
Biden's team "doesn't expect the verdict to fundamentally alter the presidential race." That is incredibly dumb and self-fulfilling messaging to ever say to a reporter. Simply assert that it's a political earthquake. Loudly. Repeatedly. To an almost deranged degree. Will it into existence!
President Biden’s campaign weighed in after Trump was found guilty on 34 counts, saying the verdict showed how “no one is above the law.” But campaign officials say privately they don’t expect the verdict to fundamentally alter the tight presidential race.
Biden team takes aim at Trump after guilty But the president’s team does not expect the outcome to fundamentally change the dynamics of a close race.
Oh my God this is an obvious victory lap. Politically and strategically. Why is he like this
I invite you consider that this is a work. You don't say "yeah obviously we're gonna wipe the floor in the debates" because momentum is about expectations. Same thing here.
That....ain't it. The conviction has happened. There's no more "expectation game." This is about pure power politics. Beat you opponent over the head with their biggest weakness.
every news org in the universe is paying for a poll right now
I don't think you understand the argument I'm making and I'm not particularly interested in whatever you're saying.
OK? And those polls are influenced by what people read about the verdict. Make sure every outlet has a quote saying what a massive deal this is.
let the journos cook, man
I swear we’re losing because Republicans understand that you don’t wait to react to the story- you write it.
you also dont say "my opponent being convicted of 34 felonies won't change the election between us." thats just an insane thing to say.
But biden could at least act like this matters. This could be a big deal if he made it one. Obviously it shouldn't be framed as now trump is a convict it's in the bag but it is a race that can be won. This should matter. Voting for trump is voting for a lying criminal felon
Because he's fine with 90+% of what the GOP is offering now.
First time with the Democratic Party huh
“My opponent, the recently convicted felon, former President Trump…” is the only way Biden should refer to him going forward.
And rapist, don't forget that.
Has any Dem official ever referred to him as a rapist? It's true. It's proven in court. And it's political devastating. There is zero reason not to use it.
Hey buddy, they drive with the parking brake on because it’s smart and they’re experts, duh
Convicted fraudster, held liable for rape by a court of law, found guilty of 34 felonies by a citizen jury. Dems will only apologetically mention any of it.
Never underestimate the Dems' ability to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.
"I can go out there tonight with the leads and materials you've got and get myself 150,000 voters. Tonight! In two hours! Can YOU? Go and do likewise. Get mad! The votes are out there. You pick it up, it's yours. You don't, I got no sympathy for you."
There's nothing more absurd about this campaign than the fact that the only presidential candidate screaming about his opponent being corrupt is the presidential candidate who was impeached twice, is an adjudicated rapist, adjudicated fraudster, and convicted felon.
Another thing on my list of things that have me thinking Biden actually wants Trump in office and is trying to make it happen.
That's honestly an absolutely absurd thing to think.
I understand why you think it’s absurd. I would have a year ago too.
It’s wildly stupid. Incredibly so. In no way at all, none, is it something worth thinking. It’s brain worms.
It's ok; I believe you. Throwing easy opportunities like this makes it incredibly believable
You might be wrong or you might be right. It's been in the back of my mind since 2020, so maybe I'm crazy too. One thing is for sure: going with this as a working theory is far more predictive of Biden's words and actions than the alternative.
agreed. not the time to say the quiet part loud and the loud part quiet.
Got no particular use for James Carville, but I guarantee he's throwing a beer can at his TV right now.
Yeah, at least he had a killer instinct. Same for the 2012 Obama campaign. It's not impossible. In fact, it's not even particularly hard.
Crap. It was Governor, wasn’t it.
“Campaign officials say privately…” Sounds like some interesting messaging issues that should have been fully sorted before the verdict. This WH press shop is just not crisp.
Can't anybody here play this game???
I think Biden should start openly questioning the integrity of anyone still supporting Trump
Honestly given some of the things the paper in question has been getting up to lately, until that comment is verified with a named source, I'm excepting as a given that it's editorializing.
Every minute of every day until Election Day: Convicted felon Donald Trump.
Ron Klain would’ve held a victory party
Jeff Zients can kick rocks
Zients is certainly worse than Klain but Klain is nothing special LOL just not a literal Republican like most of the people who Biden hangs around HAHAHAHAHAHah
Any campaign staffer who feels the need to talk "off the record" to reporters to prove he's too savvy to stick to the messaging needs to be fired out of a cannon.
this kind of shit makes me want to cry. Get handed a win and turn it into a less than nothingburger. Sigh.
these idiots are already fumbling the easiest, land right in your lap, even a moron could use this level stuff
Absolutely nothing will change. Find me a person who was going to vote for Trump before this, but it isn't now. That person doesn't exist.
You seem like you'd be good at running a campaign.
Please quantify how this conviction literally changes anything at all.