
This man is making his evil intentions as crystal-clear as they possibly could be, and everyone who cares about humanity should be blasting that message out in every possible venue.
Heritage Foundation president celebrates Supreme Court presidential immunity ruling: "We are in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be"
Heritage Foundation president celebrates Supreme Court immunity decision: "We are in the process of the second American Revolution"
This is the group behind Moms for Liberty, the state house takeovers, coordinating the Proud Boys, and most of the disinformation about the border and about immigrants and asylum-seekers. They're also involved with the anti-Palestinian disinfo campaigns nationally and are connected to John Hagee.
They also coordinated funds to Clarence Thomas and probably others on the Supreme Court. They are thoroughly corrupt and horribly powerful. In short, if you want a villain to go after, it's Heritage and all its shell groups.
I have YEARS of information to back me up. They want to reduce the nonwhite population and control our national borders. It's the Tanton network's stated goal.
The guy who sits right in the middle of this web is Leonard Leo
They're behind the school boards takeovers, the anti-trans moral panics, the CRT and DEI nonsense, the anti-abortion legislation. They're the fucking worst.
The mandate in obamacare, so many just god awful ideas they pushed for real. What awful people
This is highly useful information, Brooke. To me, it looks like Word War IlI. By taking apart Chevron Deference, ruling that Presidents are kings now with respect to the rule of law, and replacing income tax with punishing tariffs on imports, they're hoping to win without firing a single bullet.
Each of those moves weakens the United States and supports crime and criminality at the highest levels in the US. The domestic goal is to put in place an oligarchic kakistocracy with hereditary rule. The foreign goal is to stop the war in Ukraine, undo NATO, and break the international rule of law.
The first move of an authoritarian regime is to remove any legitimate means of reversing course or overthrowing the regime, so democracy and the rule of law have to go. Next will be free assembly, and the rights to gather and protest.
Everything founded by Paul Weyrich is evil.
i would like to live in a world without cartoonishly evil super villains please how do i bend reality to make that happen for us thank you
What we need is some scooby doo shit to unmask all of these people and put them back into the shame corner where they belong.
YES! Particularly the shame corner.
Sorry sorry read “without” as “with our” trying to roll back the patch
Ok what about just cartoonish super villains without the evil, because that's what I'm aspiring for. It's be gay do crime not be gay do evil.
Just watched a livestream of a rocket launch and it's just such a sad feeling knowing that such lust for power and wealth has set us on such an unenviable course despite our potential for such brilliance, empathy and compassion...
I honestly feel like I am going to have a panic attack watching this. This is actually happening, but I'm hysterical apparently. I know you know.
You're not hysterical. Americans have been living in massive denial.
I can’t believe people are starting to listen, but we’ve got to try now. I know we’ve both been tired as of late and kind of detached, but I think now is the time for you and I and the others to start laying out everything all the connections, the massive coordinated effort that’s gone on all of it.
I'm so mad I have to do this shit all over again lol
I am too but now it is imperative and people need to know they are not crazy it’s all real. The conspiracy is real and it’s waging war.
We’re mad with you Brooke, a bunch of us have stood with you and understand it, it just sucks that the “reasonable voices” decided to stick with hubris
I understand how important it is that we try. But I have to ask: in your heart, do you really believe the people who never listened before are going to listen now? I don’t think I have ever felt less optimistic than I do now.
well the problem is that there's no leader, no one is being told what to DO besides "vote," so it's psychologically much easier to deny anything's hapening than to just panic 24/7. I'm definitely not saying to hide info, people do need to know, but I don't see what the knowledge is leading to.
Maybe this just counts as voting, but I think sublimating your panic into volunteering for your closest swing House race or Senate race might help! It's helped some of my friends.
right, I have my own to-do list, and we'll have to help others formulate their own. Because that's most of what the panic is about. When you have direction and clarity of purpose it gets a LOT easier. (I'm also not dismissing voting, I just don't want to get bogged down in Discourse over it)
Good on you for stepping out beyond the usual rhetoric. I’m in California and I will vote, but my vote does not count. So I have to think of something else to throw sand in the gears.
Mass protests, angry calls to elected officials, be pests, demand better. Get creative with direct action and lawsuits if you are capable. We're in real bad shape
“Judicial review does not appear in the Constitution and is not firmly rooted in American tradition. For roughly the first three-quarters of the 19th century and the middle third of the 20th, those powers were heavily circumscribed by tradition and competition from the other branches of government.”
I have experience with a lot of those things (not lawsuits) though disability has seriously hampered my participation in recent years. I think we're going to have to hold a lot of people's hands through this because they don't have any previous experience being marginalized.
Here’s something we can do: We know that half of the people don’t vote. They need motivation. They don’t know what Project 2025 is. Study it a bit, and just start asking people if they have heard about it. No? Give a two minute summary and say, I am voting against it in Nov. are you registered yet?
This has got me wondering how much it would cost to take out an ad in my local paper with a summary of project 2025. I may call tomorrow and find out!
Sending postcards, or writing letters with Vote Forward, is a great way to amplify your message and get out the vote.
Looking for a way to save our democracy from home this election season? Postcarding, texting, phone banking - you can do more than just vote!
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