Joe Vipond

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Joe Vipond

an emergency doctor desperately trying to save the future (and the present) for his children
Important read on #covidisairborne. Please review, and consider. "Whether the emphasis on transferprocesses leads to more effective policy, or the creation of an umbrella term leads to confusion and bad policy, only time will tell."
New WHO proposed terminology for respiratory pathogen Nature Reviews Microbiology - A WHO report suggests the terms ‘airborne transmission/inhalation’, ‘direct deposition’ and ‘infectious respiratory particles’ for...
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The media is still falling short on climate - HEATED analyzed 133 breaking news stories about recent climate-fueled weather in the United States. The results were dismal but there were some bright spots.
The media is still falling short on HEATED analyzed 133 breaking news stories about recent climate-fueled weather in the United States. The results were dismal—but there were some bright spots.
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This is increasingly my experience on Twitter/X as well, that replies are just rubbish and there's very little scope for discovery/learning/asking questions. Still one of the saddest outcomes about how I've spent my time over the last decade!
Since I had such a large sample (nearly a hundred), I analyzed X comments by category. 47% said climate wasn't changing, I was lying, ignorant, or not really a scientist 15% said I was in it for the $ 14% were insults Content warning: Please don't read the fine print if you're sensitive.
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“From oranges in Brazil to cocoa in west Africa; olives in southern Europe to coffee in Vietnam, permanently shifting weather patterns as a result of climate change are reducing crop yields »
Climate change is pushing up food prices — and worrying central Shifting weather patterns are reducing crop yields and squeezing supplies, creating what could become a permanent source of inflation
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Global temperatures were extremely hot in June 2024, at just over 1.5C, beating June 2023's previous record-setting temperatures by 0.14C and coming in around 0.4C warmer than 2016 (the last major El Nino event). Now 2024 is very likely to beat 2023 as the warmest year on record
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Burning coal is the most dirty, polluting, and inefficient way to get electricity. As early as 1306, Edward I banned Londoners from burning it, due to its noxious smog. So which countries are phasing it out the fastest now? Greece and the UK lead the way! Source:
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Hub and Spokes, the Hub's 4th annual downtown bikepath tour/party is coming around again on Saturday July 20th from 10am - 1230pm. Spaces are limited so RSVP today! RSVP: #yyc
Wow, @AHS_media, what's happening in Lamont? At the Foothills Hospital? Is this ok? Why not just do mask mandates in hospitals? The plan isn't working. Source:
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The chairman of reinsurer Swiss Re said insurance premiums still aren't high enough to force a reckoning with #climaterisk US home insurance premiums increased 33% over 2020-23 yet "homes are still being built in places they shouldn’t be"...
US Home Insurance Still Priced Too Low for Climate Risk, Says Swiss Re Jacques de Vaucleroy said despite recent increases, premiums will have to climb further to encourage risk aversion.
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“California, Florida, Louisiana, Maryland, Massachusetts and New Jersey have the most critical infrastructure that needs to be made more flood resilient – or be relocated to safer ground.”
Rising sea levels will disrupt millions of Americans’ lives by 2050, study Floods could leave coastal communities in states like Florida and California unlivable in two decades
How cool is this? A hidden petroglyph on the family’s land on Gabriola. He’s so happy.
It’s unprecedented the frequency of the use of the term unprecedented recently
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"The fossil fuel industry chases short-term profit and leaves longterm wreckage in its wake, both as the specific damage to extraction sites which may be gouged out or poisoned or both, and as climate chaos. It’s like this all over the world." There it is. From Rebecca Solnit.
I saw first-hand just how much fracking destroys the earth | Rebecca We’ve been making short-term decisions about our planet for a long time. The consequences are horrific to behold
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Doff Thy Gown—Shedding Contact Precautions for COVID-19 2/2
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two important papers out this week. Association of institutional masking policies with healthcare-associated SARS-CoV-2 infections in Swiss acute care hospitals during the BA.4/5 wave (CH-SUR study): a retrospective observational study 1/2
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Here's a different look at the two year change in global power generation. Have devoted quite a bit of time to this subject at and this next issue will be no different. 🔌💡1/2
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two important papers out this week. Association of institutional masking policies with healthcare-associated SARS-CoV-2 infections in Swiss acute care hospitals during the BA.4/5 wave (CH-SUR study): a retrospective observational study 1/2
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This is a nice summary by Julia Steinberger of the root cause of the environmental crises we face: the persistence of an antidemocratic economic system designed for unchecked wealth accumulation. Neoliberal ideology gives “free-reign over our societies to corporations, not citizens.”
What we are up against "Exposing the secret history of the making of the #climate crisis should change everything about how we act to stop it." by @JKSteinberger
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A 🧵about safer conferencing during the pandemic. In addition to encouraging people to wear N95s indoors, what can conference organizers do to reduce spread (besides go online...)? Some thoughts based on seeing conferences of 300ish become significant spreaders of COVID-19 in 2022-24: 1/3
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The Philadelphia Inquirer gets it right.
Last year, for the first time, global investments in solar eclipsed oil, and this year the money going into clean energy is double that of fossil fuels. no source of electricity has ever surged to widespread adoption as fast as solar. The technology will “transform the power sector.”
Globe editorial: The rising potential of solar power’s affordable and abundant The potential to supply low-cost and plentiful energy could bolster economies – people’s lives – around the world for decades to come
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Idk if I'm stating the obvious, but justices never write/speak like this. She's telling the world this is a five-alarm fire and the coup is on.
As Justice Elena Kagan wrote in her dissent last Friday, “The majority disdains restraint, and grasps for power” — and the justices are “making a laughing-stock” of long-standing judicial principles.
The Supreme Court Is a Joke. It’s Not The justices accidentally, repeatedly referenced laughing gas in a disastrous ruling before declaring that judges know better than agency regulators.