DJ Jaxx

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DJ Jaxx

A lad from North London now living the Swiss life, with a great and loving family. COYS!
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When I catch the eclipse out of the corner of my eye
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Here's the Sun thru my solar telescope a few minutes ago. Lots of activity around the edge - huge columns of hydrogen gas - that will be visible by eye during the eclipse! Focus is a little soft but not too bad.
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Jess Valenti nails it with great economy.
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U.S. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer announces bipartisan deal to fund government, but vote will miss midnight deadline
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Everyone says NBC is the Resist Lib network, but a real resist lib network would have simple rules like "no patronage for coup co-conspirators"
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We fucking told you. We been fucking telling you. It’s not inflation, it’s price gouging.
Weird, you mean the 40-60% rise in food prices we've seen in the last 4 years wasn't based on reality or supply chain issues, but rather on pure corporate greed just like everyone already knew? Thank God the government is here to do absolutely Fuck All about it except confirm what we knew already!
Large Grocers Took Advantage of Pandemic Supply Chain Disruptions, F.T.C. A report found that large firms pressured suppliers to favor them over competitors. It also concluded that some retailers “seem to have used rising costs as an opportunity to further hike prices.”
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Justice Alito takes aim at marriage equality again, warning that Obergefell means "Americans who do not hide their adherence to traditional religious beliefs about homosexual conduct" are being "labeled as bigots and treated as such" by the state and "society."
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Every now and then I like to import some profoundly cursed content from the other place to remind you why you’re here.
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Just an amazing own goal by House Republicans. Confirmed Russia is still interfering with elections to Trump’s benefit, made them look like utter stooges while doing it, and obliterated their case against Biden, all in one fell swoop.
A former FBI informant accused of making false claims about President Biden and his son Hunter — which were widely publicized by Republicans — claimed to have been fed information by Russian intelligence, according to a court filing on Tuesday.
Ex-F.B.I. Informant Accused of Lying About Bidens Told Prosecutors He Had Russian Prosecutors portrayed the former informant, Alexander Smirnov, 43, as a serial liar incapable of telling the truth about even the most basic details of his own life.
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It’s an excellent point and illustrates that the people panicking about birth rates really mean white birth rates.
The spectacle of all of these countries with declining birth rates letting people die in their oceans, trying to get in.
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Latest Biobot data shows U.S. COVID wastewater levels are rising again, and higher than they have ever been compared to the same date in previous years. In other words, COVID levels are still high and taking longer to go down after this winter's peak. Keep taking precautions.
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I'm so angry about Nex Benedict. I'm angry about the right-wing panics & the "just asking questions" liberals/leftists who've enabled them. Nex Benedict deserved better. All non-binary/fluid/trans children, teens, and adults deserve better. Those who let this happen deserve shame & damnation.
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Daughter tells me she heard today that if you wear a band T-shirt (especially as a young woman) and a man says to you “name five of their songs”, the correct response is “name five women who trust you”, so I pass this on in case any of you need it
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An interview with Sue Benedict, mother of 16-year-old transgender student Nex Benedict, who died after an assault in the bathroom of their Oklahoma high school.
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The biggest part of this to remember is that the official investigation of this by Oklahoma schools will be led by a raging bigot who has loudly and proudly and repeatedly declared his disgust for trans people. Any report from Walters of what happened should be viewed with great skepticism.
I'm sure what will happen is like... a couple of small details of the Nex Benedict story won't have been perfect from the start and that'll be what the right hides behind, successfully turning it into an argument over semantics and journalism as opposed to an argument about what their hate causes.
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I am 95% certain I have discovered the most powerful "Why Should I Change My Name, She's The One Who Sucks" of all time.
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People like to talk about being radicalized politically but honestly not wanting people to die of poverty and be able to get insulin and not bombing innocent children seems like pretty normal boring morality, all those other fucking weirdos are the radical ones
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Just in case I’m on a big airplane and both pilots had the fish…
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What Congress said to me was they found the Hugos situation "deeply troubling" and "worthy of additional scrutiny" so the feds might be reading your Bluesky posts lmao. Be mindful of what you say if you're American
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So… please consider donating: (100% will go to The Map, which to repeat is all-volunteer and nonprofit). If you don’t like this site for some reason, you can give at ActBlue:
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A few days ago I met a pal, an OB-GYN who is working at a service that sends abortion pills (mifepristone and misoprostol) to women who need them in states that ban abortion. She asked me to help spread the word about how to use the service, and asked me to ask you guys to pass on the info. 1/6
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Lightning striking through the entirety of the updraft. 🤩
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sir I have some new theories in light of this candid disclosure
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“I’m just reposting publicly available information about trans kids in our schools! It’s not my fault if they get hurt!” “We’re just reprinting the publicly available names and addresses of Negroes who want to integrate our schools! It’s not our fault if they get hurt!”