Julia M. Wright

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Julia M. Wright


FRSC, Munro Chair in Literature & Rhetoric. Views here mine only. Rebleats≠agreement. "Living with COVID" by taking reasonable precautions 😷💉🪟--not accepting its harms. Academic: http://irish-literature.english.dal.ca/JMWright/publications.html
Well this is grim
Briefly opened up LinkedIn intending to post something but I had to close it again before the overwhelming weight of the achievement porn put me in danger of quitting my job and going to live in a cave
Watching the new UK govt take shape, and wondering... What if the politics of division primarily serves party fundraising rather than reflects real disputes, and the vast majority of us just want from our governments what we want from our co-workers--competence and accountability?
From 2020-23, employers, institutions, and unions had some cover re lack of pandemic measures because of PH pushing hand hygiene, vaccination, etc. But now the WHO and the CDC are both talking about indoor air quality. That cover is dissolving. #RiskManagement partnersplatform.who.int/tools/aria
I need to write the whole piece about this, but the thing to understand is that the NYT is now just Facebook. The platform dictates narrative to normies, is totally gamed by the right, and is still so ubiquitous as to be unavoidable even by those who see how broken it is. It's just Facebook.
Wow, @AHS_media, what's happening in Lamont? At the Foothills Hospital? Is this ok? Why not just do mask mandates in hospitals? The plan isn't working. Source: www.albertahealthservices.ca/assets/info/...
Tight deadline (July 17th) for this 2-year visual culture, film/media, or art history Career Development Fellowship in the School of Modern Arts and Languages at Durham University - which is full of nice people! #ECR 📜🗃️📷 #ArtHistory #academicsky www.jobs.ac.uk/job/DIM456/c...
Career Development Fellow in Visual Studies at Durham Universitywww.jobs.ac.uk Looking for a new job opportunity in academia? Check out this job opening for a Career Development Fellow in Visual Studies on jobs.ac.uk!
HIV researchers and activists hail 'the best news ever': Results from a large clinical trial in Africa showed that a twice-yearly injection of a new drug gave young women total protection from the virus. #ShareGoodNewsToo www.nytimes.com/2024/06/21/h...
New Drug Provides Total Protection From H.I.V. in Trial of Young African Womenwww.nytimes.com An injection given just twice a year could herald a breakthrough in protecting the population that has the highest infection rates.
A 🧵about safer conferencing during the pandemic. In addition to encouraging people to wear N95s indoors, what can conference organizers do to reduce spread (besides go online...)? Some thoughts based on seeing conferences of 300ish become significant spreaders of COVID-19 in 2022-24: 1/3
The "delete it, who cares?" mindset of a lot of studios now reminds me of how the BBC didn't think it was important to save their history either and mindlessly destroyed millions of pounds worth of their own IP.
Wipe Out: When the BBC Kept Erasing Its Own Historywww.mentalfloss.com In the 1950s, '60s, and '70s, the BBC was so intent on erasing its original programming that employees could wipe a show with just three words on a generic form:
UWaterloo isn't just seeking an injunction, it's also suing encampment participations for $1.5M in "damages". I can't even with this.
“Since Texas’ ban on abortion went into effect, infant deaths in the state increased by nearly 13%, according to a new analysis published on Monday in JAMA Pediatrics. In the rest of the country, infant mortality increased less than 2% over the same period.”
Infant deaths increased after Texas banned abortion in early pregnancywww.statnews.com Since Texas’ ban on abortion went into effect, infant deaths in the state increased by nearly 13%, according to a new analysis published on Monday in JAMA Pediatrics.
Someone asked if AI / LLMs would make my research easier by, e.g., helping me to collate large volumes of research instantly, sparing me a lot of grind & struggle. I told them that struggling w/ the research is actually essential to forming the insights that make the project interesting or valuable.
The pandemic continues... 'Daily overview of COVID-19 confirmed cases in Acute Hospitals across Ireland (29 in total). 460 Confirmed cases in hospital. 97 New confirmed cases in past 24hrs. Recorded at 8am on 20 June 2024.' @hpscireland #irishpublichealthHPSC @COVIDisNotOver
Our forthcoming journal, American Gothic Studies, is seeking submissions! Find more information here: www.psupress.org/Journals/jnl... #Gothic
American Gothic Studieswww.psupress.org
Some friends at the University of Freiburg are organising a wonderful conference for PhD candidates and Early Career Researchers on Popular Culture and Democracy - see their CfP below :)
“COVID isn’t a respiratory illness; it’s a multi-dimensional threat impacting brain function, attacking almost all of the body’s organs, producing elevated risks of all kinds, weakening our ability to fight off other diseases. Reinfections are produce cumulative risks, and Long COVID is on the rise”
“Debilitating a Generation”: Expert Warns That Long COVID May Eventually Affect Most Americanswww.ineteconomics.org In a candid discussion with INET's Lynn Parramore, Dr. Phillip Alvelda highlights the imminent dangers of long COVID, criticizing governments and health agencies for ongoing preventable suffering and ...
2023 COVID deaths were higher than if we’d reintroduced polio, whooping cough, diphtheria, measles & mumps combined. 75k vs 43k, adjusted for population. This is bc of CASE load. Other viruses are deadlier, but none reinfect like Covid. Read: t.co/NnFCppkF5C
COVID lulls aren't being earned by policy; they're being bought with infections and deathst.co Celebrating a COVID lull years into the Biden Administration's utter abandonment is woefully out of touch with the science
The DC Dyke March was hundreds of dykes, ALL MASKED, 100% MASKING, marching through the streets of DC against genocide in Palestine in 60+% humidity and 90ish degree heat, including disabled dykes of all kinds. Organizers, you CAN make masking mandatory for events. It’ll work.
I don't think I saw a single person with a mask when I was at pride on the 2nd. I haven't seen anyone, even immuno compromised queers wearing a mask in like a year. I aint wearing a mask in 100 degree weather if the people I'm worried about arent taking the same precautions.
Mere hours after bringing this to the attention of Vancouver Coastal Health, they made edits!
Vancouver Coastal Health has released an updated Ventilation and Indoor Air Quality resource for Schools and Childcare Facilities (vch.ca/en/document-...) but their CO2 page needs some edits.
Excited to be involved in this new campaign to provide free respirator masks to communities vulnerable to wildfire smoke. Reach out if your community is interested. masksforfires.wixsite.com/canada