
I’m starting to think the DSA does not have our best interests at heart
...oh. oh sweet jesus. This is the Democratic Socialists of America? The people I thought I might feel at home with and was planning to finally hook up with soon? ...I hate everything right now.
Don't; they're a useless vanity org and always have been. Real bunch of choads. Busy getting taken over by the worst sort of racist tankie.
fuck. Well, at least I don't have to feel guilty for not wanting to plunge straight into a seven hour day's worth of task forces.
Voter registration for your local Democratic Party will yield better results in better company. It's a grind, but it's something to do besides wait for things to get worse.
yeah. I was attracted because it seemed like the local branch was doing actual canvassing and phone banking for local Dem candidates at least. last I looked, anyway. but if they're fucking spoilers. NOW. and racist tankies, awesome!
Individual DSA chapters are better or worse, but there's nothing useful to be done through it that you can't do better either on your own or directly supporting a Democrat, IMO.
Not sure where you live, but here (near Philly) the working families party seems like a decent group of people (focused on local elections, not trying to spoil competitive races) But I agree, local Dem party in most places could use help and leadership is whoever raises their hand
I thought Bernie was DSA at various points or nah? Sympathetic, at least?
The way white people love that choad is disqualifying.
Ah, well. I mean. Yanno. His bros certainly are and I think he doesn't play well with others which is why I ultimately didn't vote for him in the primary (went for Warren). but I'm pretty sure he's not actively trying to scarper the Dem Convention or ugh
He's a backbencher who loves defense pork. That _should_ be disqualifying if a lot of these orgs were ethically consistent... but it's not about policy and he's so incompetent it's not even funny. So.
well technically it’s one person using the Chicago branch’s account.
hmm. Still. I'd think someone actually representative of a more robust organization would want to immediately wrest that account from that someone's grubby fingers and smack the keyboard on them because HOLY FUCKING SHIT NO
It's now been over 48 hours. Has the chapter disclaimed this post yet?
I have no idea and I’m not a DSA member nor a particular fan. I just know they have a very segmented structure.
in itself, gotta say, that seems a bad sign.
oh yeah. I would like more Democratic Socialism in America but there’s nothing about DSA’s behavior that makes me think they’re the ones to carry it out.
Their biggest victory I know of was blocking rezoning a golf course to build a bunch of apartments because the apartments were being advertised as "luxury".
it was really disappointing that they left-NIMBY'd Denver in the middle of a housing crisis
jesus. Life of Brian is really the ur template forever, isn’t it.
The DSA condemns Russia's invasion of Ukraine in a way that blames NATO for the invasion and demands Ukrainians stop fighting. That's about all you need to know.
turns out I impulse joined them a while ago (note to self: go to sleep before following through on impulse enthusiasms). small fee per month. Well I went to unsub and what do you know, they have an unsub difficulty/policy much like more obnoxious corporations
my bad for either not reading or not thinking i'd care about the stipulations (it's a small amount of money every month, I can afford it, didn't consider i'd reconsider they suck ass). No refunds! Unless you are economically having hardship! You CAN change to another branch tho
but i had to go out of my way a bit to find the unsub me page. Takes them several days to a week to get back to you it sez. On top of everything else they're Columbia Music House (yes I'm older than dirt, shut up). I wrote them A Piece Of My Mind. did not sign up for Peoples' Front of Judea.
The DSA: Eight Radioactively Bad Takes For A Penny! Negative Option Billing Is Praxis, Comrade!
Have fun storming Das Kapital!
You know what it was? I'd just come straight off of considering any possible merits of joining a conveniently situated, much tankier, fragmented and cultish seeming lefty organization because it was right above my church and they were being well enthusiastic. DSA seemed v sane in comparison.
they can fuck off forever.
They have gone downhill fast unfortunately
I cannot imagine anyone not knowing 100% who they are at this point. It's been obvious for, well forever.
Did they even make a serious attempt at getting Biden to change course ? I sincerely doubt that
Not likely. I went to a local DSA meeting and walked away with exciting new examples on how not to organize or lead people.
this is so fucking depressing.
Well that’s been my experience with them online….
They think they would benefit from the other guy being in office. In that way they are exactly similar to the New York Times and any number of rich industrialists and financiers. Disgusting hypocrites.
These people really think Trump wouldn’t summarily execute them if he wins, huh?
Essentially. I propose that they don't fear him but they think he'll gin up enough social chaos to attract others to their cause. That, or they're just so frustrated with the institutional & conformist impulses of the DP that they find that a more satisfying target for outrage.
Their plan in 2016 was to bring ‘the revolution’ to the people with the election of trump. Didn’t happen then, won’t happen in the future. They’re only around to cosplay.
Some of them are going for "heightening the contradictions". The idea is that the revolution will only happen when the people are so miserable they're willing to risk everything they have to make it stop, meaning incremental change for the better is bad.
"Heightening the contradictions" - has it ever worked? In the context of Brexit, Trump, etc., some commentators have expressed the notion that the only way to make things better in the long term is to deliberately make them worse in the short term. For in...
As is "the people in charge being basically competent" and "at least this one won't literally shoot people on the street and then brag about it" and anything else that might be considered "normal" or "average" or "tolerable" or "meets the minimum standard". Only "much worse" will do.
I'm sure the DNC will add adequate security measures for the six people who'll pile into a van then get into a fight about whether witty signs are praxis or bourgeoisie obfuscation before they arrive and discover they can't find parking