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Discord @SigmundFrood
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Liberals are so woke now they want to ban couchfuckers from society. So much for inclusion from the tolerant left.
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the jd vance couch sex posts: • aren’t going after his gender/ethnicity/what he looks like/etc • leave everyone else out (no weird dragging of his family or anyone else) • are hilarious because of all the news headlines resulting — especially in other countries lol • have room to still get funnier
What the jokes *are* is a form of mass outcasting directed at an elite who's gunning to be the next leader of the MAGA movement. They land because, like any good joke, they tap into a deep truth--Vance's ability to be Puritanical and deeply creepy at the same time.
I guess this is my most cancelable position but I kinda think Hamas also sucks and shouldn’t be lauded? Israel is 100% committing genocide and the Likud party members deserve to be damned, but I kinda think Hamas didn’t really do any favors for Palestinians?
Avatar this is still hanging out there, better than Madam Web, waiting for your appraisal.
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Hi, Bluesky! We're Laelaps, an anti-zoophile labeler with publicly accessible evidence from the team behind the Zoophile Mute List. Select the Subscribe button to add us as one of your labelers.
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Vance is out here like “i wrote a book, but do they call me ‘JD the author?’ no. i’m a sitting US Senator, but do they call me ‘JD the Senator?’ no. but i fuck *one* couch…”
Christ. They’re vacuuming out the sewer or something across the road, and my fucking dog has been going off about it all fucking night.
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No matter how you feel about the presidential candidates, if you're telling Palestinians how they're supposed to feel about them, you're definitely doing it wrong.
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there once was a fella named vance who embraced every odious stance and yet his chief vice his life's piquant spice was a sofa he sought to romance
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a lot of queer people wind up subconsciously suppressing their queerness as a defense mechanism. it is much easier to be vulnerable once you are safe. i realized i was trans in my late 20's. i know trans folx who figured it out at every age you can think of. it is never too late to transition. 🏳️‍⚧️💖🏳️‍⚧️
I sure picked a hell of a time to come to the realization, though.
Hey ACLU, don’t fucking call me for money. You defended nazis. Get fucked.
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Sonya Massey was murdered. And but for police body cams, the cops would've covered it up. She called for help, and the police came into her home and murdered her.
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Fucking badass
We can focus on all the people doing wrong but let’s also celebrate the people doing right, even when it makes them an outcast
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50,000 brown people are dead. Women, men and children crushed, starved, tortured. And the man responsible is standing in the US congress making a speech. And you wonder why swathes of the world say “death to America”.
Avatar we have a popcorn machine at work, and the light burned out. Replacement for a 65w heat bulb? $55. Thought you might get a kick out of that.
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It’s entirely possible that the NYT employs people who aren’t sex offenders, but there have never been any double blind studies that prove that they do not
I hate how much this dog makes me angry. I feel like my dad yelling at his kids. I fucking hate it.
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so much of modern conservatism is rooted in the idea that "the left" is poisoning children to turn against their parents and the ideals their parents raised them with when what is really happening is your kids are just growing up and realizing you're a complete asshole all on their own
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op-ed writers should have to wait until they're 25 to decide if journalism is right for them, and then only enter the field after a psych consult to ensure they're not just confused or faking intelligence
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people in the comments are talking about how poorly LLMs perform, but actually if you upload someone else's unpublished paper to a commercial platform that will store and use it, that itself is misconduct. You cannot and must not disseminate the papers you review.
This shouldn’t be a spicy take but using LLMs to evaluate a paper during peer is reviewer misconduct. Even just to summarize and as a first pass for detecting issues.
Many people are saying that op-ed writers are universally sex offenders, and while i don’t agree with it personally, I believe their concerns are deeply rooted in genuine concern and deserve to be heard out before being dismissed.
Look, Im not saying that I think all op-ed writers are sex offenders. What I am saying is, why haven’t they denied it? It’s a question worth asking and I for one think it’s time our government looked into this important question that all op-ed writers are sex offenders.
there have been many reports from sources on the question of whether op-ed writers are universally sex offenders. proponents of the claim state that op-ed writers are universally sex offenders, which while seemingly extreme, is a position that is not unreasonable in today's political landscape.
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Nationalize them. These pharmaceutical companies are too important to be in private hands
A new drug described as “the closest we have ever been to an HIV vaccine” could cost $40 a year for every patient…Lenacapavir, sold as Sunlenca by US pharmaceutical giant Gilead, currently costs $42,250 for the first year.
HIV drug could be made for just $40 a year for every Generic version of a drug already on the market, which can suppress and prevent HIV, would still yield 30% profit if the current price was slashed, researchers say
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Kamala/Michelle Obama to rub salt in the wound
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it’s genuinely kinda surprising how off-putting transphobes are to normal people. i have a couple centrist cis friends who knew me before i transitioned. they’ve been beyond pissed the few times someone has been transphobic towards me in front of them. transphobia is a losing issue for the GOP.
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President Venn Diagram
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Freaking out about "illegal immigration" is Nazi shit. Don't trust anyone who does it.