
Just because it's my birthday week, and I think we could all use some levity today... What are your favorite depictions of food in children's books or media? (could be written, could be illustrated/animated, could be "real")
Always liked the depictions of food in Richard Scarry’s books. Farming, baking, the dining car on the train with soup spilling all over the place.
So I'll be honest, this topic was actually inspired by a Richard Scarry depiction of cake I saw in a book I read to my son last night haha
Not to mention a main character that drives around in food.
I was going to say, they even make CARS from it!
Rent-free in my head for 40 years running
This. At least 80 years old, and anonymous.
I’m sure this has been discussed before, but based on The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe I was convinced that Turkish Delight was some sort of indescribably delicious delicacy. It is…nothing of the sort.
SAME HERE!! And especially after seeing it (for the first time ever) in the live-action BBC version (still the greatest adaptation, I won't hear any arguments otherwise), it made me want to try it even more...Needless to say, I was underwhelmed
It's an interesting cultural artifact: much more exciting if you're a kid whose access to sugary treats has been limited by wartime, and pre-war austerity. Less so now when we have way more fun snacks on every shop counter.
That's such a great point...there would have been a serious contextual relevance to that
I'll conted, though, that rose Turkish delight, while admittedly not for everyone, is a borderline magical thing. I love it, but even if you don't, you could see it being a treat that would lure a unicorn to eat from your hand.
I’m not a big Narnia fan, but I liked the Great Brain books by John D. Fitzgerald (in part because the Great Brain’s name was Tom Dennis Fitzgerald), and there are some great descriptions of candy bars in the one where GB sells them to his classmates.
That’s an excellent point, a lot of the “old-timey” candy in the US was the same and like Turkish delight was also more of a holiday treat.
Honestly, when I lived in New York in the mid-2000s I'd have HAPPILY sold out Lucy and Tumnus for a large British Cadburys Dairy Milk bar. Scarcity of access makes you seriously crave things that remind you of home (or in their case better times)
Commercial Turkish Delight is blech, but I got to taste some real Turkish Delight that a friend of a friend brought from Turkey and it was, indeed, delightful. There were multiple flavours and I got to try the pistachio.
I grew up eating the American version - Applets & Cotlets. I don’t love them, but as something put out occasionally at the holidays, I don’t mind them.
Sadly discontinued fairly recently, I believe. My mother was quite fond of them.
Oh! I take that back. Apparently they found a buyer snd are still going! Yay!
I know I'm late to the party here but i loved the description of the food they had for dinner in Mr. and Mrs. Beaver's little house. It sounded soooo good.
Turkish Delight is the Cotton Candy of exotic "treats"
I kept hearing about how it's not actually good, so we bought some and it turns out we're obsessed with rose flavor Turkish delight. It's so good! But I also unironically enjoy Necco wafers.
Yes! I don’t go out of my way to get some but if I see some rose Turkish delight, it goes in my cart.
Spirited Away, of course, but my first favorite was all the scenes of food storage and cooking in the illustrations in the Brambly Hedge books. I think they're the root of my idea of the ideal kitchen
Food in Studio Ghibli movies always looks amazing. And of course everyone wants to visit Wonka's factory 😄
My god the noodles in Spirited Away. (And hey, a reminder that the amazing stage play of that is now on HBO Max!)
I know every kid that read The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe was absolutely disappointed that Turkish Delight wasn't something to sell out your siblings for. It's not great!
SAME HERE!! And especially after seeing it (for the first time ever) in the live-action BBC version (still the greatest adaptation, I won't hear any arguments otherwise), it made me want to try it even more...Needless to say, I was underwhelmed
I had some fresh made stuff rolled in nuts and other things once and I think I might consider selling someone out for that.
That’s good to know. I was like, if I can’t trust Lewis with Turkish Delight, how can I trust him with his furry representation of Jesus?
OK!!! so, this is one of my stupid online things. 1) The stuff that most people will run into is commercially produced and has been sitting on the shelf for ages. It's stale and often tastes of rosewater (Which is an acquired taste on top of that). There's loukum out there that IS that good+
2) We're looking at kids during English war rationing. It was awful and they were given no real food (there's a show called Back in Time For Dinner that shows some of this. The rations were BAD). Boiled sugar rolled in more sugar must have sounded like heaven. 3) And lastly, what he ate was magic.
There's a Canadian candy bar called Big Turk that has yummy red jelly inside. Imagine my disappointment to find Turkish delight is nothing like that.
I like it. I have some in the cupboard my GF got me.
But it's the fresh stuff from a specialist.
I remember reading Charlotte’s Web as a kid and when Wilbur the pig was given a buttermilk bath, I thought that buttermilk sounded like the most delicious word I’ve ever read. And then I got older and started cooking and yeah no, buttermilk is great as an ingredient, but do not drink it straight
holy smokes I legit had that exact same experience!!
As a little kid, my sister loved buttermilk. When we got a treat at the grocery store, I'd get chocolate milk, and she'd get buttermilk. Then one day she was like "nope."
So did I 😂 what a disappointment!!
Charlotte's Web may be the pinnacle of food writing. EB White managed to make literal pigswill sound like the most delicious feast.
Me too! I always thought it must taste like a mix of sweet cream and butterscotch.
Buttermilk bath for a pig sounds like you're just getting them ready for the fryer.
All their snacks looked so good:
ABSOLUTELY, I'd eat too much junk food too, if it looked like that!
And the clear plastic box container! You get treats AND a neat storage box? Sign me up!
I love father’s sneaking expression