial and cope.
Gotta signal that they’re “not a GM and oil shill or something” too, based on that latest thread. They have such trouble separating “person disagrees with me about ugly and clumsy truck” from “they’re clearly a bot paid by the merchants of doubt.” Bet I can predict their top YouTube subscriptions.
That's not entirely a fanciful notion now that I think about it for a minute.
oh yeah absolutely and i get it too, its hard to admit when you have been so thoroughly swindled by a conman
The sunk cost fallacy real.
Has anyone read the Cybertruck terms to see if they’re contractually required to say that or Daddy Elon will take their truck away?! 🛻
If that were true, someone would have said it just to get their truck taken away. Apparently, you're not allowed to sell it within a certain period of time without Tesla's permission. Imagine if you could just say the truck was rubbish to get rid of it.
When still loving the cybertruck is necessary to continue to love being a very smart person collide
Which truths people hold so dear that they will bend their perception of reality around to prevent those truths from being wrong says a lot about what they truly believe.
Today I saw one that was like “I fixed the charger being stuck by finding a cheap part of the car, ripping it off, and breaking a different part to eject the plug, still love it”
i honestly cant get enough of this shit, its so fucking funny
Yes I saw that one, I loved when the said the CT was smart but then had to solve the problem himself.
Oh so teaching car owners problem solving skills is bad, now? All cars should just hold the owners hand like little babies by being designed and built competently?
“What a terrific feature that I need to destroy!”
Part of me wonders if they’re saying that to limit the depreciation damage so they can offload it with not much loss.
True. There look to be a lot of people trying to flip them who planned on being able to mark it up and are … not getting the ROI they expected.
"No, you see Elon Musk is the only person to figure out how to make vehicles a non-depreciating asset. No, those aren't stains from water and guano, those are beauty marks. Yes, I have multiple offers pending, so act fast. No, it's only been recalled once. Yes, am I missing a finger."
there was a few weeks where people could sell at a profit but the price dropped FAST bc anyone who still somehow wants one realized it would just be smarter to wait for the cheaper model that would hopefully have some of the issues fixed (but not the foundational issues, pun intentioned)
That's how you know its a cult. You see it all the time in similar cult circles. Anything with even a hint of criticism has to include a big litany about "but I'm a huge fan and I pre-ordered the first version and I love it forever just asking a quick question don't worry!!!!"
Reminds me of letters to the Macintosh magazines back in the oughts. Boilerplate Love-Mac-hate-PC, preceding "how do I get it to stop doing things I don't want it to?"
Cybertruck is if owning a car could somehow be a abusive relationship
maybe he’ll change but I loooooove him you just don’t understand everyone’s against us I shall never desert Mr. Micawber
That is an excellent name for a tesla. Though the cyber trucks are all named like Howard Roark or some shit.
If? Wait until you find out what cars are doing to the environment we need to survive
"Don't be mad at me, Daddy Elon!"
If they don't conclude every whine with "still love my Tesla, tho" there's a non-zero chance that Elon will see it and order the IT monkeys to brick that guy's car.
this mf said cideo