
Counterrevolutions don’t usually take two centuries to occur, but here we are
Think of it as the second Civil War.
they lost the first one, so they're back for 'Round 2 ("'Round 2" being the number of centuries it took them to get here)
This one is more like 68 years old.
I mean even Jim Crow wasn’t about a return to monarchy
It's not that long since January 6th.
NO, This is not a revolution like back in our founding days. This is a evil coup designed to destroy democracy and install a dictator. I am so sick of the NTY and Post's coverage of this. I will never give either a dime every again.
Literally a hostile takeover why don’t we just SAY that. The right is rewriting laws and re defining how we interpret age old laws because it benefits them and they can’t win elections they’re also paying foreign countries to mass spread disinformation and conspiracy theories. Hostile. Takeover.
More of this, less of the medical speculation please WashPo.
Not saying to give up trying, but anyone who is undecided on Trump’s danger appears unreachable. The stories hit the same crowd. These unreachables are telling us Biden is too old, and they’d consider a younger/more capable Democrat because they don’t really like Trump. I hope Biden listens.
They're lying. No one is "undecided", they either don't talk to reporters or don't want to confess to being fascists yet.
Some are. But I wouldn’t underestimate the normies who genuinely think Biden is embarrassingly old, and we’re going to lose many of them to the couch.
Respectfully, I think you are underestimating the number of disengaged citizens (who get informed late—if at all) and people who could be swayed by things like 2025 and its particulars.
I’m not a full on Biden doomer, it’s still possible he wins for that reason. But he’s clearly not up for the task of campaigning or full-time President-ing for four more years, and I only see upside in Harris replacing him. Voters are asking for another option, Dems can be the party who listened.
I was told that The Media would never cover this.
They overwhelmingly ignore and downplay it. Overwhelmingly. They publish the occasional piece like this (which I won't read, but assume is written with a lot of the edges sanded off as per usua) to give themselves cover. And hey, look, it worked.
🙄 "The media doesn't write about it and I refuse to read this article they just wrote about it."
Bump’s piece is good. Don’t dismiss it out of hand. I don’t think he’s sanding off the rough edges. WaPo also had until very recently Greg Sargent & Radley Balko, who IMO also wrote about the dangers of Trump with clear-eyes & no punches pulled.
"Until recently" says it all. Shipley fired them while hiring jerkoffs, because he is a terrible person and an appalling hack. Whether this particular piece is good or not has no bearing on my point, which was to counter the assertion that the media is covering this story well overall. It's not.
“The media” isn’t covering the story well in that yes, the vast majority of articles filed on this are bad. And I’m not going to defend WaPo as an institution. But I think it’s good to point out those that are doing good work & it’s rarely a good look saying “I won’t read this but I know it’s bad”
I didn't say I knew it was bad. I said I assumed the edges were sanded off. Because that's how the place works. I assume it's otherwise fine, but I'm not going to give them the pageview they so desperately want.
Yeah there's always plenty of bad things you can say about The Media because there IS no such monolithic thing as The Media and there are always some downright infuriating hacks out there getting paid and respected. This guy isn't one of them!
No, but it could be argued that he's an enabler. And people have been fired, recently, for writing too much stuff like this. The political media by now very much is one monolithic thing, and every major opinion page in America is run and largely staffed by wantwits.
What do I accomplish by denouncing Bump, who’s writing good stories, as “an enabler”? Should I be demanding he resign? I’m not going to do that, that’s silly. I think it’s a better use of my time to share an article I think is good & to thank the guy doing the good work if he’s on here
Please keep on this. Thank you
You're doing great work man, keep it up 🫡🫡🫡
It’s called a Civil War when it’s just Americans involved
You should read the article.
It’s quoting the Bald Ghoul from the Heritage Foundation. You should read the article instead of being pedantic online
I know, people like allusions to the original intentions of the founders, but today instead of monarch, king and monarchy can we just use the more violent and grubbier terms dictator and dictatorship? Too many love the trappings of neutered English royalty and monarchy despite our original history.
The more apt comparison would be the Iranian Revolution
Well as far as I can tell, most media is perfectly fine sinking democracy because Biden appears to be elderly. Oh well....
If its a revolution, how can they claim to be conservative? By definition revolution is radical.
Logical consistency is not high on their agenda.
The funny part is these morons don't think the power of the Monarchy would ever be turned on THEM. History shows otherwise. Every god damn time.
No, it's an insurrection. A second, or the continued Confederacy.
Succinct and accurate. Now what? 🤔
Thank your conservative family members at Thanksgiving.
More like civil war part 2.
Hey thanks for not dicking around with this subject good work
This time, a Catholic monarchy.