Col. Boozy Badger

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Col. Boozy Badger

Song & dance man/comedic performer/Law Talker. Kentucky Colonel. Host of Boozy’s Legal Funhouse podcast. He/Him. Find Me Other places: . Not your lawyer.

I am an adult. There will be adult things. Filter accordingly.
My DMs are open if you’re fine listening to me talk about law, boats, and ghosts without inhaling once for three hours.
my dm's are open if you freak nasty
Get in the truck nerd, we’re gonna drive down to the riverbank and sit in the bed drinking shitty beer and listening to Chris LeDoux.
“The left has promoted political violence!” yells the people who have kept Bernietargetsdotcom in business.
….man seems like some shit went down while I was in court
Judge Cannon went and did it. She has dismissed the stolen documents case against Trump on Clarence Thomas’s (nonsense) appointments clause rationale.
Walked into court today to find a guy in the vestibule preaching yo the people waiting for the courtroom to open and saying repeatedly “Jesus would punch himself in the testicles to save your soul” so I think the justice system is doing okay
My doctor wants my cholesterol down and was like “Yeah how about you do a fruit smoothie for breakfast instead of trying to make pigs extinct?”
Hello Mango Orange Apple Lemon Smoothie. I despise you, and you despise me. But my doctor wants me to drink you every morning, so let’s get this over with.
“I’ve been very centrist about my politics but this has made me decide to endorse Trump. Please do not scroll through my timeline to see my last five years of endorsing Trump, that would really fuck with my new narrative.”
Someone said they couldn’t believe and were disgusted at the fact I made a few jokes about someone taking a shot at Donald Trump and I mean…you obviously are not familiar with my body of work if you did not anticipate I would make a joke about that.
Ah yes. The required soy sauce sorting pliers. I’ll take 20.
Reagan was shot less than three months into his first term as President. It probably wasn’t the deciding factor in the 1984 election.
🤖 Warning. Maybe is impersonating Please report if it's true. Maybe it's a scammer trying to take someone's money in your name.
Yeah, that’s not me.
🤖 Warning. Maybe is impersonating Please report if it's true. Maybe it's a scammer trying to take someone's money in your name.
I feel that someone should go get Donnie a couple dozen Big Macs and two or three buckets of KFC. You know. To help calm him down after the hard day he’s had.
Sparks, duh
I never played Minecraft. I AM however interested in what romance option you went with in Wing Commander 3.
If we’re gonna start indulging in conspiracy theories then I want to point out Alec Baldwin was set free yesterday with plenty of time to get to Pennsylvania.
Anyone who’s seen a horror movie.
I’m just gonna encourage people to make it very clear they’re fond of Minecraft for the next 72 hours
It’s illegal for me to say…
I would like to follow up the suggestion of my esteemed colleague that we refrain from making certain statements to say it is acceptable to say “I think it’s just horrible this happened!” Most people will never ask you to define the word “this” in that statement.
...Welp, now we know the most effective way to kill a discourse, I guess.
If you do I would like to remind you I am not your lawyer. Buddy, however…
Nobody say anything incriminating for a little while, okay?
Butler County DA Richard Goldinger tells me Trump was grazed by gunfire but is safe. An audience member was killed and the shooter is dead. Another person is in serious condition. — Meryl Kornfield, WaPo (WTAE's Mike Valente earlier reported this from same source, but I'd been waiting to confirm)
Jodie foster has an opportunity to do the funniest thing ever
Did someone just shoot Donald Trump?
Alright. Confirmed. It is/was the Vid. Symptoms started Wednesday, home test confirmed today. Spent Thursday and today laid up.
Been sick the past couple days. Sick enough I asked the court to continue all of my hearings this morning. Which, if you know me, should be an indicator of how sick I am.
Let me tell you how eating out at cons goes for me: “I am going to eat at X location. I am leaving in 20 minutes. You are welcome to join me there, but let me be clear - I am going to X location and I am leaving in 20 minutes whether you are ready or not.”
Now begins 6hrs of figuring out where to eat