
This is a nice simple explainer of what Trump will do if he returns to power, with the implication that it will be used to usher in an authoritarian government that rounds up immigrants, gives him unchecked power, and prosecutes political opponents
Let's see if we can guess which parts Maggie wrote.
Are you talking about the reporter who broke more stories about his incompetence, lies and malevolence than anyone else?
Would be nice if their other front page political reporting from their big writers reflected this
During his last administration, he left vast numbers of government offices unfilled because of his organizational incompetence. Where’s he gonna find all these “loyalists” this time? Released Jan 6 inmates? Meet the new CIA chief, Jacob Chansley
So last time, especially initially, trump let the GOP guide choices to limit the crazies and have some level of competence in the role. The big lesson Trump learned was that competence means fealty toward the larger republican effort not to him personally. This time will be crazy people who like him
I think they care more about getting rid of the disloyal than fully staffing up with the loyal too. Outside of a few functions, government not working works better for the right anyways
Organisations like the Heritage Foundation have been finding suitably loyal right wingers for some time now, they've even advertised for people.
Last time they didn't have a plan for if they won, it was all improvisation. This time they do.
right. they'll fill all the positions in "two weeks" not saying we shouldn't fear trump2, but they will do the worst things, in the worst ways, incompetently
there's a lot of unconnected dots in that description (the NY Times one). I think you are right that a lot of it is not possible or certainly Trump will have trouble doing it.
They had a scheme to make a huge increase in the number of jobs the federal government that were political appointments, there have been rule changes to slow that down if they try it again, but it can't be stopped. For just one example. This will be the last election if the Republicans win.
It's very hard for me to know what that is based on. You are an expert in the administrative state? I can see the logic of that scenario but it's hard to know what roadblocks they will encounter.
Yup, they'll stick anyone they don't like, with no legal process, in a camp and forget to feed them, let alone medical care.
Last time he had a LOT of people inside each institution fighting him or refusing to do what he wanted. They learned their lesson this time. Those are the first people they are firing. Plus they were afraid of jail time. Not anymore once Trump has immunity for any crime he could commit.
remember this, White Boys™️, you will not be tall and fit enough to pass, but you will be sacrificed to die for their elites. The same class structure will be in place, but with less humanity. in the end, the colour of your eyes, and the name of your great grandmother will be enough to doom you.
…remembering when trump openly defied masks… division that caused… deaths from that one act…
I feel these are too neutrally stated. Voters out of the loop may think many look positive or are the prerogative of the president. Eg, "agencies under presidential control" should really mean subvert agencies maintaining function of the system for all and turn them only towards Trump's benefit
If he is elected and just muddles through and is ineffectual, there will be a lot of cynical NRO types saying "see we told you so" and nice thinking people will be like "eating all of those discarded syringes in the alley didn't kill us this time, but it was still dumb."
Every time somebody says “why is it when Repubs are president they’re unstoppable god kings but when Dems are in charge the parliamentarian’s roommate’s dog can stop anything good” people absolutely blast them in the replies. Just call them stupid, lefty idiots. But there’s 2 of these posts a week.
Can’t read it; won’t pay for it.
Can we at least that our institutions, our laws, our Constitution, and our experts are massively incapable of even slowing him and his droogs down?
OTOH, Trump is an elderly, overweight man with a sedentary lifestyle, alleged poor diet, a tendency to empurpling rage, and a probable history of substance abuse. The chances are improving all the time that he (as opposed to the far right in general) may cease to be a problem at any moment.
If I focus on getting my steps in today, maybe this will all go away.
Do people really think that most of these things are trumps ideas? Other than the ones that involve prosecuting the Biden’s. Most of this crap is long time Republican wish list crap. Firing or downgrading civil servants? Long time gop dream. Please some reporter ask trump how the Gov. works.