Matthew Cortland (they)

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Matthew Cortland (they)

🖋️ Lawyer, advocate, writer, public health nerd
🦠 Immunocompromised, chronically ill, disabled

Then: SSI, SNAP, Medicaid
Now: data & policy, disability, healthcare.

Things I've been asked about: 1. No, that BS floating around about reporting Heritage to the IRS is nonsense. It's a waste of your time. 2. The push is to get bird flu vaccines to frontline farmworkers. That's the ballgame.
If you're a member of a political party (i.e. a registered voter), and you want to communicate something important to your party's leadership, reaching out to any federal electeds who are also members of your party (congress, senate) or any statewide official (governor) is a way to communicate
And again, I must say, that if Black people took the approach to racism (an ongoing threat that kills millions of us every year, shortens our lives, ruins our opportunities) that some of y’all do for your oppression, we’d all be dead ages ago, or you would be.
It took all day and a tremendous amount of patience but eventually I got right back to the point: a Black man was doing liberation Wrong and had to be put in his place and be told that he isn’t good enough to make True Change, which will be evaluated by white people, naturally. Ok.
It took all day and a tremendous amount of patience but eventually I got right back to the point: a Black man was doing liberation Wrong and had to be put in his place and be told that he isn’t good enough to make True Change, which will be evaluated by white people, naturally. Ok.
I can’t believe I have to say this: But white people can be anti-Black even if they have the right politics or a marginalized identity, and no amount of either makes racism ok. I am not going to waver on that. Maybe ask why anyone would want me to.
This is still a very good thing to do. Particularly important in, I'm guessing, the next 72 hours.
If you're a member of a political party (i.e. a registered voter), and you want to communicate something important to your party's leadership, reaching out to any federal electeds who are also members of your party (congress, senate) or any statewide official (governor) is a way to communicate
And I'm opening this app to block anyone who does this incredibly white bullshit
Also I think we can dispense with the “he’s on vacation” because he’s posting pretty consistently on Threads now. Good work white posters, driving off two progressive Black columnists with national reach. You did it!
That’s right people, Black people only point out racism for the attention points. When I get 50 points I get a free McFlurry wherever the machine is working (if you harass them I will see it, plz don’t)
And I say “white” here and not other descriptors because Tressie was not pushed out by a specific marginalized cohort. Not to mention, Black people have had to have this conversation with every white marginalized group ever. White gay men. White women (whew). White disabled people. This isn’t new.
Also I think we can dispense with the “he’s on vacation” because he’s posting pretty consistently on Threads now. Good work white posters, driving off two progressive Black columnists with national reach. You did it!
Another Black woman’s mentions are now full of white women accusing her of being anti-trans because apparently there is a contingent of white people on here who will not rest easy until every Black person on this site has passed a purity test administered by anonymous posters.
“The tools people need” = white supremacy Get the fuck outta here
I cannot be fully active on three text based social media platforms. I'll be prioritizing and X & Threads over this place. It's very clear that the people running this site, particularly those making decisions about moderation and moderation tools, don't give a fuck.
Seeing the celebration of anti-Black racism on here, fuck it I don't know where I'll be investing time - everything sucks - but there will be less time spent here.
Blocking anyone engaging in Alex Jones shit in my replies. Fuck you.
Look, do whatever the fuck you want, but this thing is winnable. Me? I'm going to do everything I can between now and election day to defeat Trump – the guy who has clearly stated he's going to be a dictator if he wins.
I want Axios to give voters the fucking name of this loser
A senior House Democrat says efforts to replace Biden at the top of the ticket have stopped because, “We've all resigned ourselves to a second Trump presidency."
Trump rally shooting upends congressional Democrats' crisis over Biden's Rep. Dean Phillips said it would be "unpatriotic and unprincipled" to focus on anything besides the shooting.
Not securing rooftops within AR-15 range of your protectee is... (I've been worried about the professionalism of the Secret Service ever since my first time going through White House security in the Biden-era)
Friends, please remember that 18 U.S.C. § 879 makes it a federal crime to threaten to inflict bodily harm on a former president of the united states. Nothing you want to post right now is worth the criminal exposure.
Friends, please remember that 18 U.S.C. § 879 makes it a federal crime to threaten to inflict bodily harm on a former president of the united states. Nothing you want to post right now is worth the criminal exposure.
He fought his detail - i.e. the ring of agents putting their bodies in the way of any bullets - to get that pose.
AP photos by Evan Vucci
Seeing the celebration of anti-Black racism on here, fuck it I don't know where I'll be investing time - everything sucks - but there will be less time spent here.
Only 26% of likely voters think "questions about President Biden's mental and cognitive fitness are mainly the concern of out-of-touch elites." 59% said those concerns are mainly the concerns of Democratic voters who want to defeat Donald Trump.
My guess is that there are awful people staffing every White House. But I'm particularly inclined to believe the reports of West Wing staffers smearing critics because I've had the unfortunate experience of meting some truly awful people who have worked in this White House