
prefacing this by saying my philosophy of quit whining & nut up still applies, but if the biden team can’t hold down the fort with the gormless little weasel brigade of rando dem advisors & backbenchers & media toadies then it’s better to cut bait & kick it to harris because they just love this shit
just might want to hit yourself in the face with a jewelers hammer ten or twenty times a day because the same gormless slugs are gonna feed the word “likability” into the nyt a billion times a day until you want to reverse your own literacy
basically I’m fine voting for three pinwheeling clown shoes mounted to motorized broomsticks that come to my house every morning and kick me in the nuts when I open the front door, but I’m not oblivious to the fact that biden isn’t demonstrating any control of the narrative right now
maybe they get control back, who knows! I know I don’t know. but, uh, like, if they can’t then let’s do plan b, the clown shoe machine
Who would be the Clown Shoe Machine's running mate?
3 pinwheeling boxing gloves on motorized broomsticks at face height
just spitballing here but I’m thinking Clown Shoe Machine Kicking Me In The Nuts/Whitmer has a lot of potential
tbh I'd like Whitmer to walk on my face with stilettos so works for me
The ballots are already set so I think Clown Shoe Machine would have to be Kamala's VP
I'm sorry to be stupid, and I'm sorry I'm coming to you with this, oh internet stranger, but your the last one I've seen using this descriptor and I just have absolutely NO IDEA abt whom we're speaking. I've been watching an all week marathon bc MSNBC still on Biden's poor debate performance.
Isn't "control of the narrative" yelling "SHUT UP" I mean, that's some strategery right there
I would still vote for a ventilator dependant in a ICU Biden over what Trump's promising to do.
I'm sure his team are super nice people though.
"At least the team was nice," he says as protestors get shot in the streets. I'm not trying to rag on you specifically, but I am gosh darn tired of the respectability kink. I don't care. I want a fighter. I want someone to fight like hell for us. The stakes are too high.
I'm with you 100%. I was trying sarcasm, but I should know better!
I paused and thought it might be, but, I also just needed to get that off my metaphorical chest. But yes. You good.
I do wonder why we're not talking about replacing those who thought scheduling a debate between Biden and Trump was in any way a good idea instead of now being forced to discuss replacing Biden.
I think there’s some wisdom to “gut this part out”, but I also think Harris would get like, 2 weeks of constant free media and that might be a giant reset?
She would get two weeks of constant free media carving her up into pieces.
He isn't the media. Your media are all controlled by MAGA. Maybe a few editors aren't. But the entirety is
Biden‘s likability is important to me. This discussion reminds me that he’s a man of genuine character and Trump is a rapist who admires Jeffrey Epstein. Trump is also a convicted fraud and wannabe dictator while Biden is the best president of adult life.
Weird. Donald Trump said during the debate that Joe Biden is soft on the Palestinians. I believe the exact quote from Trump was something along the lines of “Joe Biden is Palestinian.”
all the more reason for Biden to stop aiding the genocide
Likability is subjective, and I’ll take my chances on that being the metric going up against the rapist liar who comes up with insults for everyone and wanted to date his own daughter.